
Greetings Father

We walked out the door and was hit with a breeze that told us that winter was coming. Ignoring the wind trying to push us back into the warm sanctuary of my house, we continue our walk to the almost deserted parking lot that was only a few feet away from the white and light grey sidewalk. We stood there looking for a car we both recognized, until a blue car door popped open revealing our father. I tensed up and become stiff and I could only imagine that Autumn did the same as me. I lowered my head just enough where we could not make eye contact but I could still see every move he made. His hair was curly blond falling around his face, his was wearing a black and white suit with a red tie around the collar. 

"Good evening father. What brings you here to my home. Are you the one who was sent to recover Autumn?" I ask.

"I'm I not allowed to visit one of my oldest daughter?" His voice was raspy but firm and strong. Hearing him talk sent a chill un and down my spine. His gaze was locked onto me. "Holy, what do you think your wearing! Why aren't you wearing a more prestige outfit to prove that you are actually in this family!" He said at last.

"I awoke not to long ago and haven't the time to get dressed properly for your visit or for anyone's arrival for that matter." I said.

Autumn was still beside me trying to draw any unwanted attention  from our father her way. She was smart, her hair brushed and put up neatly, her light brown curls falling past her shoulders, her clothes were clean and de wrinkled, and she showed no sign of anything wrong. But only a second ago she looked upset and uncertain, She wasn't going to give him anything to use against her. I'll admit, I was a bit upset by her look. I would of loved to have his gaze off of me even for a second, but I don't see that happening anytime soon.

"Your apart of the Ironwood family. You must start to act and dress like one. Understood? And what is with you hair!" His crisp blue eyes narrowed and become sharp. His face twisted into a grim smile showing his teeth. He was shaming me publicly

"As soon as I woke and heard of the arrivle of someone from your household, I put it up into a bun." These were the only words that would come out of me. All the others force their way down the back of my throat not wanting to be detected. "Father I only have but a question to ask. May I?" 

"Speak child. Do not let it seem I do not allow you to speak." This was an order for sure. His voice and stance become hard and cold. Along with his gaze. His penetrating, icy blue gaze. If I didn't know any better I would say he could kill with it. But luckily I did and I knew better than to bring up anything that even sounded remotely bad about him. Last time I did I was starved for two days.

"Father, why would you tell my job I needed quit? For that's the only job I have ever liked and no intention of giving it up anytime soon." I let a slight bit of anger take control of my words and of course I knew this would make him angry, since he no longer had control of the situation.

"Excuse me, I do not have to explain myself to the likes of you and last time I checked I was your father and you were just a kid!" He snapped.

I flinched ready to be hit like always if I were to upset him in anyway shape or form. But that never happen instead he looked shifted his gaze at Autumn, softening it a little and told her "We're leaving. Get in the car quickly now. We can't waste the day away.."

"Yes father." She sounded hollow and matter of fact she looked hollow. She no longer wore a smile nor a worried look and she has lost all the color from her once rosy cheeks. Her expression was utterly and completely blank. I stood there looking at her in complete awe, just trying to see anything that resembles the girl who stayed the night, but there was nothing. Only emptiness either caused by fear or respect.

"Oh and Holy, before I forget." He turned to face me once more as my shell of a sister climbed in the car and buckled up. "You will be marrying Cole Shaw. There are no doubts about it." Only then did he climb in as well. He looked serious and angry that I tried to muddle in with his affairs. "And stop using your mother against me. You should know by now that doing that doesn't help you nor her and either way I get my way." The door slammed shut once he was inside.

I watched as the car drove away leaving my here standing, frozen in place. What he had said was correct. Everytime he and mother fought because of me, he would always ignore her as punishment and he would always force her into a spare room and keep her locked up. Until he thinks he has forgiven her or broken her spirit. He never has yet to break her though. But still, he treats me much worse. I remember he would always drag me into the basement and lock me in there. He would never visit and when he did he would always-

Rain fell from the sky cutting through my thoughts. I looked up to allow it to fall on my face. I stood there until the feeling the icy wind and the cold water fall on me relaxed my mind a  bit, for some reason. The cold wind picked up and started to nip at my arms that had no protection. I turned around and made my way back to the door to my house. One I was too cold to do anything and ,y fingers and toes become numb. After entering I walked over to the couch after making sure my door was locked tight. The couch was cozy and so I figured that maybe I should write before I ordered some more food again.