
Journey Through Fiction

A second chance at life… A chance to be powerful… Liam isn’t sure how he woke up in a fictional universe nor is he completely sure why it happened for that matter. Though it may seem to be an arduous task, he’d do his damn best to enjoy this new life.

Arokey · Tranh châm biếm
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30 Chs

Chapter 3

- [Liam] -

Reeling himself towards a 9 meter titan that he had grappled onto, he spun in the air, dicing the fingers of the arm that aimed to squash him.

Withdrawing the hook, he landed on the titan's arm, continuing his run as he got behind it, slashing out its nape before zipping away towards another nearby titan.

He lost count of how many he had felled at this point. It had been quite a while since the battle of Trost began and he had yet to see anyone in any of the regiments get here.

They either died while he saw them from afar or he lost sight of them while focusing on his fights. Quickly finishing off the titan, he grappled onto a roof, rolling to a stop.

He had encountered a problem that came with the ODM gear, he ran out of blades. The ones currently in use were already damaged enough that it wouldn't be able to cut down another titan.

Discarding the blades, he pulled out a fresh set from his inventory, restocking both sheathes. He'd stopped every once in a while to take the blades and gas tanks of those who fell to the titans with their gears mostly intact.

He needed it more than they did so there were no hard feelings.

Viewing the city from the high position of the roof, he could only marvel at the number of titans that were still roaming around.

'I know I can't kill them all on my own but damn there are so many.' He thought as he felt for the gas tank. 'I still have a decent amount.'

From the corner of his eyes, he could see an abnormal rushing towards him. Aiming the grapple to the building opposite him, he just barely avoided the titan as it crashed into the building.

'12 meter titan. If I recall, Eren's titan should be around 15 meters. Has he gotten eaten yet? Will he even get eaten?' There was no guarantee that it would happen the exact same way.

That was one of the things that gave Liam the drive to actively fight these titans. The abnormal titan got back to its feet, its unintelligent eyes dancing around as it searched for prey.

Liam shot his grapple as the abnormal searched, slashing at its eyes and blinding it as he passed before swinging by the steel cable that hooked around the titan's neck.

The resistance was enough to pull him back for him to cut through its nape with his blades. He allowed himself to land back on the destroyed building as the titan fell.

It was only as he prepared to find his next target that he saw people in ODM gear attempt to move through the city only to get eaten or squashed.

Judging by the lack of a symbol on their brown jacket or anywhere on their clothing, he could get that they were from the division that just graduated.

He had already seen a few of them getting eaten earlier. It wasn't a pretty sight.

Though Liam had taken care of quite a few on his own, he couldn't be everywhere at once nor would he try to be. He may want humanity within the walls to survive but he valued his own life too much to give it up carelessly.

'If I'm going to die, it's going to be for my own cause.' He thought with a small smirk as he surveyed his environment, pulling up his status.

Name - Liam Ross

Level - 25

Race - Human

Hp - 1650 [66 per minute]

Mp- 1300 [60 per 30 seconds]

Str - 35

Vit - 33

Dex - 35

Int - 26

Wis- 30

Cha - 21

Points - 45

He threw 10 points into Str, Vit, Dex and Wis each before having a moment of thought, putting the remaining 5 in Vit.

He was tempted to put it in Cha but that could wait for now. Diplomacy wouldn't convince the Titans to stop their attack…he tried…it didn't work.

Name - Liam Ross

Level - 25

Race - Human

Hp - 2400 [96 per minute]

Mp- 1300 [80 per 30 seconds]

Str - 45

Vit - 48

Dex - 45

Int - 26

Wis- 40

Cha - 21

Points - 0

He reveled in the feeling of his strength increasing as he closed the page.

"Aahhhhh! Leave me alone!"

His head snapped to the side instantly, catching sight of a 10 meter titan holding a cadet in its hand.

"I don't want to die!"

Without wasting any moment, he shot his grapples into titan's arm, grabbing its attention as he reeled himself towards it at high speed.

The titan attempted to grab him with its other hand only for him to angle his aerial movements, swinging under its free hand and slashing at the fingers that held the cadet.

He allowed the hooks to return to him before shooting them into the titan's neck, quickly pulling himself behind it and cutting out its nape.

As the titan collapsed to the floor, Liam allowed himself to land on its back, releasing a deliberate breath as the rain stopped.

It had been raining for a while already and he was soaked. Other than the adrenaline from the continuous skirmish, it was the heat from the bodies of the titans that warmed him up a bit.

"Where are the rest of you?" Liam asked the panicked young man who struggled for a few moments to stand at his feet.

"W-what? Who are you?!" The cadet questioned, still in fear.

"Answer the question." Liam said with some manner of exasperation.

"T-they're dead. All of them…dead!" The cadet immediately broke down in front of Liam who rubbed his temple in frustration.

'I thought my interference would have at least reduced the casualties even if just a little. I guess I'm not that strong enough to make that difference.' He thought as he pulled up the mission.

[Mission Objective: Survive]

[Bonus Objective: Kill 5 Titans](Complete)

[Bonus Objective: Kill 10 Titans](Complete)

[Bonus Objective: Kill 20 Titans](Complete)

[Bonus Objective: Kill 50 Titans]

[Reward: EXP]

[Bonus Reward: EXP, Moderate Health Potion x3]

[Bonus Reward: EXP, EXP card x10, Gacha Token x2]

[Bonus Reward: EXP, 20 stat points, +10 levels in Alchemy]

[Bonus Reward: 70 points, Legendary Gacha Token]

He sighed at the last bonus objective that had yet to be completed. The mission wasn't over but he had no way of knowing how many more he had to kill and he was too busy killing said titans to keep count.

'As much as I'd like to continue this slaughterfest, it's all going to be for nothing if we can't plug that hole. This whole no magic thing is starting to get on my nerves.' He thought with some amount of frustration.

He could temporarily block the hole with some extreme use of ice magic but that would lead to questions and problems that he wasn't prepared to deal with yet.

'I'll still need Eren to close the gate, assuming he didn't die for real this time.' He thought as turned his attention back to the cadet.

"Hey, stop your whining already." He complained, interrupting the sobbing young man who now looked back at him. "Where do you guys keep the gas you use?"

"H-huh? Why would you be asking about something like that?! How is that going to hel…"

He had already tuned out whatever long winded rant the teen in front of him had. He could understand that he was traumatized but this wasn't helping at all.

- [Mikasa] -

She failed.

Everything felt…empty…meaningless…

All she wanted to do was drown her pain while killing these Titans. If she died while doing so, then so be it.

She didn't understand how she survived the fall after her gas finished. Was it by some cruel fate that she didn't simply die?

She stared at her broken blade, the blood of the last titan she slew dissipating rapidly. She didn't know how many she killed but it didn't matter.

None of it would be enough to bring Eren back.

First it was her parents…then Eren's parents…now it was Eren himself.

With a groan, she managed to get back to her feet and move a few steps. Despite all her strength and talent, she couldn't protect the people that mattered most to her in the end.

The ground began to shake, giving the telltale signs of an approaching titan. A big one at that.

Just barely turning around, her dead eyes caught sight of a 14 meter titan that rounded the corner.

'What's the point of living anymore?'

The titan caught sight of her, rushing towards the girl, its arms flailing around like the unintelligent creature it was.

She closed her eyes, accepting her fate.

Just as she waited to be squashed, it never came as the sound of metal piercing flesh was heard instead.

She cracked her eyes open to see a boy the same age as her and the rest of the 104th training corps swinging towards her and quickly grabbing her as the steaming body of the titan fell in the place where she formerly stood.

Judging by the absence of the corp jacket, he wasn't one of the elite soldiers. That only brought up her next question. 'What is he wearing?'

Unlike the rest of the soldiers, other than the ODM gear, he was dressed in tattered and torn pants that left everything below his calves exposed. His shirt was no better with the amount of holes in it along with the stains of blood.

'Who is he? Why won't he just let me die?' She thought with dead eyes.