
Journey To Eternity

Love to sleep but wish to venture into the wonders of the world. Leave the world he never saw his own Room at all. His habit of sleeping.... never left him and changed his fate. The Gods were troubled and then: One day his abnormally normal life flipped due to God's generosity, He couldn't thank them enough! After coming to new life, He was asked to marry and he as a responsible person married...A man as his bride. But Li Yan only fulfilled his parent's last wish, No other desire for this wife and this made other's including the bride involved think that he was abandoned by Li Yan. ---- Xue Lingxin only married away because of his Master, He knew that he could divorce in 2 years. First meeting Between MC and Ml: XLX: I don't care about you. I will divorce you in 2 years! LY: Great, Good wife! After spending two Years: LY: It's been two years, My Wife, You can divorce me. XLX: Heh, You want to divorce me so easily? Dream on! LY:...? Wasn't it what you wanted? XLX: Didn't you say you were a responsible man? LY:... *********** Fun, comedy, families, and many new ideas are added please enjoy on your own accord as it is BL. The genius of a millennium, Beautiful yet lazy as hell MC Shou X Great Martial Artist, Extremely Handsome yet moody ML Gong.

Velester · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

1st Direct Disciple of Sword Peak

The Theater was successfully opened and the schedule was also done. Li Yan gave 20 Gold Taels to the Theater Manager and told him that now he can Manage the Troupe and Actor's needs.

Manager Zhou was actually the slave Li Yan bought, He was young and looked average but his brain was a computer for Li Yan.

Li Yan left after the first day of theater and walked in the streets for some time. Ned sitting on his shoulder asked.

[Where are we going?]

Li Yan had a certain plan in his mind and was making some changes in the plan too, When he heard Ned's question, He said.

"We are going to another city to buy another group of Actors and Troupe."

Confused, Ned asked.

[But Why? Are these people not Good enough?]

Li Yan smiled and shook his head. He looked straight at the busy night street of this ancient time.

"No, They are excellent. I meant to make at least three or four cities in our Region have this theater, When people from other regions will hear about the good stuff here, I can use that to my advantage and open other business and also recruit disciples."

Ned became quiet, He knew that his host was genius but he only knew that. Ned looked at the Young and beautiful boy and rested his ball-like body on his shoulder.

[Host, You are not that lazy.]

Li Yan was a bit puzzled as to why will he be called lazy. He didn't like sleeping, it was only because he was bored enough to sleep and pass time! Though later it became his habit.

The two passed the street and were in their own worlds When they heard a commotion from the street on right.

As a curious entity, Li Yan went to check what happened, There was a large crowd. Li Yan went inside a bit difficulty and saw a disrupting scene, A small girl a little over 8 or 9 years, was being beaten by another girl of age almost 17 or something.

Li Yan's calm and bright eyes cooled down at a very horrible pace, His whole aura changed, From relaxed to extremely cold. Ned felt the difference easily as he was a soul made from Li Yan's life essence, You can take him as Li Yan's Spiritual Partner.

[It seems like that the little girl can't speak.]

Ned said after hearing what the crowd was whispering, Li Yan only listened to what the older girl was saying.

"Are you happy now?! You cursed thing!"

The girl slapped the little girl's face again, The little girl was slapped so many times that her cheeks were starting to become purple from red.

"Now mother can't even get up from bed! Who do you think is responsible?! Why can't you just go away?!"

"Why are you still here! Mother doesn't want to see you!!"

The girl was about to slap the little girl again when Li Yan had enough. He went opened his hand and suddenly on the tips of his 5 fingers, 5 golden balls floated. The balls were the size of the bean, two flew and captured both hands of the elder girl by becoming a chain restricted in her wrist, The remaining three changed color, two became green and went straight to the little girl's cheeks and healed her red cheeks at visible pace, While the remaining one became black and changed in a dagger, the size was like a dart.

This all happened in the span of 5 seconds and shocked others including Ned.

Ned was most shocked because he knew his host was only in Qi gathering stage 2!! At this stage people can only strengthen their senses or something, They can't conjure Qi outside their bodies yet!

There were not many Cultivators in the northwest region, This place had mortals and only two sects which were Taiyi Sect and Yue Yan sect, The leech sect in Rui Hongchang's language. And it was only known because the people in these sects mostly bought things from the Northwest region.

The Northwest have 5 Cities and many small villages. There is also a definite boundary between all regions. The City where Li Yan came was called Crystal Lake City because Crystal Lake is here. The Crystal lake is only a small Lake that shines Silver when Night Falls.

Li Yan held the dagger and moved towards the small girl. The Little girl with her cheeks healed looked more cute and healthy. Li Yan squatted in front of the little girl.

The area suddenly became so silent that the only sound heard on the street was noises from busy shops.

Li Yan opened his hand and looked at the small girl. The small girl looked a bit stunned but she still gave her hand to Li Yan without much hesitation.

Seeing the small hand, Li Yan pushed the dagger to the hand. The little girl looked at the Hand with the dagger, She suddenly looked up at Li Yan.

Li Yan saw that the little girl was not questioning but understood some of his meaning, He then spoke.

"Go, If you want to see your mother, Then go and see her, If someone tries to stop you, Use this. Don't harm your body."

The elder girl was caught but she looked at Li Yan and his actions silently but when she heard him, She went crazy.

"What the hell are you doing?! Do you know what she did?! This curse star almost killed my mother!! Mother said to keep her out of her sight!!"

Li Yan ignored whatever she said and only looked at the little girl. The Little girl stared at the black dagger and then clenched her hands, She looked up and stared at Li Yan.

The small determined face was a bit funny for Li Yan to look at, But he still spoke.

"You want to repay me?"

The little girl was stunned at how easily Li Yan understood her, But she nodded.

Li Yan's cold aura gradually faded and then said.

"My sect lacks disciples, I wanted to ask If you would like to join?"

Before the little girl could say anything, The elder girl once again interrupted and sneered.

"Heh, This cursed thing as a disciple? Why don't you just say that you lack servants? Though she is not even worth that!"

Li Yan's cold aura once again came out and his soft voice became chilly.

"Too noisy, Should I pull out that tongue?"

The words were frozen with a cold aura and this made the crowd and the elder girl shut up.

The little girl didn't seem to have given a damn about all this and was thinking about what Li Yan said before.

Though she is mute, She was not born mute, It was after a little trauma when she was young that she couldn't speak. Her mother and sister ignored her, The neighbors hated to see her, She had no friends and was always bullied. Her sister and mother were also the ones who abused her, She hated them but was reluctant to leave them.

Is she not willing to join the sect? No, She wants to, She wants to become stronger, She wants to speak, She wants to repay her grudges against the people who bullied her, But what she wants the most is...some attention, Only a bit.

She looked at Li Yan and her eyes which held no emotion suddenly became teary, She reached out to Li Yan and hugged his neck, and silently cried. She said in her heart.

'Thank you, big brother...'

Li Yan seemed to become a bit stiff, just like when his Master hugged him, He actually don't like to get much physical, But he can't push such emotional people too, Like his Master and his Sister on Earth.

Li Yan awkwardly rubbed the back of the little girl and stood up with her in his arms. Li Yan looked around with his black and cold eyes which seemed to be the entrance of hell.

The people gathered to watch the fun flinched and vanished in a moment. Only the Elder girl was sitting on the ground caught in Li Yan's golden chains.

"Do you want to see your mother?"

Li Yan asked the Little girl while looking at the hospital-like building behind him. The little girl had exhausted her love for her mother long ago, She sighed and put the dagger back in Li Yan's hand, and shook her head.

Li Yan rubbed the small head, Then turned around and left, As soon as he vanished from the corner of the streets, the golden chain on the elder girl also vanished.

Li Yan held the small girl and left for blackMarket. The little girl was sitting silently in his arms without any emotion. Looking at her, Li Yan sighed in his heart. This child seems more mature than him...

Li Yan had 450 Gold taels at him, which might be nothing for other sects, but for it was the last stock of money in the Taiyi sect. As a wanderer sect, the Taiyi sect never had many disciples or treasures, They cultivated, researched, or just lazed, Just like Li Yan.

But for 3 Generation of Sect Leaders, they have finally settled in the Middle continent and it's been 1000 years, Yet they have not changed much, just settled.

Li Yan also like the calm and serene Taiyi sect but it was too barren...And a bit too large too. He found the place cold and lonely. Because of this Li Yan was focusing on three different plans.

Arriving at the place which sold slaves, Li Yan bought 2 young girls of age around 20. And 2 young boys of age 20. He also bought a middle-aged couple. After that, he took the 6 people and left with the little girl still in his arms.

He took them back to the sect. The little girl looked around very curiously and smiled silently.

The slaves bought were honest and naive people, Li Yan knew this and that's why he bought them. How did he know? His Genius mind wasn't actually a talent in inventing or making stuff but his Monsterous Instincts and Photographic memory. He can judge people without default, Only a look in their eyes and he knows what their personality is.

He went straight to Elder Bai's Peak. Her Sword Peak had more buildings and places. Li Yan settled the 6 slaves in the outer dormitory of the peak. He gave simple instructions.

"In Taiyi sect every peak can only have 3 direct disciples and 12 outer disciples. As for servents only 10 per peak. You 6 are now servants of Sword peak. The sect is small and not much in need of people. You all will be responsible for Xiao Su. Her clothes, Food, and daily needs. For now, Only she is at your peak. Your Uniform will be in the dormitory. Understood?"

The 6 listened seriously and answered with a salute. Xiao Su was the little girl's name. She didn't say her surname but only the name.

Elder Bai Yaling was doing her sword practice when she saw Li Yan, She stopped and came to him.

"Teacher, Did I disturbed you?"

Elder Bai laughed and said.

"Can our Yan-er disturb too? Haha, Alright, who's this little girl?"

Li Yan then introduced Xiao Su.

"She is Xiao Su, I chose her for your peak."

Elder Bai became serious and then looked at Xiao Su calmly, She took out a small sword from her Space ring and gave it to Xiao Su. Xiao Su calmly took it. Then she heard Elder Bai's voice.

"What do you think of this weapon?"

Xiao Su couldn't speak, But she could write. She was born in a scholar's home and her father taught her before he passed away.

Li Yan very cooperatively took out paper, Brush, and ink.

She wrote something and gave it to Elder Bai. Who saw it and was a bit dumbfounded then laughed. She said.

"You can be my first direct disciple. In the future, it will be your responsibility to handle the Sword peak in my absence."

Li Yan and Xiao Su both were a bit stunned even Ned felt that the development of the situation went a bit fast.

Elder Bai left saying to Li Yan.

"Yan-er, Go and show your junior sister her room, I will start teaching her from tomorrow."

Li Yan said alright and took the little girl to her new home. After coming to the small but beautiful courtyard. She was a bit startled, then looked at Li Yan. Li Yan knew that she wanted to be with him, But that was not allowed. The sect wasn't that big anyway. It had 8 peaks and one huge pond in the back. Nothing else. The translucent barrier surrounded the sect to protect it, So it was small.

Li Yan had his own peak as he was the direct disciple of the Sect leader and also the next sect Leader. Other Guardian and Elders had their own peak. Then there was a separate peak where a mutual lecture hall, A library, Treasury, and a small Hotspring were present.

"You can come and meet big brother anytime, It will take about 20 minutes from here as I am your neighbor."

Xiao Su nodded and then Li Yan left. The sect now had more people, he needed to get more money.