
Journey To Eternity

Love to sleep but wish to venture into the wonders of the world. Leave the world he never saw his own Room at all. His habit of sleeping.... never left him and changed his fate. The Gods were troubled and then: One day his abnormally normal life flipped due to God's generosity, He couldn't thank them enough! After coming to new life, He was asked to marry and he as a responsible person married...A man as his bride. But Li Yan only fulfilled his parent's last wish, No other desire for this wife and this made other's including the bride involved think that he was abandoned by Li Yan. ---- Xue Lingxin only married away because of his Master, He knew that he could divorce in 2 years. First meeting Between MC and Ml: XLX: I don't care about you. I will divorce you in 2 years! LY: Great, Good wife! After spending two Years: LY: It's been two years, My Wife, You can divorce me. XLX: Heh, You want to divorce me so easily? Dream on! LY:...? Wasn't it what you wanted? XLX: Didn't you say you were a responsible man? LY:... *********** Fun, comedy, families, and many new ideas are added please enjoy on your own accord as it is BL. The genius of a millennium, Beautiful yet lazy as hell MC Shou X Great Martial Artist, Extremely Handsome yet moody ML Gong.

Velester · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Taiyi sect Part 2

The time it took for Li Yan and Ned to reach the Taiyi sect's entrance was 3 whole days.

Ned was annoyed at this speed but still, he was happy to find out that there was some expectation in Li Yan's eyes for Taiyi Sect.

Li Yan looked at the beautiful entrance gate in front of him. The stairs were porcelain white, going upside where an ancient gateway was standing with an unknown amount of pressure. The frame of the entrance was blue and on top of it was resting a bird with a white body.

The thing that caught the eye of Li Yan was the lifelike eyes of the statue, They were golden full golden but somehow they looked like shining and moving liquid.

"What is that statue?"

Li Yan asked in empty air, Ned was now invisible but now only Li Yan could hear him.

[That is a Vuhi.]

Li Yan heard the name and nodded in response.

"What is Vuhi?"

Ned calmly spoke to explaining it to Li Yan,

[A Vuhi is an ancient beast race that is long extinct here. They were said to be from an ancient god's beast's descendants and got some remnant powers of their ancestor.]

"Why will the justest sect use Vuhi as a symbol?"

Ned didn't answer for sometime when Li Yan asked once more.

"How old is Taiyi Sect?"

This time Ned spoke and answered

[It is Unknown that how old the Taiyi sect is. Their ancestors were wanderers and while moving they passed their technique so it could be passed down in history but some say that there was something that the founder was trying to find or make.]

The last sentence piqued the interest of Li Yan and he simply hummed and started to climb up the stairs.

"So, there is something wrong with this small just sect?"

Ned confusedly responded

[I don't think so?]

Li Yan giggled at the response and stood in front of the entrance. When he was about to put his foot inside the entrance suddenly a shout came from above him.


The shout was a little softer on the side but still hard enough to get it was an aged man.

Li Yan looked above and saw a man descend from the sky, The person looked to be in his Mid-thirties but this cultivation world who knows how old he was.

"A'yan you are finally back!"

The man came up in front of Li Yan and checked him up and down, back and front. After nodding in relief he gasped and said

"Your meridians are really fixed! They are fixed A'yan ...A'yan?"

Li Yan was neither surprised nor worried but had an indifferent expression as he looked at the person in front of himself and asked Ned

'This person is?'

[This is the Taiyi sect's current patriarch Rui Hongchang. Also your master, please be more responsive.]


Rui hongchang was feeling weird out. His disciple was energetic and cheerful even after his body breaking down and losing all his cultivation but when his body has healed he looked too different from his real self.

"A'yan is everything alright?"

[Hey host will you respond?]

Li Yan looked spaced out so Ned helped him come back to reality.

"mm...It seems like I lost some memories, Master."

Rui Hongchang flinched and then sighed, What was he expecting that there will be no side effect. His disciple went inside the 'lake of repenting' and came out healed, no his disciple's meridians were even stronger than normal people but it seems he lost memories as a discount.


Rui Hongchang smiled warmly and looked at Li Yan with fatherly eyes and hugged him. Li Yan was confused at the action. Then, Rui Hongchang slowly started to pat the back of his disciple and spoke

"A'yan, If you feel like there is something wrong with you come to find me, I will be there for you. The previous memories were not good at all let's make nice ones from now."

For Li Yan this type of love treatment was new, He felt an uncomfortable feeling in his stomach but for now, he kept his head on his Masters's shoulder.

The moment was very short because another shout came from the front.

"Yan-er! You are finally back!"

This time Li Yan saw a woman from his master's shoulder, She was riding on a sword. When she came toward Li Yan she got down and start to run toward him.

"Yan-er, You are back, Is everything ok? Were you troubled on the way? You have gotten so thin!"

His Master now stood at his side massaging his temples while Li Yan watched himself getting another in-depth checkup.

Before saying anything Li Yan looked at his master who Knew that Li Yan doesn't remember the woman so he said.

"A'yan, This is Elder Bai. She is also in charge of your Martial practice. And there is definitely no intimate relationship of her with me. So do never misunderstand this time."

Bai Yaling looked at her Senior Martial brother and grunted her teeth so hard that even birds on trees afar apart.

Li Yan looked in confusion towards his Master and His teacher? maybe. He soon got what was going on here and what his master's last sentence meant.

'It seems like there is some feeling involved here. Actually, it seems like the prince knew there were some involved so he teased the elderly lovestruck fools. hehe, this place might not be that boring after all.'

Ned was nodding his invisible head in satisfaction.

"Yan-er, It seems like you are healed completely. Is there any discomfort with you? hmm?"

"Elder Bai, it seems I forgot some things."

Bai Yaling stood still for a minute and then looked at Rui Hongchang who nodded and then her face was twisted in agony. She looked at Li Yan's face with very disturbing emotions. Her hands were put on Li Yan's face and then she kissed his forehead with the warmth of a mother.

"Fuck memories do you even need them? Just redo all stuff and move forward. Hey, just think of it as you are reborn with a bigger body hmm? And also you can re-take your bad cooking ahem I meant Cooking course once again. You liked it a lot and wanted to learn it from someone great. right!"

"Master, Was my cooking this bad?"

Rui Hongchang flinched while Bai Yaling glared daggers in his eyes.

"I..I..have work to do. Now that you are back A'yan, Go and rest first then come find me I will send elder Yu to get you."

Li Yan smiled and nodded while Bai Yaling sighed in relief.

'It seems they liked my cooking on another level right Ned?'

[Host, you are a little sadist here and there.]

'Ah? Am I? hehe'

[oh my]

With a warm welcome, Li Yan moved inside the sect.

His new life was a chance to reform himself that he knows he will never be able to do. But still, there was a feeling that was present in his eyes when he looked at his master and elder bai. He giggled a lot on the way inside, which made it awkward for his master and elder bai to speak.