
Obtaining "EMS"

Shin's lips were twitching looking at the girl in front of him. The two women beside him were giggling and had an amuse look.

"Always the best for last! (smiling brightly while music playing in the background)" (Miku)

"Uh.. where did you get the mic? And where does those sounds coming from??" (Shin)

"Heheh~ the details does not matter~ What's important is I'll sing a song for you to brighten the mood!" (Miku)

"Ugh! No need, thank you for your effort though, the mood is already at peak, anything more and we might explode!" (Shin)

"No, I insist!" (Miku)

"It's ok, promise! I'll give you the chance later, beside, you still not have a body, won't it be better to have one when you sing?" (Shin)

"Hmmmnn~ you got a point, but I can still sing without a body, I'm use to it!" (Miku)

"Ugh! (I swear, I didn't know that this girl is annoying!! If she start singing now, she won't stop!!)" (Shin)

"So~ are you ready?" (Miku)

"Ugh!" (Shin)

"Yahoo~! Po pi po pi po po pi po~ Po pi po pi po po pi po~ Po pi po pi po po pi po~ Po pi po pi po po pi po~ Po pi po pi po po pi po~ Po pi po pi po po pi po~ Po pi po pi po po pi po~ Po pi po pi po po pi po~ Po pi po pi po po pi po~ Po pi po pi po po pi po~ Po pi po pi po po pi po~ Po pi po pi po po pi po~ Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~" (Miku)

Hatsune Miku started singing her heart out. Shin and the others were force to listen and was not able to stop her.

After an hour or so, their eyes and lips were twitching at all time, but were overjoyed when Miku stopped singing!

"(Praise the lord!!! She stopped, Raiko! Quick! Bring her to that place, I think the Moogles will be able to stand her constant song!!)" (Shin)

"I'm on it!!" (Raiko)

Raiko immediately obeyed, Shin created a Garganta that led to the Moogle's Village and brought Miku there. Shin discovered the Moogle's village, being attacked by monsters. Shin saved the village, but he is sure that the little critters will still be in danger constantly, so he decided to bring their whole community to his Soulrealm where they will be safe. The Moogles immediately agreed upon learning that they won't be attacked anymore and there's plenty of food. In exchange, the Moogles agreed to do odd jobs at his realm. Shin announced to the whole Soulrealm about the Moogles and that they're protected by him.

Right now, they're the only ones who he could think of to keep Hatsune Miku company, and he's praying for their souls..

"(sigh).. how is it?" (Shin)

"(sigh).. she did not sing immediately, but those little cute things seemed to like her, even when she started singing.. I'm not sure.." (Raiko)

"Thank you Raiko, you're a big help. It would have been a tragedy.. " (Shin)

"We hear you..." (All)

"(sigh) This has become a very tiring day for me.. anyway, let's finish this so that we could all rest. As for you two.." (Shin)

Shin's smiled, but his face was not really smiling at all. The two started screaming and got enveloped by shadows. After awhile, their scream faded, and what remained were two kneeling figures. One is a large humanoid shadow. It was still similar to Krull, he was still shirtless, but his skin had turn to shadowy black and the scars that riddled his body were still there, albeit, they're now glowing, so they're more pronouns, and smoke were coming out from it. His head is still covered by the same helmet but larger. As for the other, he has a smaller physique, however, Shishio retained his well known look (the one that look like a mummy). The gap from the black bandage that were wrapped all over his body had smoke and sometimes blue flame coming out from it.

"There.. better. The big one will now be Eligos, and the other is now Amon. Serve me well~ " (Shin)

"..." (Eligos/Amon)

The two sank and hid in Shin's shadow, adding to the others that were waiting for their lord to command. The rest witnessed what happened, but were not actually worried. They knew that the two went out of the line, that's why their fate was different. As for them, since they had already promised to work with Shin, they could breath easily. As for the others, the four witches and the two women beside Shin, their eyes had a small change, similar to coming fond of him, and some with lust or worship.

Shin explained to everyone the next step, of becoming either an Einherjar or Familiar. Everyone immediately choose, as they already knew what best could help them in their new lives. Afterwards, Shin opened another Garganta, which lead to the lakeside and introduced them to his old Einherjar and Familiars. He left them to assign where they would live, and provided the needed capsule houses for the new residents.

Shin indeed felt tired, he went back to the villa to rest. His wives were already awake, and some had already went out, while the others had job to do. However, Chiyo and Reika remained and being a good wives, they serve their husband. They saw his tired look, and smiled. They're both happy that they could serve Shin, as it's rather rare that this happen, so they considered themselves lucky. Each of Shin's wive would fight for the chance to pamper their husband.

Chiyo had cooked a feast for Shin, while Reika went and massaged her husband. Shin was happy to be doted by his two beautiful wives, and seeing how Reika was very diligent, he rewarded her with a light kiss, which had turned into a deep one, and further ended with Shin pushing down Reika, who was only wearing a red one piece dress at that time and Shin noticed that she was not wearing anything underneath. This had woken up lust, and Reika was more than happy to oblige. Chiyo caught them in the act, but instead of calling to eat, she joined. After several rounds and loud moans echoing inside the villa, satisfied, the three ate Chiyo's food with gusto. After the three finished their meal, they continued their session in the villa's hot spring, and once again, moans could be heard again within the villa.

The next day, Shin decided to continue with his plan. After summoning a servant, and souls, he would've went and integrate with the bloodlines, however, due to unforeseen event, he was not able to.

"Yggdrasil, let's now continue with the integration. You can go ahead and integrate the Fusion system, while I do both Merlin and Uchiha Bloodlines." (Shin)

"No problem Shin! Let's go!" (Yggdrasil)

Shin closed his eyes, and silently integrated both bloodlines at the same time. There were no problem, and he believe that he could take the integration of both bloodlines as his body is far more stronger than when he first started integrating bloodlines. He kept track of the change that the bloodlines were making on his body. To his surprise, Uchiha bloodline were mainly focus on his mind and eyes, while Merlin's bloodline were on his spirit and mind. It only took half an hour to integrate both bloodlines, and when he opened his eyes, which was already red, he did not loose the beastly eyes that he had, however, an additional tomoe were added to it. He felt that his eyesight improved a little. He didn't stop studying his eyes, and just after a few minutes, a second tomoe started forming, and another hour, the third one appeared. Tomoe kept appearing and adding to the ones that were already formed on his eyes. This did not stopped until several hours, until there were exactly twelve tomoe. Shin felt that it was the limit of his eyes, then he grasp the energy that was being kept by each tomoe, and allowed them to burst. Doing this, his eyes began to tear up with blood. However, Shin was still not worried, the pain he was feeling is negligent, as he felt much worst before. His eyes were bloodied, but if one stop and look at his eyes, they would see that various shape were forming slowly.

Another hour few hours had passed and the vague shape had successfully formed and no longer hazy. It was now sharp and distinct. The twelve tomoe had disappeared, and was replaced by a shape of two pentagram (six pointed star) on top of each other. The inner and smaller star is black, and the outer, and larger of the two were only outlined in black. There were upside down black triangles that filled the gap of the larger pentagram which complete his iris. It now look imposing, if someone were to look at it, they will immediately feel pressure and terror. Shin had successfully formed his Mangekyou Sharingan, even without the known requirement.

The reason that he was able to do this, is because he already known of the requirement, and as he entered a meditation state, his mind simulated hundreds and thousands of sequence, finding out why a Mangekyou needed a stimulation of someone close to the user to die. From the thousands of sequence and trial in his mind and with the help of Yggdrasil, he learned of a special type of energy that the eye absorbs at that single point of time when the person closes to the user dies. So when Shin converted his energy to be similar to what a dying person would have with an intent to their close one, hatred, despair, love, longing, grief. He even lowered the defense of his mind and created an illusion to fool his own self (illusion of his wives death) and directed it to his eyes, it miraculously succeeded. His eyes immediately started forming the Mangekyou Sharingan, albeit, in a slow and torturous process filled with pain, however, the pain is just negligible. He waited for hours until the complete formation of his Sharingan. He was also feeling excitement at the same time, as he wanted to know what ability his Sharingan would give him.

However, Shin does not know that he also obtained Eternal Mangekyou, instead of the normal one. The reason for this is his physique. His healing factor, one of his bloodline, or due to the combination of his bloodline, it automatically made sure that his body is in top shape. Any defect are fixed and perfected.

At the same time, Yggdrasil had completed her integration with the Fusion System some time ago, and she was just waiting for Shin to finish, she even helped him with attaining Mangekyou Sharingan.

"Congratulations Shin, for obtaining Eternal Mangekyou~" (Yggdrasil)

"You too! You have strengthen aga- wait What? What do you mean Eternal Mangekyou??" (Shin)

"Uh yeah~ what, you didn't know? Whoopsie~" (Yggdrasil)

"Explain please.." (Shin)

"Nyeheh~ You see... " (Yggdrasil)

Yggdrasil explained how he obtained EMS, at the same time, she forced Shin to listen about the new system she integrated, the Fusion System. It was actually quite simple, if two things synergize or compatible, they can be fused. Items, Techniques, Skills, Equipment, you name it. Shin was surprised about it, and thought, it would be a great help when he get more and more techniques or skills. But for the meantime, he really wanted to know the abilities he obtained from his EMS. Yggdrasil saw this in his eyes, and just smiled mischievously. She would just let Shin indulge, as this was a rare time that he get excited similar to a kid getting a new toy.

Shin activated his EMS and concentrated his energy on his eyes. Next moment, he suddenly whoop in excitement at what he found. The EMS skill that he obtained are..

Sorry, still thinking about what EMS ability to give him.. I'm STUMP! for ideas... >> Thanks for the ideas.

lnosmirClcreators' thoughts