
Journey To Eternity

Love to sleep but wish to venture into the wonders of the world. Leave the world he never saw his own Room at all. His habit of sleeping.... never left him and changed his fate. The Gods were troubled and then: One day his abnormally normal life flipped due to God's generosity, He couldn't thank them enough! After coming to new life, He was asked to marry and he as a responsible person married...A man as his bride. But Li Yan only fulfilled his parent's last wish, No other desire for this wife and this made other's including the bride involved think that he was abandoned by Li Yan. ---- Xue Lingxin only married away because of his Master, He knew that he could divorce in 2 years. First meeting Between MC and Ml: XLX: I don't care about you. I will divorce you in 2 years! LY: Great, Good wife! After spending two Years: LY: It's been two years, My Wife, You can divorce me. XLX: Heh, You want to divorce me so easily? Dream on! LY:...? Wasn't it what you wanted? XLX: Didn't you say you were a responsible man? LY:... *********** Fun, comedy, families, and many new ideas are added please enjoy on your own accord as it is BL. The genius of a millennium, Beautiful yet lazy as hell MC Shou X Great Martial Artist, Extremely Handsome yet moody ML Gong.

Velester · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

I am the Husband!!

Xue Lingxin took off with a team of 1000 soldiers and 20 children with the potential to cultivate as his dowry. It has been two weeks and they have come to Middle Continent. Now they only need to go to the Northwest region. At the Main Border, Escorts from the Yue Yan sect will come to take them.

"Junior brother, You don't look nervous?"

In a carriage decorated with red and festive colors sat Xue Lingxin with his Senior Brother.

"Senior brother, You think I will be nervous?"

The Senior brother closed his mouth. Who didn't knew that Xue Lingxin agreed to be married off and was very proud about that? It didn't seem like he was being sent to be married but was sent to the battlefield.

Just what makes him so proud??

The two sat and drank tea when Xue Lingxin said.

"Do you think my wife will be beautiful or handsome?"

The senior brother choked on the sip of tea and coughed harshly. Xue Lingxin didn't even help him and looked at him expecting an answer.

After calming down, The Senior brother carefully asked.

"Um, Junior brother, You do know that you are the one being married to Junior brother-in-law?"

Xue Lingxin shivered a bit and said with anger.

"Don't! Call him! Brother-in-law!! and of course, I know, You think I am an idiot??"

The Senior brother coughed and slowly said.

"Then, You also know that the one being married off is called wife right?"

Xue Lingxin's already black face blackened and a whole thunder cloud gathered on his head, He was practically limiting thunder from his body due to anger.

"Senior brother. I am the husband of my soon-to-be-wife-for-2 years. If you can't remember such a small thing, Then, May I help you?"

Senior brother:...NO!!


It's been a week since Xiao Su, Luo Yan, and Yao Qing joined the sect. There Apprentice ceremony was also held. Guardian Han also got 20 Sag-level warriors to protect the Sect's building.

Guardian Han's duty is to protect the sect. So he trains people outside the sect and when they are useful, He gets them to use.

After getting to know each other, The four disciples of the Taiyi sect have grown close to each other.

At the End of the week, Li Yan invited all three junior sect brothers and sisters to help him with his work. Now that all of them knew about his marriage and the sect's condition, They trained hard and have gotten to the first level of Qi collecting. These 3 had potential, to begin with, And with help of Elder Yu's pills and Li Yan's bubble emitting plant, They can become Foundation Level Cultivators in half a year.

"Eldest brother, Elder Yu and Guardian Han still don't have disciples. How about you let me handle the theater and restaurant in two cities and move to the next city for selecting disciples?"

Luo Yan asked Li Yan on the paper crane.

Li Yan also had the same thoughts. He needed to sell the 7 paintings and had to complete the mission Given by God Asdos.

A week earlier, He had asked Ned to get him a mission, Ned gave him, It was From God-Of-War Asdos. His Mission was simple, He had to save a village stricken with drought. The reward will be 8000 Spiritual Stones and one Weapon of transcendence level.

Li Yan made a few plans and then painted 7 paintings.

"Alright, brother Luo I will give the script and recipe to you. Sister Qing, I will give you 200 Gold Taels, Buy the herbs and seeds on this list."

Yao Qing took the list and nodded. As long as she could spend some time with her lover, She was happy.

Li Yan and Xiao Su separated from the two and left for the third city. This city is called Blue Lake City. Another Lake. But Blue Lake is water, Only water, No myths or legends, it's just water.

Because the water appeared blue and City had no name, It became Blue Lake City. These 3 brother Lakes make a triangle and in the center is Yue Yan Sect's Mountain.

Near Blue Lake City, There are many villages, overcame drought because the City Nobles are messing around and stopped the water toward the villages.

Li Yan had two goals here, First, On-hit. Overtake the City and second was to complete his Mission, In just one day!

"Xiao Su, I heard that you are about to break through to Qi collecting 2nd stage?"

Xiao Su, who was Nibbling on a fruit, nodded. She was young but very cruel. Elder Bai was impressed by her comprehension level and leveled up her training. Li Yan himself was in Qi collecting 3rd stage. It took him 10 days from the 2nd stage to the 3rd.

"Then, Xiao Su can help Brother Yan right?"

Xiao Su looked at Li Yan with dead fish eyes. If she could talk she would have said.

'I am only an 8-year-old girl! Have some shame.'

Li Yan ignored the look and then said.

"Xiao Su, I will send you to a village with 400 Gold Taels, You take advantage of money and somehow let the villagers enter the city to protest, OK?"

Xiao Su sighed. She glanced at the City walls in front of her and then at her Eldest Brother. Just what is her Eldest brother planning?

Li Yan changed the 7 paintings in the auction hall for 31,000 Gold Taels. He then hired some mercenaries and made a plan to sneak attack the Hua Noble House, The one controlling the Blue Lake City.

His plan was simple, As Hua Noble Household had only one Cultivator at Qi Collecting stage 3, He will catch him and then take over the city, The mercenaries will handle the rest of the soldiers.

So, He left at night according to the plan.


After Arriving in the room of the head, He saw a commotion which completely changed his plan.

"Father...You leave him, I will kill my son, Please leave him."

A slightly built-up man was on his knees and his head was down which made it impossible for Li Yan to see his head and because they were standing in the courtyard without light, but Li Yan could feel the grievances and anger in the voice of the man.

While on opposite to him, was a middle-aged man with one of his hands grabbing the wrists of a Petite young man, Who was struggling to get out of his hand.

"N-no, A'Lei...Please, Don't do anything stupid, He is our Son!"

The man called A'Lei looked up at the Petite boy with his eyes red, His voice was hoarse.

"Yu-er, I...know what I am doing."

The head seemed to have fun. He smirked and groped the butt of the Petite boy in front of the Man called A'Lei.

Hua Lei's hand clenched tightly and his eyes glared straight at the middle-aged man. The petite boy only bowed his head and they heard the disgusting voice.

"haha, What a beautiful boy. Hey my son, Why not just save your son and let your father have a bit of fun?"

Hua Lei only glared at the man and did nothing but his clenched hand was already bloody. The petite boy's eyes were full of hatred and self-blame as he endured the humiliation.



Li Yan called Ned in a Freezing voice, Ned also felt the anger of Li Yan.

"Man and Man can marry too? And they can have children too?"

[Ah! I forgot that you were from the earth, Yes. People here can marry anyone, I meant Man can marry man and Woman can marry woman, There is no difference but Homo-couples are still the minority. And as for having children, There is a Fruit called Sentinel Weed. After eating 7 of them in a year and doing Dual Cultivation, A man can become pregnant too.]

Li Yan only nodded. Then he focused his eyes on the stomach of the petite boy who was still enduring.

"He is pregnant."

Ned was confused at first then he was startled.


Li Yan sighed, He has never killed, but the anger and the helplessness of the person in front of him wanted him to kill, Make that old man be killed and cut into pieces, mash into mincemeat, and thrown into the gutter.

Oh not bad, He will do just that.

[Host, You...Your killing intent is solidifying...]

Li Yan's whole body was covered in Golden smoke, and his forehead was shining but no symbol appeared, It just shone, and when Ned said that, Li Yan recalled all his Qi. But a Golden blade appeared in his hand.

"Ned, That person is content with Silence, Because he knows if do more, It will become worst ever outcome like now."

Ned listened silently and watch Li Yan jumping down from the roof.

"Father, I have already said, I will....kill my son...not to mention, I will also kill myself. Please leave Luo Anyu."

The middle-aged man's hand still dropped the butt of Luo Anyu and he said while looking at Hua Lei.

"What fun is that? I am the head, I am the great cultivator, and also the one who controls this city. Why should I listen to you?"

Luo Anyu felt like dying, He really love Hua Lei, He married Hua Lei 6 years ago, They have a 3-year-old son and live life hiding. This disgusting person has always tried to take him on his bed, Hua Lei has suffered because of this, His beloved always needs to bow before this disgusting person. Now that their son shows potential in cultivation, He is threatening Hua Lei like this...

Why do only they need to suffer like this in silence? Although innocent, They are suffering every day because of evil.

He has enough, If this person did something more, He will bite his tongue and di--

Before he could think more, He saw blood splashing. The disgusting face was cut off from the neck.

The hand gripping his wrist loosened and he was freed. Hua Lei quickly pulled him behind his body.

They saw an Ethereal beauty. His Silvery blond hair was floating in the air with his bluish robes. The hands held a golden blade, While his beautiful black eyes were deep at the moment.

He looked at them for a while then they saw him opening those red lips to say.

"Want to join the Taiyi sect?"

Hua Lei: ...???

Luo Anyu:....???

Ned: [Are you doing advertisements before you died? At least see the occasion!!]