
Ais' Resolve

A week had passed after that passionate night, it was now time for the banquet of the gods. Both Hephaestus and Artemis were invited to attend by Ganesha. The two goddesses have already been dressed. Hephaestus was wearing a body hugging crimson dress, which accentuated her every curves. She wanted to wear her eye patch, as she did not want to let the other gods know that there was someone that was able to cure her, but Shin took it from her, telling her to not worry about the consequences, as he can handle anything. Hephaestus had a happy smile, and was so glad that Shin was the one that became her husband. As for Artemis, she was wearing an emerald evening gown, which was cut short, showing her smooth white legs, and creamy back. Just like Hephaestus, both of them now carry a mature aura. They have also became more beautiful (hair was shinier, and skin became soft and smooth). This were notice by their own familia, so there was now a lot of speculation as to how their goddesses became more beautiful.

No one knew that almost every night, the three consummate their love in every way possible. At first, the two goddess would snuggle up with Shin, and would start touching here and there, which always end up with another hot and passionate moment.

Currently, the two were standing at the door, waiting for their husband. They threatened Shin that they would not go to the banquet without him. Even though Shin was not a god, and was not voluntary invited, Hephaestus was sure that Shin, crashing the party won't be any problem. Shin could only sigh and relent to the wishes of his wives. He does not have anything to do as well and would be more than happy to be their bodyguard for the night.

On the Ganesha compound, the party is in full swing. Every gods were mingling with each other. The two main gods, Freya and Loki were already present. The small time gods and goddesses were also present, such Hestia, Takemikazuchi, Dionysus, Demeter and more, and of course, the host, Ganesha, who was already screaming at the stage garnering attention on some of the gods.

At one side of the party, Hestia was already bickering with Loki, while Freya was watching with amusement. As the two planned to bicker further, the door slammed opened, and two goddess walk in to join the party. The room's noise suddenly ceased, and the gods were tongue tied, and were mesmerized by the two goddesses that walked in. These two were Hephaestus and Artemis, walking side by side with a man. All the gods noticed their aura and beauty, which surprised them, as it was already almost on par with the goddess of beauty, Freya. It's not just the gods that were mesmerized. Also the goddesses have froze on their spot, staring at the man walking between the two goddess. They were unable to take their eyes off the man, and their hearts started beating fast, and faces covered with healthy blushes. Yes, the man was Shin. He was currently the escort of his two wives, and was also force to wear a black tuxedo. In regards to his outfit, it just made him more attractive to the eyes of everyone. His long silver hair cascaded on his back, swinging when he walks. Smile was plastered on his face, and was enjoying the surrounding. His stature, and masculinity oozes confidence and strength. No male can deny that he was handsome and dangerous.

"Arah~ Hephaestus, Artemis and Shin! You're late!" (Hestia)

"Fufuh~ we had to wait for force our husband to get dressed, so it took longer than expected." (Hephaestus)

"Mou~ Husband was so stubborn and does not want to go at first.." (Artemis)

"(sigh) You know I do not like this kind of party.." (Shin)

"Orah! Hephaestus! So the rumor is true, that your eye had been healed and you have hooked up with this guy heeehh~ how sly of you~" (Loki)

"Watch it Loki! Unlike you, I truly love my husband, and didn't do it for anything in return!" (Hephaestus)

"Eehhh~ Is that true.. my my, you think I would b-" (Loki)

"My wife is speaking the truth... Loki san! (aura started blazing, and the gods started feeling pressure, which was building up every second. Only Hephaestus, Artemis and Hestia did not feel it)" (Shin)

"Ughhh!! (This! This pressure is ridiculous!! How can a human have this kind of pressure, it-it's like my soul would start breaking!!!!)" (Loki)

"(Ugh!! How terrifying can he be? He- he's dangerouss.. agh..!!)" (Freya)

"Husband.. stop, it might cause an irreparable damage.." (Hephaestus)

The pressure receded, and Loki fell back on her butt, sweating bullets. Shin was still staring at her, his red beastly eyes smoldering. He couldn't let anyone insult his wife in front of him, especially this goddess of trickery.

"Know when to control your rhetorics, Loki-san.. it might cause you more, for a mere joke.." (Shin)

"I- I get it! I'm sorry! It won't happen again. I was just making casual talk." (Loki)

"Forgive me as well. I'm just not use to that kind of joke, especially directed to my wife, and in front of me (smiled)" (Shin)

"Ugh.. point taken.." (Loki)

"Horahhh!! What's this? That was such an amazing display of strength young man!" (Ganesha)

"I hope you don't mind bringing my husband along Ganesha~" (Hephaestus)

"Not at all! It's an honor for me to finally meet your husband, and the person that was mostly talked about in Orario~" (Ganesha)

"It's an honor as well in meeting you, Ganesha-san." (Shin)

"I hope that I get your familia's support on the upcoming Monsterphilia!" (Ganesha)

"No problem, our familia will be supporting you on this~" (Hephaestus)

"Hmmn, Artemis familia as well.." (Artemis)

The mood came back, and there were gods that came up to Shin to get acquainted, and there were some that could only look, too afraid to come closer. Loki did not leave as he had expect, and still had that weird smile on her face. What was added to it was a blush, which Shin did not know where it came from. She asked about the deal he made with Ais, which Shin had almost forgotten. Loki notice Ais behavior which was lately downcast. She was asking each one about ideas on how she could prove herself to someone she looks up to, but still have not found her answer, which made her in a dilemma. Shin just smiled and told the worried goddess that Ais will find the answer by herself sooner or later, and promise to help her to get stronger afterwards.

While talking with Loki, Shin noticed that goddess Freya had quietly slip out of the party, without anyone noticing. Her expression was dark, and Shin laugh within, as he knew what the goddess hobby is, which he won't bother with if she stay away from his family.

Now, for those small time gods that had the courage to get acquainted with Shin, he didn't shy away, and smiled back to those gods, who he deemed honest. One of them was Takemikazuchi, he seemed honest enough. He remembered what will happen between his familia and Bell, so he'll invite them to the alliance at a later time. Hermes also tried introducing himself, and tried to get acquainted, however, Shin only smiled, and was not as warm to him than Takemikazuchi. He knew Hermes, and he does not have time for those that had alternate motives than just friendship.

Shin continued with the party, but let his two wives do all the talking. After some time, they decided to retire and left the party. He didn't brought his wives home immediately, instead, he held the two, and flew into the skies. The two goddess were shocked, when two black feathered wings appeared at Shin's back. Their eyes had a lot of question in them, but before they could start asking, Shin had already brought the two goddess up in the sky. The two gasp at the beautiful scenery in front of them, and with the warmth of the arms that were holding them, in their heart, everything at that moment was perfect. They were also happy that their husband was romantic, and they considered the night as their date.

After getting back and before they go to sleep, the two girls pestered Shin for answer about his wings. They thought that he was a Xenos, but Shin denied, telling them that he's not one (but didn't said that he was human). The girls still had few questions which Shin answered, and when both girls were satisfied, they start taking off their clothes, leaving nothing, and fell asleep using his arms as pillow. Nope, nothing happened that night, however, come morning, the three did their love exercise, and start their day a bit tired (only the two goddess, as Shin had almost an unlimited stamina).

Another week had passed, with each day, Shin were training the members of Artemis familia. The training starts every morning and ends before noon. Everytime, Artemis was also watching with interest, and also voice out that she may join the training sometime. The previous two weeks, there was a large improvement with how the girls acted. Their movements became more fluid,

each they now knew what to improve and how to move forward. They also started respecting Shin, and would even listen to his commands, however, Shin never usurp Rethusa's place, and always remind the girls to follow their captain's orders.

As for Rethusa, she has the most improvement. But the most noticeable with her was how she look at Shin. Whenever their skin touch, she would always blush, and she always followed his moves and was staring when he was talking. The girls then found out that she had a hug crush with Shin, but still deny the feeling, so the girls just tease Rethusa, but did not push her and just waited what she will do in the future.

Now, the day the Monsterphilia arrived. The whole of Orario were in festive mood. There were quite a lot of stalls that were selling trinkets and street foods. There were mostly exotic ones which came from people that came from outside Orario, and just came due to the Monsterphilia festival.

Currently, Shin was walking leisurely on the streets of Orario, with his two wives holding his left and right arms. They were enjoying themselves and was browsing through the different stalls. The two goddess carries jovial mood, and always showing smiles on their faces, especially Hephaestus. Shin became her world. Shin fulfilled her wish and dissolved the darkness and loneliness in her heart, starting when he healed her eye. Now, she felt carefree, and stress free (their night activity removes all her stress that she accrued the day before, so she was so relax in the morning). She had also fulfilled all her contracts with more spare time, so she's now with her husband, strolling and enjoying the festival. She hadn't have this kind of time before Shin came to her life, so she's enjoying it now to the fullest.

After eating fried meat sticks, they continue their stroll, when suddenly, they heard people screaming close by, and the two goddess look at their husband to see what his reaction will be. They were always curious as to how Shin will act, when there's an emergency or crisis. They had never seen him panic before, and just one time that he became furious when Loki was disrespecting her, but that's it. Right now, he was still carrying that smile on his face which the two had always like of him.

"Husband, do you have an idea of what's happening?" (Hephaestus)

"Actually, I do~ it seems that some monsters have escape and rampaging throughout the streets of Orario." (Shin)

"Eeehh~ isn't that dangerous?" (Artemis)

"Maybe for those people, but for you two? Nu-uh~ You're the safest goddess in whole Orario~" (Shin)

"We know husband~ that's why we love you so~ much! (both goddess kissed him)" (Hephaestus)

"Hehe~ I'm so lucky~" (Shin)

"But husband, can you do something about this? It's still dangerous to others and our familia were also out there trying to enjoy themselves.." (Hephaestus)

"Don't worry my goddesses, I got it covered... " (Shin)

Shin's shadow suddenly expanded, seven pair of eyes appeared from Shin's shadow. Shin then spoke and gave command. The two goddess were confused as to who Shin was talking to, however, they felt gazes at the back of their head, so the two turned around by reflect, and saw Shin's large shadow, and the eyes that were staring at them. One by one, shadow soldiers started coming out of Shin's shadow, and knelt down before Shin (only the humanoid shadow appeared, Shin commanded in his mind for the two large non-human shadow to standby). The two goddess were shocked at the dark beings that suddenly appeared and knelt down, awaiting command. The two goddesses curiously inspected each of the shadows. The one in the front has a figure of a woman. She was holding a one handed sword on the right and a shield on her left, wearing a light armor and her head was covered by a helmet (think of female version of Igris). The next one at the back, on the left was a large humanoid male. His body was also covered by light armor, and his back was draped by a cape or what look like a coat. The man was holding a sword on each hand, and the head was covered by a weird helmet (the helmet has the same shape as Shiki's head). Then the one on the right wore bulky demonic armor, and was holding a large sword. Then the last two just a bit behind, one has large body with light armor, a cape and wearing a horned helmet while the other also wears light armor (similar to a hunter's armor) and holding a serrated sword, and an ordinary looking helmet. Each one oozes dark miasma and a dangerous aura. Both goddess heard Shin's command to wipe out the rampaging monster on the whole Orario. The five disappeared like smoke, and disperses to hunt their prey.

The two girls looked at their husband, and like before, on the night that Shin showed them his wings, the two had questioning eyes and Shin smiled, and started telling them about the shadows, while they continued their stroll.

After sometime, they arrive in a plaza, and there, they saw that some of the Loki familia were fighting a giant scaled plant monster. The moment they arrived is when Lefiya was thrown back hard, and was then supported by the two guild members. Shin could see that even Ais was having hard time with the giant monster, so he snap his fingers, and the plan like monster started burning. It struggled for sometime, but in the end, it turned into ashes, and what's shocking about it its that the fire, even though it got into houses, did not as much singe the house, it only burned the parts of the monster. Ais noticed this, and she went straight and stood in Shin's way, as she saw him ignoring the now vaporized monster, and would continue on his way.

"Hoh~ What do you want with me Ais?" (Shin)

"I think.. I have found the proof.. the reason for you to accept me.." (Ais)

"Hoh~ And what would that be?" (Shin)

Ais fell down in front of Shin and knelt. She place her hand in front, and bowed down.

"... is this what you have found, groveling?" (Shin)

"No.. please hear me.. I want to be strong! Much stronger than what I am now.. much stronger than anyone here in Orario.. " (Ais)

"And for what, to avenge your parents?" (Shin)

"!!!... at first.. that is what I desired.. but after thinking of what you have said.. it's not my reason anymore.." (Ais)

"Really? Then tell me what changed?" (Shin)

"I want to become strong.. so that I could.. protect what is dear to me.. my friends, family.. and to someday... stand beside you? (blush)" (Ais)

"Ehh~ (sister, it seems that we'll have another?)" (Artemis)

"(You think so? Let's watch more fufufuh~)" (Hephaestus)

"Stand beside me? I'm confuse, what made you strive for that?" (Shin)

"I can feel that you're going to an adventure that no one here could compare.. when that happens, I want to be.. with you!" (Ais)

"Are you offering yourself to me? (Smirk)" (Shin)

"..... Yes.. I want to offer all of myself to you.. if you would also take me.. (blush)" (Ais)

"(sigh).. Ais, is this because of your curiosity?" (Shin)

"A bit of curiosity.. but mostly.. it's my feelings when I was watching you and your wives.." (Ais)

"(sigh~).. so that's what you've been doing.. I was wondering why you were following us along.." (Shin)

"!!!.. (lifted up her head, shocked) Y-you knew?" (Ais)

"Fufuh~ Silly girl, no one here could hide from our husband's eyes~" (Hephaestus)

After learning that Shin was aware of her following, she was embarrassed. However, she did not stand up from where she was, and continue to grovel, begging Shin. If Shin still did not accept her resolve at this point, she does not know what to do anymore. Thinking about getting rejected again, tears started forming in her eyes. Ais never cried ever since her parents died, but now, there was a hollow feeling in her heart, if she ever was not accepted by the man she adores in front of her.

In the meantime, Loki was also at the same place, and her eyes widen upon hearing that Ais resolution, was to give herself to the man. She couldn't believe what she heard, and she wanted to complain and stop Ais, but she was terrified with the man standing in front. She was having conflicted feeling and for the first time, does not know what to do.

"I understand.. you can stand up now, Ais." (Shin)

"I.. " (Ais)

"Whenever you're ready, and had taken care of your business with your familia, come to me. Then I will accept your offer and feelings.. don't worry, I won't leave you behind (smiled)" (Shin)

"Fufuh~ congratulations sister!" (Hephaestus)

"Good job! (thumbs up) sister!" (Artemis)

"Eh...?" (Ais)

Shin left after telling his piece, along with Hephaestus and Artemis, as they still have a lot of street to cover, and continue to enjoy the festival. Ais was still on the floor, kneeling, and had a blank look in her face..

"Aaaaaiiiisss!! What have you done!! Why did you do that!!?" (Loki)

"Eeeehhh~ So Ais is bold enough to offer her heart, body and soul to a man, huhuh~" (Tione)

"Heheh~ So bold~~" (Tiona)

"Eh? You mean.. he accepted.. me?" (Ais)

"Of course silly~ didn't you hear him at all?" (Tione)

"Forget that! We need to retract what you said, come on, let's follow him!" (Loki)

"I will not.." (Ais)

"What! WHY??" (Loki)

"I now belong to him.. (blush)" (Ais)

"Ugh! No you're not, you're still part of my familia, you can't just decide this on your own!!" (Loki)

"I can.. I've already decided.. I won't change.. my mind" (Ais)

"Are you leaving us?" (Lefiya)

"No.. I will still be your friend, and part of familia.. I will just be spending more time with him.." (Ais)

"But! but!!... Nooooohhhh!!!" (Loki)

A painful wail could be heard at the plaza. Ais, happily returned to the twilight mansion, checking for her things to bring along, when she go and meet Shin. Loki could still be seen hovering around Ais, trying to change her mind. Finn, Riveria, and Gareth had also heard of what happened, but did not go to change her mind. They already knew how Ais mind works, and if it's a decision that she had toiled over for two weeks, then that's enough to know that her mind is made up, but they could still not believe her bold decision. They also decided to come along with Ais, when she went over to Shin. They would ask about the terms with the man, and see if they could still salvage from losing one of their front liner familia member.

As for the Monsterphilia, all monsters have been destroyed. New rumors of large shadow knights or shadow warrior popping out of nowhere and destroying monsters with no effort at all. Unlike the series, there were less casualty, and the incident ended quickly. As for Bell, he still had to face off with the Silverback, and had also received his new weapon with the help of Hestia. Due to him training along with the Artemis familia under Shin, Bell was much stronger than the series, and he was able to beat the Silverback without suffering too much damage.

As for Shin, his shadows had already returned to him, and some, rest in his wive's shadow to protect them. They continued to stroll until evening fully enjoying the day and the festival.