

"Bloop! Awakening complete. Good day host."

This! I've been staying in this void for 7 days, so I did not expect this happening at all. "Who or what are you?"

"Bloop! In your experience, I am a system, yet not a system. I am also called Yggdrasil."

"Yggdrasil.. please explain exactly what you are, and are you here to help me? Also, Yggdrasil pertains to a mythical tree?"

"Bloop! I have been with you since you were born. Due to Earth's minuscule energy that can be used to function, I'm unable to even speak and converse with you host. But rest assured, I'm definitely here to assist you. Just like when you were still a child, you've lost control, so I've used most of the remaining energy in me to seal half of your power which in turn, allowed you to snap out of your berserk state. Your power can cause cataclysmic phenomenon on Earth, and can even destroy a whole continent if it were released without control. A suggestion to host to become much stronger than you are now to not lose control again."

"I see.. so that's what happened. I was always wondering what happened to that part of memory which I can't remember. I will get stronger, not for just myself, but also for my family... Thank you Yggdrasil for what you did.

"Bloop! You're welcome host"

"Bloop! For your second query, Yggdrasil is not a tree, it is similar to "Fate", which is present anywhere, anytime and on everything, to recording information within itself."

"Oh, like a library of some sort?"

"Bloop! Correct host. However, I am just a part of Yggdrasil, like a seed, I can work independently from the main body and can access information however, my functions at the moment are obsolete. I have tried accessing the mainframe, but unable to connect. This is either because I need more upgrade, or the mainframe were destroyed, and currently in pieces."

"Hmmm.. I'm just hoping but, can you help me find my family, or suggest anything that I can do to get to them?"

"Bloop! I'm currently in the most basic form host. I need to upgrade to have a semblance of direct assistance to your cause. For suggestion though, the time here in the void is almost at a stop than the time in other worlds. So host, no matter if you stayed here for years, can be assured that you can catch up if they had already entered their own worlds."

"Oh! That's great! This indeed gives me a chance.. that settles my worries a bit."

"Bloop! If host is thinking to stay here to keep absorbing energy, there will be a limitation. Your energy can rise, however, your body won't be able to cope up with the energy increase within you, and you know what happens after that."

"Ugghh.. you're right, I did not thought ahead of this... I've been too agitated because I worried about the girls."

"Bloop! As long as you can enter a world, that has a higher dimension or rank, then the time on that world will flow faster, while the lower dimension world will flow slower."

"I have read of this in one of those novels.. didn't think that there would be a basis on it. So do you have a.."

"Bloop! Bloop! Bloop! WARNING! Host should prepare, the entity that governs the void has detected you, and should have informed the administrator of world travels. They will place you back to the World travel mainframe, you will get sent to another world, and complete the world travel process."

"Are you able to do something about this process, Yggdrasil?"

"Bloop! I can take over a partial part of the system, and see what I can do about the designation of the world you'll be assigned to."

"Won't you get found out by doing this?"

"Bloop! Rest assured host, Yggdrasil's capability within systems is impeccable, and undetectable. However, I will once again be using the energy I just gathered. This will cause me to enter hibernation mode for 7 days and won't be able to help or interact with you."

"Hmmmn.. since you're a part of me, can't I direct energy to you manually?"

"Bloop! That will work, and speed up my recovery process. Thank you in advance host!"

"No problem, you're my partner now, Yggdrasil, and you're also helping me, it's the least I can do for you."


"Uh.. you okay there Yggdrasil?"

"Bloop! Yes host, no problem!"

"Great! Let's get right to it!"

"Bloop! Affirmative, hacking process activating..."

[Higher Plane, World Travel Admin]

On the higher plane, a branch of those who maintain order for world travels. Everything is in order, these workers has less work, due to having only a few numbers of world travellers. One worker grunt was sipping his coffee like usual, when he noticed on his monitor that an error has occurred, "Pfffftttt! (spit the coffee he just drink) What's this!! (horrified look). His sudden outburst was heard by the branch manager grunt. "What's happening, why did you scream?". The worker grunt was flustered, and immediately explained what he saw. After hearing what happened, even the manager grunt became horrified. "Should we tell the boss about this?".

The two were looking at a human floating in the void. Of course, this person is Shin, but the problem is, he's the error that was showing up on their monitor with no record of getting isekai'd.

"Are you nuts! We're gonna be screwed if the boss learned of this (especially me)!" Both are still looking at the unknown human on the screen, which is currently outside the world travel matrix. This will cause an anomaly, and will affect the next traveler, possibly delaying the next schedule. (God's still needs subordinates, and they get them from world travelers)

The worker grunt, still have horrified look asked, "the-then what should we do?". The manager grunt was pissed, "what do you mean what should we do? We need to fix this immediately!! Arrrghh". After a couple of minutes, the worker grunt snapped out of being dazed and thought of something. "Wait, I know someone that may be able to fix this!"

"What?! Really? Then what are you waiting for, go and get him/her here immediately!!!". This lifted some of his worries, but the rest are still there, making him think of the consequences.

After a couple of minutes, a fat worker grunt was brought in front of him, and then started working. In reality, the fat worker grunt also did not know what to do, but improvised instead. With the manager grunts access, he used his authority to forcefully bring the unknown human back to the world travel matrix, giving him an ID, and all all the travelers perks. He also did not notice that another entity has slipped in when he was entering commands to bring back order to the system. Yes, this entity is Yggdrasil, and had successfully hack their system to alter some of the commands.

After all the fiasco, the manager was happy again, like he avoided a disaster. But he did not know that due to this occurrence, the "unknown human" became invisible and escape their monitoring and of the Gods.