
Journey To Eternity

Love to sleep but wish to venture into the wonders of the world. Leave the world he never saw his own Room at all. His habit of sleeping.... never left him and changed his fate. The Gods were troubled and then: One day his abnormally normal life flipped due to God's generosity, He couldn't thank them enough! After coming to new life, He was asked to marry and he as a responsible person married...A man as his bride. But Li Yan only fulfilled his parent's last wish, No other desire for this wife and this made other's including the bride involved think that he was abandoned by Li Yan. ---- Xue Lingxin only married away because of his Master, He knew that he could divorce in 2 years. First meeting Between MC and Ml: XLX: I don't care about you. I will divorce you in 2 years! LY: Great, Good wife! After spending two Years: LY: It's been two years, My Wife, You can divorce me. XLX: Heh, You want to divorce me so easily? Dream on! LY:...? Wasn't it what you wanted? XLX: Didn't you say you were a responsible man? LY:... *********** Fun, comedy, families, and many new ideas are added please enjoy on your own accord as it is BL. The genius of a millennium, Beautiful yet lazy as hell MC Shou X Great Martial Artist, Extremely Handsome yet moody ML Gong.

Velester · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Her Mistake and His Regret.

Li Yan made soap! A real actual Soap!! Authentic chemical product!

After Xiao Su settled, Li Yan left her room and became busy with Ned.

"Ned, What will sell the most?"

[Your Spiritual roots.]

Li Yan almost threw Ned away. He controlled the urge and said.

"I think, Let's first make soap and then a Shampoo."

Ned was irritated, His host is very weird, Why focus on the wrong things?

[Why leave the shower gel?]


Li Yan looked at Ned speechlessly but with sparkly eyes, He patted Ned's head(??).

"Ned! If you never told me I would have forgotten!! My beautiful silvery blond hair would have gone rough without you Ned!"

Ned: ...Ok I give up!

After that, The two stayed up all night to extract the Chemicals needed.

[Sodium hydroxide? Where will you get it?]

"Change the thinking, Not where I will get it, But where it can be naturally found."

[If that's so, I think you can get it from red Oak's ashes, I read it in a book, That the best lye is found in red Oak tree's ashes.]

"Well lye is Sodium hydroxide, Let's try it, Go and get it, Ned! I will get some preparation done for saponification."

Ned:...Am I your servant??

The two went on and on but they failed to get results all night. They did it for one last time at dawn but it was a success.

The two were tired but had no time because they also made another weird stuff. A plant that emitted bubbles.

It was a Mistake, An irrational mistake! Ned bought a plant from near the forest, The plant had its roots intact, So it was not dead. Li Yan was irritated by constant failures that he three the last failure towards the pot of plant and the plant seemed to have gained Enlightenment from the liquid soap and emitted bubbles whenever Ned went near it...

"Is it acknowledging you as its parent?"

Ned was shocked silly and then argued.

[Pei! Whose child can be this silly plant!?]

Li Yan looked at the plant which seemed to be able to sense the system Ned, Which shouldn't be possible...

Ned could sense his doubts and answer.

[He can sense because You have been adding your spiritual Qi in the Soap manufacturing, I live on your Qi and have same breathe like you, So he might have thought I was his kind...No I am not his kind!! I am still a baby soul!! Yet to be born!!]

Li Yan nodded in understanding, Alright now that the soap is made, Li Yan went and took out a large piece of paper and grind ink, and started painting.

Ned told him last night that Painting with a Unique style sells at Auction houses at a huge amount for mortals.

Li Yan was not much of an artist but he did draw out of interest and then when he actually mastered all types of painting... After becoming bored, He threw the interest out of the window and slept with the window locked.

After 3 hours, Li Yan looked at his painting and sighed, Alright, His skills can't diminish...He is so excellent.

A bit narcissistic, Li Yan took off to another town, It was Crystal Lake City's neighbor, and seemed likely a brother too because it was named, Lifeless Lake City...Wow.

[That lake is said to be cursed, It contains poison all year round and no one goes in that area, But a City was made there and because the area had the lake, they just named it the same.]

Li Yan had no expression, He was becoming bored...His silvery blond hair came to his face, He was getting annoyed too...These hair are just too much harassment!

After arriving at the City, Li Yan went straight to the auction Hall, Gave the painting, and sold it for 4000 Gold Taels...This much money...His sect is really poor...Really too much.

Li Yan once again bought two courtyards. One a bit small and the other large enough to accommodate 200 people. He bought furniture and stuff. Then bought Actors Team. Gave them 100 Gold Taels and three different scripts. Not the same as Actor's Team Crystal. He just gave them the names Team Crystal and Team Lifeless, Who cares!

After doing all this, He went to check around the Black market and bought 5 people for Elder Gu Rong's Peak, Because Gu Rong has Ice roots, he can only practice those cold Martial Arts but he loves herbs and herbal garden more, So his whole peak is mixed with Warm herbs which are rarer than the other.

But because the last few disciples and servants died in the demonic tide which engulfed the last Kingdom of the Middle Continent, Elder Gu had to completely focus on herbs and his cultivation stopped for a year now.

So, Li Yan planned to get 5 young and capable people, Who can also cultivate. All the servants in the Taiyi sect will be given a common cultivation manual so they can live for a long time and serve longer but the selection of servants is also very strict, But this year it was left to Li Yan. The 6 Elders in the Taiyi sect believe Li Yan.

After buying 5 people, It was night, So Li Yan decided to sleep at an inn and go back tomorrow.

He was strolling the night street of Lifeless Lake City. He enjoyed the scenery that trouble found him.

Yes, This time he didn't go to find trouble but it came to him on its own.

A young Girl came and threw herself at Li Yan.

"My Yanyan~ Why do you leave me?"

Li Yan was stunned, But he steadied the girl, Then said.

"You got the wrong person."

"No! Yanyan!~ Don't go! Please!! I only have you!!"

"....no, You got the wrong guy!"

"No! I got only you!"

"...Miss, I am the wrong person!"

"Oh...oh...They said loving can mend the broken heart...But...My heart..it wasn't even properly mended and you are breaking it again? You heartless...Darling..."

Li Yan's face became so cold that it was literally oozing ice. Ned jumped and floated in the air in fear that his system might freeze and crash because of this coldness.

Li Yan took out a bottle of cleansing pill and took one out and forcefully fed it to the Lady throwing a fit.

After eating the pill, The lady blinked and then became a bit red. She coughed and stood straight but she didn't leave.

"Um, Can you accompany me for a story?"

Li Yan's monstrous instincts were at duty 24/7. It was saying; Boy, Take my advice and kidnap her, She is a talent.

Helpless against his instinct. Li Yan went along with the lady. She introduced herself as Yao Qing.

The two went and sat in a bar. But didn't drank, Yao Qing was silent but then spoke after a bit.

"I made a mistake. I let him go."

Li Yan:..?

Ned:...Where did you start from?

"He is a scholar and talented one too, He is handsome, Tall but illegitimate."

Li Yan: ( ̄  ̄|||) No one can be perfect.

Ned:..I feel sad.

Yao Qing didn't look at Li Yan at all, She continued.

"We met in the streets, He was being beaten by his brothers and his friends. He could retaliate but didn't, Only bowed his head and took the kicks and punches. But I couldn't stand it anymore. What could I do? I was a playful girl and as an orphan, No one controlled my life, I grew up as a thug-type girl. So I went straight and took him behind me and beat the crap out of that son-of--(Censored by Ned)."

Li Yan: (눈_눈) Too Nosy, aren't ya?

Ned: (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄) Aww.

Yao Qing still didn't look at Li Yan, she looked space out but her mouth kept talking.

"After that, I saved him a total of 7 times no less, We became friends and I protected him while he taught me manners, When I didn't follow his instructions, He threatened me that he will go and get beaten again. I became angry but helpless. Like this, we started to spend more time and grew closer."

Li Yan: (¬_¬;) Such a childish threat.

Ned: ( ˙▿˙ ) Such a lovely guy.

Yao Qing kept her ignorance about Li Yan's expression and continued the emotional love story.

"We fell in love gradually. He wanted to leave the family where his parents only count his worth and his siblings abuse him, He wanted to go far away from here. I agreed with him. But her mother came crying to my home, His real mother. She started brawling saying, how she loved him, how hard she worked to make him grow up, and stuff you know. I became flustered, I never had a family, I began thinking, 'Did I break apart the mother and son?' 'Is Yanyan not happy with his mother because of me?' like this and I started to avoid him."

Li Yan & Ned: (*´ー)ノ(ノд`).

"But soon he didn't come out of his home, I found out that he was about to be married to another man. His father wanted him to become a concubine of a wealthy person because of benefits. I tried to meet him, But couldn't even get to him. Three days later, he came to my door. Sick and weak. He said. 'Wait for me. Please.' I couldn't hold back and came here with him. But he is ill for a month now and is gradually becoming weak...I..It's my fault. I shouldn't have let him go..."

Li Yan: (; ̄Д ̄) Just this???

Ned: (ಥ﹏ಥ) Miss Qing~ Sob!

Yao Qing finally looked at Li Yan. She saw him calm with no sympathy. She kept looking at him. Finally unable to take that stare, Li Yan spoke.

"Where I came from people sometimes said, That Love is a curse. It makes even a sane person crazy. A cold person, lonely. And a warm person, broken. It is a very cruel thing. Love does hurt but..."

Li Yan kept his eyes on Yao Qing's teary face. He continued.

"You want it. You want that person. You want to be with them, No matter how it hurts, You just wish to accompany them, You want to keep them for only yourself. You want to be selfish. Hold them, make them smile, clean their tears and hug them, Right Mr. behind the wall?"

Yao Qing was already crying but when she heard the last sentence she flinched, But before she could turn and confirm. She was embraced from behind. A clear but slightly shaky voice came.

"A'Qing...Why? Why not share it with me? Why not...tell me?"

Yao Qing kept crying in his arms but didn't speak. The handsome man's eyes also became red and he hugged Yao Qing tighter.

"I regretted my decision of hearing the nonsense of my mother, She never cared for me. Why did I not went to look for you? I never knew what happened. I thought...I thought you didn't like me after all. We just met for some months, how could you like me? I really regret it..."

The two hugged and cried. Li Yan was very entertained. He was missing TV for some time now he is satisfied.

His mood became Good and sunny. As the people who made him feel good, Li Yan just decided to help them, Anyways, his instincts were screaming: That guy!! He too!! Go and grab him too!!

Ned was quite emotional at this time, So Li Yan just waited until these two lovebirds calmed down.

After 20 minutes, they finally remembered a word called privacy and stopped the private stuff.

"I am Luo Yan. Yao Qing's lover."

The Man introduced himself politely. Li Yan who was in a good mood teased.

"I am a Man."

Luo Yan was stunned and said.

"Yea, I can see that."

"So, I can also see that you are her Lover."

Li Yan replied without wasting a second. This removed the awkwardness left because of their crying and stuff.

The three talked for a good while when Li Yan finally brought out his good intentions.

"Do you both wish to repent your Mistake and regret, And live together without worries?"

The two looked at Li Yan with excitement, Because Luo Yan knew that his time was not much, So he wanted to become more healthy and Yao Qing wanted to become so strong that she can protect her love.

Li Yan cleared his throat.

"Then how about joining my sect? Its name is Taiyi, Lacking in disciples."

Ned: It seems like a scam advertisement...

But the two agreed. They started crying again. If it was cultivation, they might be able to solve their problems!

So Li Yan took the 5 slaves and these two people back while also doing some shopping for the new disciples and servants.