
Joy and The Beautiful

Tosp_Toosp · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Ch. 3 Putting Two and Two Together

As Jumi is being carried away, she thinks all about what she's witnessed. First was being a little girl in the first place, next was being called Joy, and lastly was that maid. After this recollection, Jumi thinks about what happened before she was beaten to death. During Jumi's deep thinking, she is placed down on a chair.

"Welcome Master," The Older Woman speaks. "The food shall be ready in a moment,"

As the Handsome Man walks into the dinning room, he notices that Jumi is in deep thought.

"Joy!" The Handsome Man shouts to Jumi's surprise.

"Y-yes?" Jumi says unsure if that's her name.

"What are you thinking so hard about?"

"Nothing!" Jumi relies going back into deep thoughts.

"Master Kohl... the food is now ready to be served," The Older Woman speaks.

"Rachel," Kohl said.

"Yes Master?" Rachel replies.

"Why do you think Joy is thinking so hard?"

"My apologies Master... she saw the maid,"

As Kohl the Handsome Man, and Rachel the Older Woman speak about Joy... Jumi sits there thinking the entire time, about everything over and over. About dying, the Sotureita, being called Joy, lookin like your typical villainess from all the otome games her friend use to always play, and all of those Korean isekai manh-

"Oh no... Oh no no no... GOD DAMNIT!!!" Jumi shouts slamming her fists onto the table.

"Hmm?" Kohl and Rachel both react.

"Oh sorry!" Jumi says.

"For what?" Kohl replies.

"For... slamming onto the table?" Jumi says processing what Kohl just said.

"You did?"


"Joy... are you okay?" Kohl says with worry. "You've been acting a little bit weird,"

"I-I have?" Jumi says trying lessen Kohl's worry.

"Yes you have,"

"Whaaat? Jumi speaks with her eyes drifting away. "No I haven't..."

"Well you recent behavior has been quite worrying,"

"Oh it has..."

"Well just tell me if something is bother you okay?" Kohl said to ease his worry. "For now, just eat and get ready for you classes,"

"Oh... alright," Jumi says just noticing that there is food right in front of her. "Huh, weird..."