
Journey of the Octane Render

Summoned by the will of 5th Dimensional being Noah find himself involved in the race of throne for the position of only 6th dimensional being in entire cosmos . Given the power to create his own skills , Noah creates [REALITY RENDER - The skills/talents you create will become real as long as enough people believe in it] and a System which has its own intelligence and freedom . Join Noah in his journey as he visits Archanos - a world filled with secrets and wonders beyond one's imagination and as he discovers secrets regarding himself. Note:- The story will not be rushed (medium pace) for sake of character development and starting chapters may be boring as I will be making plot bigger and interesting for novel . novel will have a fantasy build with powers and system made by protagonist . MC will be smart and cunning and i will try to give explanation if needed -The quality of chapter increases as number of chapter increases , so give it it a try till 30 chapter before coming to a conclusion!

OctaneRender · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
38 Chs

Place and Time Selection - III

"Why? Wouldn't being born in a time of my choice give me more chance to experience exponential growth?"

[Yes , you are right but do you really logically think that its so easy to mess with time?]

"Hmm , now that I think about it , indeed it looked a little suspicious as you already said the system wouldn't allow me to buff up more" Noah said but then again fell into predicament as the earlier message and current were entirely contrary.

[I have a guess but I am not certain if it is true..]

"Like what?"

[I..I can't share , already got one warning , next time who knows what punishment I may suffer]

"Arg! fine , but atleast can you give me general idea?" Noah asked as he was now getting irritated

[Just know that its a trick to make sure that you don't necessary reach your expected potential]

"Woah! , so someone strong enough to manipulate system , wants to nerf me huh, its seems my handsomeness has really attracted some unwanted attention" Noah said

[sigh! its good that you can find humor in such condition.]

"Heh.. and what other option do I have" Noah said with a bitter expression as he really find the situation too hopeless.

"So, let me sum up , you want to say that giving me the choice to choose time is a trap and I shouldn't do that, correct?"


"Alright! , then do you have any idea when will I get born?" Noah asked as he needed sufficient information before he can concoct some plan.

[Well I will try it to best possible one but , yeah it would at the stage when chances of human joining the core leadership would be fully secured]

"Hmm , I know that you told me that you will manage the place of birth but atleast give me a heads up about the situation" Noah asked

[I can't share personal information about people of Archanos , you have to personally use the Appraisal Skill on them]

"Fine! , it seems like it will wild ride , I should say my thanks to Sophia before we depart" Noah thought and then shifted his attention to Sophia.

Sophia who was in her world of her own , suddenly saw Noah focusing towards her. He said "Thanks Sophia , you have been a great help till now" while extending his hand for a handshake

Sophia who was confused by his sudden change of attitude , wanted to tease him a little but stopped in her track when she saw that his eyes carried seriousness .

She also forwarded her hand so as to meet Noah's .

"Hope to see you soon " he said to Sophia

"Sure though I am curious about where did you decide to get born" Sophia said as she was already amazed by the level of creativity and wits he has shown till now and she couldn't wait to know his future plans.

"Sure " said Noah and then gave her sufficient information while swiftly ignoring his species part..

"Hmm , you being born in Render's Alliance core leadership really increases odds of us meeting again very soon" said Sophia .

"Oh! what I am hearing here , Are you really looking forward to our next meeting with so much passion , it seems like you really found your crush!" Noah said as his instinct took over him and he couldn't help but once again tease her!

Sophia said nothing to his non-sense but just gathered a ball of light on her fingers and firing it on a nearby stone , pulverizing it from existence , and said "Oh! Yes , I am really looking forward to it , who knows what things will I get to BREAK" she said imitating Noah's tone seemingly trying to mock him while pressing on the word break while looking between his legs!

"Hick! , what are you a demon , how can you say all such things with a smile and what do you mean by crushing things, answer me hey !...blah...blah..and blah" Noah's bickering continued for who knows how much time.

[Host I have completed necessary procedures , its time to depart]

Noah who heard this , looked at Sophia and nodded and as weird it may look she understood his response and nodded back .

Only God(ME!) knows how both of them developed this level of familiarity with each other in such a short time!

"Good luck on your journey , Noah " Sophia said with a sweet smile on her face.

"Thanks , looking forward to our next meeting" Noah said finally readying himself for starting his new life!

[Is the host ready?]


[User input received!]

[Commencing the process...]

[Starting user transfer to Archanos!]

[Have safe journey!]


After what seemed a eternity , Noah opened his eyes only to find some texts which scared the shit out of him!

(Now the main system is talking as it is in [[ ]] )

[[Congratulation to Host for being the first person to enter Archanos from outside]]

[[Your achievement shall be rewarded!]]


[[It has been found that Host skill "Pearl" has broken several rules and restrictions placed by system!]

[[Pearl has accessed several classified information!]]

[[It has been decided by the System that as the owner of "Pearl" , individual Noah will suffer the consequences!]]

[[Noah has been subjected to slumbering state for 150 years!]]

Creation is hard, cheer me up! Have a good Day!

OctaneRendercreators' thoughts