
Journey towards the end.

[Warning: This book is dark and is about revenge so it will contain mature and dark scenes, if you don't like this type of books, you can skip.] Scarlett Rose, known to the world as the raven haired beauty who has been dominating the modelling industry since her debut. A smart, charming woman in the world's eyes but holds a dark past. The fire inside her drives her towards her path of revenge and she will stop at nothing till she satiates her burning heart. Along her journey she finds herself being claimed by a possessive mysterious man, who is morally gray and will not even bat an eyelid while setting the world on fire, if his beloved asks him to. [Sneak peek] The door of the hotel suite opened with a loud thud l, a couple entered the room tangled in each other's embrace.. they were kissing as if the next moment the world would end and this is the only time left.. the man pushed the girl against the door and she without breaking the kiss locked it... with the sound of the click of the door..she pushed away that man away.. there was a hint of suprise in his eyes but also desire was visible...they were both panting as if someone cut off the oxygen supply...The girl pulled the man closer by the collar of his shirt... he looked down into her eyes..she tiptoed and kissed him hard again just as he tried to grab her waist..she held his wrist and broke the kiss again.. and wishpered in his ear "Keep your hands to yourself..I am the one who will be in control tonight.." He slowly lifted her face and made her looked into his eyes.."I am all yours baby."he wishpered... She tore his shirt off his body and he did the same with her dress, the reached the bed but before he could kiss her again, she spoke " Aren't we suppose to hate each other?" He smirked and wishpered in her ear, " We can continue doing that tomorrow again." (under editing)

not_your_barbie · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

Encounter With My Past.

He was sitting in front of me, very relaxed, casually playing with his AMT AutoMagV, a smirk made its way on his face when our eyes met, he stared me with his grey eyes, he then stood up and work towards me, with the gun in his hands, his tall 6"3 frame hovered over me, he then slowly traced the gun along the side of my face, I was rooted in my place, not able to utter a word, our faces were inches apart, I can feel his breath on my skin, I was intensely looking into his eyes, I carefully observed him, his sharp facial features, his dark brown hair, everything. "How are you baby? Did you miss me?" he spoke in a husky voice, which sent a shiver down my spine, I was shocked to see him and only one word left my mouth "You."

Few years ago:

"I am late again, aggg!! Why it always happens to me, stupid alarm, it never helps me." saying this to myself, I ran towards the bathroom for a quick shower, after getting dressed, I ran down the stairs, " Elena dear, come have breakfast." my mother said, "I am late, bye bye bye, I am leaving." I kissed my mother on the cheek and took a toast from the plate and ran outside, after coming out I saw him, " Mr. Ethan Anderson, my lifesaver, thank god you are here."he was waiting outside my house with his bike, he was shaking his head in a fake disappointment, " For once in life can you wake up in time, because of you, I am late again. Come sit." he said and I grinned sheepishly and sat on his bike. Ethan was my best friend in high school, I know him from my childhood days, we also live in the same neighborhood, he is truly a lifesaver, he is always there for me, infact we are partners in crime. He is the spoiled son of his rich father, his both parents remained outside on business purpose and he is often left alone with his grandparents, he often felt neglected and therefore was kind of rude, but with me he is carefree and happy. After a few minutes we reached our school getting down from the bike we went towards our class only to receive numerous stares from both boys and girls, they thought me as his girlfriend but the truth is we are just best friend even he agrees to this, he is known for his wealth and looks most people want to be his friends because of his father's status therefore he didn't have faith in anyone, I was the only person he thought of as his friend and I have happy about it.

We shared everything, sometimes I even did his homework, his home was like my second home, no one could separate us but I didn't knew that one day every thing would be destroyed.It started when Adrian came into my life, those were the last days of high school, as Adrian was a senior, he was a pass out whereas I was still in school, it was one day when he proposed me and asked me to be his girlfriend, as for me I always had a crush on him, and there was no way I would say no, I agreed, everything was perfect, but Ethan was not ok with it, he always avoided Adrian but never said anything to me, it was obvious that Adrian was my boyfriend and we liked to spend time with each other, but that doesn't mean that I avoided Ethan, I wanted everything to be the same between us, but things got out of my hand, it was a Christmas party in school and Adrian was my date, it was only after the party, that Adrian took me to the other side of the campus and there we shared our first kiss, everything was magical until I saw Ethan standing there, his eyes were burning with anger, he walked towards us and punched Adrian hard on his face, I was shocked and before I could stop them they were fighting like dogs, I was trying to separate them when Ethan pushed me so hard that I hit my head on the nearby pillar. "Ahhh!!" I screamed, blood was flowing from my head, the other boys separated them and my friends came to help me stand up, Adrian stopped and ran towards me to help me, whereas Ethan was furious, he grabbed my arm and slapped me across my face in front of everyone, "You are MINE, how dare you kiss him, I will kill you." saying this he grabbed my throat, people were pulling him and Adrian punched him many times but he never left me, the next moment I passed out. Situation got very serious and soon the school authorities were involved.It was after one week, his parents decided to take him along with them, even the police were involved but his parents successfully suppressed the case. I was in a state of shock and disbelief, how could he do this to me, he was my best friend, I stood near my window watching his parents packing things in their car, they were leaving the place, they have decided to move to some other part of the world outside US as his father had his business in many parts of the world. I was standing there sobbing as Adrian was there holding me, although Ethan behaved so badly with me it was hard for me to see him leave, he was like my family, he didn't say anything to me after that night. I saw his parents, grandparents getting in the car, our eyes locked, he was watching me with an emotionless face and sat in the car, the next moment he was out of my site and I never saw him after that day.

Present day:


He was there standing in front of me, my heart was beating fast remembering the past, I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I didn't realize that Anthony was standing next to Emily with a gun in his hands, my eyes travelled across the room only to find out that we were trapped, there is no escape. Ethan was so close to me, he spoke again" What happened? You are not happy to see me, I thought you will be happy after meeting an old friend, anyways you are still with that jerk Adrian, I thought you two were separated, tsk, tsk, tsk , don't worry he will not bother us and if he does then we will see about it. Now that you are finally here, let's not waste time, leave that son of a bi*** and be with me." his words were making my blood boil, how dare he speak about my Adrian, the only thing going on my mind was to get out of here with Emily safely. There was no time to waste, I have to work quickly, the next moment I punched Ethan on the face and kicked his left leg and grabbed his right hand and twist it which made the gun to fall from his hands, he was on the ground and I quickly grabbed the gun and shot Anthony in his leg, he fell to the ground, Emily took this opportunity and kicked him right between his legs, Anthony was screaming in pain," RUN!!" I shouted and Emily quickly ran towards the door not before grabbing my hand and pulling me along with her, we exited the place and ran outside, but Ethan didn't came unprepared, his men were around the building and blocked the exit, I looked around only to find Anthony and Ethan on our right, searching for us, luckily he didn't saw us ,so we ran towards the left into the parking lot, it was an underground parking lot and the place was filled with cars, so it was a good place to hide, we quickly ran towards the cars and hid behind them. It was very quiet, the only sound was of our breathing, it was almost ten minutes when we heard faint footsteps "They are surely hiding in the parking lot, search for them, FAST!!" this was Anthony's voice, they were coming towards us, I could see Emily see was hiding across me and was indicating me to remain quiet, we tightly closed our mouths with our palms. The next moment I heard Ethan humming a song, he was casually walking towards us, the sound of his footsteps were echoing in the whole place "Elena, love come out, why are you hiding, I am here, your Ethan, the same Ethan, come out baby." he spoke with extreme sweetness in his voice, but I know he is dangerous, he has changed, he is no longer the person I knew before "ELENA!! COME OUT OR ELSE I WILL KILL YOUR DEAR BEST FRIEND." he shouted and grabbed Emily by her hair and pushed her towards Anthony, yes the devil was standing there, I was still hiding, he could not see me as I slid under a car, and hid there until he spoke again, "Look baby, I will not harm you, don't be scared of me, I promise I won't even touch you, come out.. or else I will kill your friend, do you want that? I will count up to three come out or else...." " Don't come out Elena, please, don't worry about me.." Emily was shouting, my mind was racing, I cannot let him hurt her, no.., "One...." tears were flowing through my eyes, "Two..." no I will not let anything happen to Emily, "Three." and that moment I jumped out of my hiding place only to find Ethan laughing hysterically, he slowly came towards me and smirked, my body became cold when he traced my arm with his hands, he smiled and hit me hard on my forehead with the gun, black dots appeared in front of my eyes and before I could fall on the ground, he held me, I was looking at his eyes, "Don't worry love, I will not let you go this time.." and the next moment I was engulfed by the dark.....