
Movie in this world?

So, even though Usopp wasn't very happy with the situation, he joined the group and started their explanation. But how could his complaints dampen the mood of the Straw Hats? It was only momentary before they were in awe of the whole island. The crew marveled at the surreal landscape that defied the laws of nature.

But they soon came across creatures that defied proper biology; they were more like chimeras. Unleashed upon the islands were creatures of unimaginable ferocity. As they moved, they were attacked by a winged green-eyed serpent that had the scales of a crocodile. As soon as the serpent glided through the air and spat venom at them, Usopp shot it down.

Usopp shot it down with the help of a bow and arrow. The bow he used was different from the one he always used as an Arrancar/Quincy. This bow was sleeker and thinner. However, this didn't mean that the arrow he used was less deadly than the ones he used to use.

The arrow he used was something he had just 'constructed' in his hand itself. The weirdest thing was that the arrow was a sword when he constructed it, but as soon as he placed the sword on the bow, it changed into an arrow. With extreme ferocity and liveliness, it left the bow, making a hole in the head of the serpent and continuing into the air, vanishing into oblivion.

The reason why Usopp was able to do it was that his second character had the name Archer, the same Archer from Fate Stay/Night. (I have a very limited idea about his overall powers, but I do know that he can do close combat and has many Noble Phantasms. You can Google him up and make your own judgments about his abilities, as I will show you in the continuing story of what I can).

"This thing is tougher than I thought!" Usopp said as the bow vanished from his hand. But this was not the end, as from nowhere wolves who walked on hind legs ran towards them with growls and open claws. Robin and Franky came forward to ward them off.

Robin instantly used dark magic on them and shot them down, while Franky used lasers to kill them.

"I've never seen wolves like these!"

Chopper came forward and checked their bodies. His face was grave.

"These animals were artificially made for sure. But the kick is that they are almost in constant pain and thus have a very bad attitude. No wonder the islands were razed to the ground. Their pain turned into anger, which couldn't be stopped. This doctor must be stopped."

"Let's go." Luffy, for the first time, didn't care about the 'meat' lying around and just wanted to end the whole charade and get on his journey. There was chaos to say the least. The plants and the animals everything seemed to be mutated. Amidst the chaos, Sanji gracefully danced through the air, delivering powerful fiery kicks to a swarm of flying carnivorous plants. "I'm not letting some overgrown flowers ruin this feast!" he declared, his legs a blur of motion.

They carried on and soon they saw the other islands as they came towards the edge. Ken brought out his Stormbreaker and opened the bifrost and thus landed on the the other island which was the main island and the island which was their main base. 

"Chopper, did you pick up the samples?" Ken asked. Along they way they came across some plants which was supposed to be the beacon of hope for the forests. These plants were also mutated and could actually keep the abominations away. They emitted some kind of pollen that was harmful and not only to those abominations but also to humans in a long term. 

Shiki and his subordinates knew about it but didn't care. 

"Yes. Just give me some time. We will be able to find the cure soon." Chopper said. The Straw Hats got into work in order to make a small base of their own until Shiki came or the cure was made. Luffy and Zoro went out to bring some food and see if there were any normal animals which they could catch and eat. If not they would have to go for vegetarian food which already pissed Luffy. 

Thankfully, they were able to catch some rabbits and even a lion who was very much scared. Zoro just put an end to its misery. They also brought some fruits and mushrooms which Luffy recognized. Sanji went into work mode and soon a sweet and delicious smell wafted over the air. 

But if one knew the Straw Hats, one could easily tell that the environment was quite depressing at the moment. The main reason being they had never expected themselves to come back on the route they had left once. They coming back without being the King of Pirates meant that they had taken a step back. 

Though Luffy was fine and didn't much care but the rest of the Straw Hats took a bit hard. Even Ken who was always positive and seemed to have things under control felt dejected and thought as if he had failed the Captain a bit. 

Luffy could tell what everyone was thinking and thus suggested a bizarre game to everyone. A rubbery limb tug-of-war. The limb here being Luffy himself. This made everyone laugh as they didn't expect Luffy himself would suggest that. Zoro and Sanji took up the proposal as that would settle the whole thing about their rivalry. 

Suffice to say the rest of the evening and night everyone had the time of their lives singing and dancing. Franky even made videos using his technology and let the Straw Hats watch movies. 

Using memories he was actually able to make movies and CG. This surprised even Ken and was happy to watch a movie from the modern era. The alleviated the mood of the Straw hats a lot. 


Read 60+ chapters on my p@treon.com/thelightedghost