
Journey through the Bleach World

An avid "Bleach" fan suddenly finds himself transmigrated into the world of his favorite anime, occupying the body of the protagonist, Ichigo Kurosaki. Unlike typical transmigration, he retains all of Ichigo's memories and abilities but also possesses his own consciousness and knowledge of the "Bleach" universe. This unique blend of identities creates a dual perspective on the events of the "Bleach" world.

Asta_utsugi · Thành thị
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

The first sensation was one of falling, a stomach-churning drop through an endless void. Then, abruptly, he hit an unseen floor, a jolt that sent ripples through his entire being. His eyes snapped open, greeted by a ceiling that was both intimately familiar and bewilderingly foreign.

Blinking, he sat up, the room spinning slightly. It was a typical teenager's room – posters on the walls, a slightly messy desk, a shelf lined with various trinkets. But this wasn't just any teenager's room. It was Ichigo Kurosaki's room, a setting he recognized instantly from countless hours spent watching "Bleach."

"This can't be real," he muttered, his voice sounding strange to his ears. It had a depth and a timbre that wasn't his own. Panicking, he scrambled to the mirror hanging on the back of the door.

The reflection that stared back was unmistakable. Orange hair, a scowling expression, and those piercing brown eyes. He was in the body of Ichigo Kurosaki.

"No way," he breathed, touching his – or rather, Ichigo's – face. His mind raced. Was this a dream? Some kind of elaborate prank? Memories that weren't his own began to flood his consciousness – a family, friends, battles fought, and powers wielded.

He stumbled out of the room, trying to piece together the situation. The Kurosaki household was just as he remembered from the anime. He found himself automatically heading towards the kitchen, driven by Ichigo's routine.

"Morning, Ichigo," greeted a woman with kind eyes and a gentle smile. His heart clenched. It was Masaki Kurosaki, Ichigo's mother, a character who had a tragic fate in the series.

"Morning," he replied, his voice a mix of awe and confusion. The breakfast scene was surreal. There was his younger sister, Yuzu, cheerfully setting the table, and Karin, her twin, already munching on toast, both blissfully unaware of the turmoil in his – Ichigo's – mind.

The day progressed in a haze. He found himself walking to Karakura High School, greeted by classmates whose names and faces he recognized but had never actually met. Each interaction was a tightrope walk between maintaining Ichigo's persona and not revealing his own shock.

Then there was Rukia Kuchiki. She approached him with her usual stoic expression, but he could sense the sharp intelligence in her gaze. He remembered her role, her powers, her story. Every detail about her and this world was etched in his memory from the anime, yet here she was, flesh and blood, speaking to him.

"Ichigo, you seem... different today," she remarked.

He managed a shrug. "Just didn't sleep well, I guess."

The real test came when a Hollow attacked. The sudden shift from mundane school life to a battle against a monstrous spirit was jarring. Instinctively, he reached for Zangetsu, Ichigo's sword, feeling its familiar weight in his hands. He could sense Rukia's surprise at his hesitation, a momentary lapse before the clash with the Hollow.

Fighting was a chaotic blur. He moved with Ichigo's skill and reflexes, but his own mind was screaming in disbelief. Each strike, each dodge was a dance of death, so real and visceral compared to the animated battles he had watched on a screen.

After the Hollow was defeated, he leaned against a wall, trying to catch his breath. Rukia eyed him, her expression unreadable.

"You're not quite yourself today, Ichigo," she said softly.

He could only nod, unable to voice the turmoil inside.

As he lay in bed that night, staring at the ceiling, the reality of his situation sank in. He was in the world of "Bleach," in the body of its protagonist. Questions swirled in his mind. How had this happened? Why him? And, most importantly, what was he supposed to do now?

He closed his eyes, a mix of fear and excitement coursing through him. This was no longer just a story on a screen. It was his reality, unpredictable and dangerous.

And so, his journey in the world of "Bleach" began, a path fraught with challenges, discoveries, and the daunting task of living a life that was both his and not his. The reflection in the mirror might be unfamiliar, but it was a reality he had to embrace. The world of Soul Reapers, Hollows, and endless battles awaited, and he had no choice but to face it head-on.