
Chaka and Pell

The carriage didn't stop outside the city, and it flew straight towards the castle. Since the carriage was flying close to the city in the air, many people got a glimpse and were astounded. They had seen huge birds flying in the air, but a bird that was drawing a flying carriage? This was the first time because such things were never possible because they would go against the laws of physics, which were normally known to men.

As the carriage approached the castle, a huge bird also flew off from the castle. The bird was half the size of a Threan Caroo, but it had a white dress on its body. He was Pell, one of the two head guards of the Alabaster royal family. He'd consumed the Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Falcon.Since it was a bird-type zoan, he could fly. After a few seconds of flying, he approached Caroo and yelled.

"Who are you people?" "Why are you here?"

Sanji was about to answer when Vivi peeked her head out of the carriage and shouted in reply.

"Is that you, Pell?"

"Princess Vivi, why are you here?"

"It really is you, Pell. I haven't seen you in a long time. Did Igaram give you the information?" Vivi asked.

"He returned a few days ago. You mentioned making some powerful friends. It looks like you really did." Pell said, still eyeing the carriage and the huge bird, that though he couldn't understand how the carriage was flying so easily in the air, he associated this phenomenon with some kind of devil fruit. He had once heard of the Devil Fruit of Lion Shiki, which had the power to float things in the air.

Perhaps one of the people she had become friends with had eaten the devil fruit.

"Princess, your father is eagerly waiting for you." "Please follow me." As he turned around and flew towards the castle, Pell said.Caroo cried out again and followed Pell. Pell wasn't able to recognise him as Caroo, but it didn't matter. He would soon

The carriage landed in the main courtyard of the castle while the King, Igaram, Chaka, and Pell waited on the side. Cobra had heard a lot about this pirate group and how helpful they had been in making sure that her daughter was safe and sound. Though Igaram did speak about Robin, he didn't seem to mind. Crocodile was manipulating everything, and he was certain that Robin, too, had no way out of his clutches.

Vivi was the first to come out of the carriage and ran towards her father to give him a hug. She hadn't seen him in such a long time, and she missed him. Cobra had tears in his eyes, seeing his daughter safe in his arms. Following Vivian, Luffy, and others, Of course, Luffy came out in the hope of fighting the bad guys.

"Where are the CP8? I will beat them." Luffy shouted

"Did he just say the wrong number?" -Nami

"It looks like it." -Zoro

"How can someone forget a single number and mess it up?" - Chopper

"Imagine him being a scientist." Ken said, and his words brought goosebumps to everyone. After the initial emotions between Cobra and Vivi, he looked at the friends that her daughter had made in the sea. Vivi proceeded to introduce her new friends to Cobra, and even Igaram came forward and spoke of the things they did together.

"Papa, can we get inside? We need to talk."

"Sure. Sure.. You have come after going through a long, long journey." Cobra heartily welcomed them. They were brought to the main hall, where the King normally sits and talks with the subjects and his advisors. Since they were the guests, there was nobody in the huge hall.

Food was served, and of course Luffy dove into it without caring for any manners. Even Ussop and Chopper got busy eating along with Caroo. Caroo's transformation gave Pell and others a scare. Vivi didn't say much and just said that Caroo had eaten some kind of devil fruit that made him this way.

She trusted everyone here, but the crew had also trusted her with a top-level secret, and she wasn't ready to just speak about this tightly held secret to even her own family. She sat near her father and proceeded to tell him everything about everything that had happened until now.

The Crocodile, the World Government's conspiracy, the CP secret agents... everything. Cobra had sweat covering his forehead as he continued to hear about the real reason their kingdom was targeted. He really didn't think that their greatest secret would almost bring down their entire kingdom.

"You want to go with them?" Cobra asked Vivi, as he understood that the next phase of their plan would require outside help, and this could only be done if she and him were out of the picture.

"Papa, I am sorry... I have not been a great daughter, but I will have to do this for the safety of our citizens. I promise you, after all this is over, I will be back." With tears in her eyes, Vivi said.Seeing her tears, Chaka, Pell, Cobra, Igaram, etc., everyone that belonged to her family, cried. But they only did so in a few seconds.

Not only Vivi would have to go through fire to safeguard the country; Cobra himself would have to vanish if he wanted to save himself. But if he did vanish, he would have to find a successful heir to the throne while he was temporarily gone. Someone who would act as a double agent, working for the government but actually working for him and making sure that the country was safe.

Of course, there was this other headache, the Revolutionary Army, that he would have to meet and ally himself with. What a mess! A single secret had almost made their family fall apart.

"Has Crocodile really been taken down?" Cobra asked as he couldn't yet believe that their greatest threat was taken down behind the scenes. She nodded her head in smile. Her friends were really powerful.


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