
Journey to fantasy world

It's about a life of a boy Ray , who is quiet a serious doesn't like to talk much and barely shows much of the emotion living a aboring life in earth. And die s in an accident. Having reincarnated in another world he starts his thrilling life to rules his own kingdome. Meeting new beings , Watch him getting stronger. ******** Hi! This is my first time writing so sorry for my grammar mistake. I hope you like it.

Fantasy_7189 · Kỳ huyễn
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82 Chs

Clearing The Doubt 2.

Hearing everything I found that evertime he mentioned about future generations he only said son so I asked, "Everytime you mentioned son as a future child who will sussced in going higher rank so are girls born with weak talent?"

Merchant "No they are not but I mentioned son more in fact anyone else would mention thier son as future generations successer. Because of the gense that influence one's talent the man would influence one talent more then the woman could. It is like if my talent only allows me to break through till rank 10 and the woman also has the same talent as me. We would have 70% chance to give a child  with higher talent that could break through rank 20 but that would be his limit. And if I have talent to reach at rank 50 and woman can only reach 10 their is high chance the child would be born with talent to reach 20 ,30 or max 40 and that to he would have 2% chance to reach 40 not more then that but would have higher talent then mother but lower talent then father and if it's vice versa wheir mother with higher talent and man with lower, then child would only be able to reach rank 20 and max rank 30 with 2% chance now I think you understand it right and many don't even get to reach 10 and would be stuck at 9 rank . And even if any one of both man or woman have even lower talent then other the child would have same talent as the one with the higher talent and would not have higher talent then their parents."

Hearing all of this which was totally new for me, I was at loss that their such thing worked when it comes to one's soul talent.

Merchant taking a breath spoke again,

"But their is a catch, higher talent people gets more difficulty to concive a child for both man and woman but they would eventually have one but it will take them who knows how much time so to solve this a man marry with more then one woman to have more child in same time while woman take more than one man to help her shorten the time to conceive a child. It's a common thing in this world,".

Taking every information in.I asked further, "Why would a man be with a woman who have many man while why would a woman be with a man who has many woman, wouldn't that would create a problem between them.?"

Merchant laughed hearing this and answered "Well a man wouldn't mind be with a woman who have higher talent then him even if she has many man why would he care about it instead take me for example I have talent to reach at rank 10 but would not be able to reach 20 rank then a woman takes me to conceive a child for herself who has talent to reach rank 20 or maybe 30 I would feel lucky that I was chosen by her and wouldn't mind with how many man she had if my child is born through her he would give some special treatment to me as a father of a child and would kick other man out of her life maybe even kill them as well me if she wants to. Even if she gave birth to my child she wouldn't care but would think that I could be bed influence for our child. And no one would want to die but we don't have other options if we don't follow her order she would kill us right their considering as a offense if we follow we could have a little chance to survive so we will do as she said, Even if we don't have much of a chance to live."

Taking another breath he continued "While for woman they wouldn't mind living with a man who have many woman if he is powerful. Because thier basic instinct is like she should carry the child of strong man so they wouldn't care about what that man does she would need a child from him anything else is worthless in this world for her. This is instinct of every woman in this world so the woman having many man like cases happens few. And if man likes a woman he can have her with power by dominating her if she resist then he would kill her or force her,"

I asked another question that appeared in my mind "You said woman wouldn't mind having a child with strong man but wouldn't it lower her self to let him have more woman if both are at same rank?"

Merchant " You are right they wouldn't if both have same power either she will be with him not allowing him to be with other or she would leave him but wouldn't let her be with someone who has same power be with others because higher rank people have high egos too but the power can defer with one another like if both have same power but one can defeat other because not everyone are same power lvl even if they have same rank their can be many reason for this like you demon evolve some evolution gives you higher boost in strength then other evolution or one can be genius in magic who could have more mana compare to others which helps them to defeat higher rank people and many such other reasons."

I started thinking about everything I heard and went silent . Seeing that he closed his eyes and was in deep thought Merchant sighed and taught "Thank God he stopped with his question sessions."

While Ray thought ran wild " Its good that the being in this world can't find other soul talents if anyone knew that I have peek soul talent many would have kidnapped me for having my child , haaaaa.." I sighed thinking that I was not in any danger because of this. But soon another thought appeared in my mind " But how does that Athena knows that I would reach enough rank wheir I can satisfy her lust " But was not worried about the child thing knowing that succubus can't give birth I got to know about this through system.

Thinking about this for a minute the only conclusion I got was my horns the necklace she gave me doesn't do much but change only the horn color from red to black.' Maybe it's demon thing or something that horns can say the talent of someone I would find about this when times come. And evolution I think system did told me, when I would reach rank 20 I could evolve.