
Journey to Obscure

Hello guys, I got bored reading those reincarnation and transmigration novels, so I decided to write something new for myself and for others. Hope you like it. The first volume will is all about how Rudra(MC)got his skills. You can consider the first volume as prologue ( Biggest ever.) for the upcoming volume 2. You can directly start reading volume 2 if you are a fan of academy arc but you will miss out on the details of character of mc. Volume 2 My first day at the academy. I saw a commoner beating up a noble. A girls next to me handed me some popcorn without even looking at me. I ignored her and went straight for my class, but another group of students blocked my way. They were staring at a silhouette of a girl sleeping peacefully on one of the towers of academy building. With all my will power I ignored them. I somehow made my to the class, I went straight into a corner seat and sat down. Curiously I looked around the class to get a better view of the students who will be my classmates. Guess what, I found the same commoner and noble sitting in the same class as me. The girl who slept on one of the towers of academy was somehow present on the first bench still asleep. The popcorn girl was sitting in another corner with a bored look. I sighed and looked around to find a normal student, but my luck is worse than I thought. Every single one of my classmates had a screw loose in their head. "I wanna quit." English is not my native language, so there might( must) be some mistake, please inform me through comments. Text me on Discord if you have any advice or opinion Discord- Ether7#2296 And lastly, of course, cover page is not mine. If you want me to remove it( Which I am sure no one is interested in) I will remove it.

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63 Chs

Weapon Arts 02

Gangwon Provinance, Seoul, South Korea

In one of the many row house type buildings, a middle aged couple can be seen hiding in the corner of a dark room.

A petite girl of average height entered the dark room anxiously, she kept calling her mom and dad but no answer came. Then suddenly-

" Welcome home!"

" Wow! Mom! Dad! " Moon Ae Ri screamed in surprise.

She tightly hugged both of them and started crying...

" I missed you, woo...."

" There, there, don't cry dear. We also missed you." a middle aged woman hugged Moon Ae Ri and tried to console her. But she too started to cry after seeing her daughter.

After a while Ae Ri's father couldn't hold it in and decided to stop the mother-daughter's crying contest. However he knew all too well that he had touse his words carefully.

" Ae Ri you should rest for today, you must be tired after such a long trip." He voiced his thoughts and as if reading his mind, Moon Ae Ri patted her mother's back and stopped crying.

" Mom I want to sleep, I had already eaten a burger on the way. So don't worry." Moon Ae Ri separated from her mother and walked into her room.


" They are really emotional..... " Moon Ae Ri muttered in soft voice while smiling as she lay on her bed. Soft wind blew from the window and a serene atmosphere filled the air.

' Haa... now let's check my status window.'

' Status Window '

[ Name : Moon Ae Ri.

Level : 01

HP : 100/100

MP : 80/80

Strength : 10/ Agility :11/ Stamina : 10/ Intelligence : 15

Affinity : Water ( Medium), Light ( Low)

Skills : Ancient Turtle's blessing ( Level 01 ) { Unique Grade }

{ Charge : 0/100 }

( This skill protect it's user from any attack below the users level 03 times upon

fully charged.)

Weapon Art : None. ]

" What?..." a loud shout escaped her mouth


' Where is my weapon art?, and what is this skill?'

' Wait.... now that I think about it, I only use a wand as it helps me control my mana.'

' How can there be any weapon art related to a wand. Was she teasing me...?'

' I am an idiot.'


Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

" Hahaha... I am alright honey. Don't worry I didn't do anything dangerous and I promise that I will not do any dirty work from now on." Romario explained to his wife.

" Now go and let me get some rest."

' Haa... this is tiresome.'

" Let's check out my status window."

' Status Window '

[ Name : Romario Brown.

Level : 01

HP : 120/120

MP : 40/40

Strength : 15/ Agility :10/ Stamina : 13/ Intelligence : 9

Affinity : Earth ( Medium)

Skills : None.

Weapon Art : Dominator Shield Art ( Level 01) { Unique Grade }

( This weapon art mainly focuses on endurance and blocking attacks. This weapon

art is mainly suitable for Earth element user as it requires earth elemental mana

to activate. Although this weapon art is based on defance but it also contains

offensive techiniques at higher level. )

' Haa.. I need to train my agility more.'


Byron Bay, Australia

" So where's your girlfriend?" a long black haired girl asked in a pitiful tone.

" Will you shut up?, I am going to sleep now, don't disturb me." Neon spoke angrily and slammed the door of his room.

' When will she stop teasing me? I have other important things to deal.'

' Status Window '

[ Name : Neon Allen.

Level : 01

HP : 100/100

MP : 80/80

Strength : 13/ Agility :15/ Stamina : 13/ Intelligence : 15

Affinity : Metal ( Medium), ??? ( ???), ???( ???)

Skills : None

Weapon Art : Dawn Sword Art ( Level 01) { Unique Grade }

( A sword art created by a cultivator who wanted to create the view of first ray of

sunlight touching the earth by his sword. This sword art contains elegance and

dignity of a great man. It contains sharp, precise and heavy movements which

creates one of the best sword art on earth.) ]

' Hmm.... an strongest human on earth can have at max 10 stat in all four attribute but I have far exceeded the limit because of mana.'

' But what are this question marks?.....'

' It must be related to my soul.'

' Haa... let's get some sleep, I need to be make preparations for what to come.'


Fairbanks, Alaska

' Home is always the best.'

' I was gone for only a month but it feels like a year.'

' Haa.... let's focus, there are more important things that need to be done within time.'

' Status Window '

[ Name : Andrew Jones.

Level : 01

HP : 100/100

MP : 50/50

Strength : 13/ Agility :14/ Stamina : 13/ Intelligence : 11

Affinity : Fire ( Medium)

Skills : None

Weapon Art : Volcanic Spear Art ( Level 01) { Unique Grade }

( This weapon art was created by the sole wielder of spear born in old India.

It can only be wielded by an individual having fire affinity. It can produce waves

volcanic magma to annihilate the users enemy.) ]

' It's all good but why is my affinity only medium grade?, and what about others.?'

' I will ask them tomorrow.'

' Let's enjoy the peaceful night.'

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

HERECTICGODcreators' thoughts