
Journey of the Octane Render

Summoned by the will of 5th Dimensional being Noah find himself involved in the race of throne for the position of only 6th dimensional being in entire cosmos . Given the power to create his own skills , Noah creates [REALITY RENDER - The skills/talents you create will become real as long as enough people believe in it] and a System which has its own intelligence and freedom . Join Noah in his journey as he visits Archanos - a world filled with secrets and wonders beyond one's imagination and as he discovers secrets regarding himself. Note:- The story will not be rushed (medium pace) for sake of character development and starting chapters may be boring as I will be making plot bigger and interesting for novel . novel will have a fantasy build with powers and system made by protagonist . MC will be smart and cunning and i will try to give explanation if needed -The quality of chapter increases as number of chapter increases , so give it it a try till 30 chapter before coming to a conclusion!

OctaneRender · Kỳ huyễn
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38 Chs

Choosing His Race! - I

"Why did you say human? I don't mean to sound like a traitor but aren't human's only way of survival would be either using their population or their minds , how come are you suggesting them over other species? " asked Noah as he was quite confused by the choice given by angel.

"Well you are technically right , they are indeed when born , are species with lowest powers but the reasons why I suggested is because of potential"


"Yes, every species have been given something unique powers by Nature to them either it be dragon's innate control over mana, angels divine mana or demons demonic energy " answered Sophia

"So, what's the power of humans?" asked Noah seemingly curious about her answer

"Their levelling system" , "Huh? levelling system as in games?"

"Yeah same as those which you guys called games , they get something they called exp whenever they they kill something and when a threshold has been completed they level up" answered Sophia

"Woah! that's quite the similarities we have here , don't tell me you guys have something called dungeons also?" asked Noah Noah as the situation was too similar with the fantasy novels he read

"Yes , your are right we have those , every species clears them based on their types and get something which can be used to help them become stronger" Sophia answered to which Noah thought ("Hmm this origin energy is too terrifying it seems like all the fantasy stuff in my world is reality here , though the greater the danger the greater the reward is I guess")

"Alright though I am interested in knowing about the cultivation method of other species can you give me the reason for selecting the human's way" asked Noah as even though leveling up sounded cool and easy stuff he knew how hard those things can be when you are near saturation level.

"Well the only reasons human were able to establish their position in alliance was due to their speed of getting stronger , they become stronger at much faster pace than other species and of course due to their minds which kept on improving the alliance financials" explained Sophia

"My dear angel you really are expecting me to know about this alliance aren't you?" asked Noah as veins popped on his head , He had enough of getting bombarded with information this and that , this and that, it just keeps on increasing!!!

"Oh , its called The Render's Alliance its comprised of all the species which are atleast on the bright side like Elf , dwarves , humans , sirens etc. their main purpose is to keep all demonic species in check " explained Sophia about the rough idea of RA .

"As our angel race and the alliance goal are similar we have quite the understanding with them" she said but Noah still had one question in his mind "But how come such a thing possible like I get it they are on edgy terms with demonic species but how does then they decide hierarchy , cause from all the information I got the main slogan of your world is "Strong eat Weak" or "Survival of the Fittest" "

Sophia who heard his question couldn't help but be at a little ease as he didn't have any distorted worldview of Archanos , she replied "Yes , you are right , our world does work that way that is why we had to make proper ways so that we can give the weak a chance to grow"

Noah who heard this couldn't help but wonder if she sounded a lot like politician of his world , "Hey , you are thinking something bad about me aren't you?" she asked with a glare

"Nah! just carry on" said Noah as didn't wanted to suffer divine punishment again

"They have games" , "huh games??" asked Noah as he was puzzled to where the conversation was going.

"The species decides hierarchy based on contribution , power assessment and at last games , they are like matches where the life of a person is on line , if they win they gets resources and treasures by the alliance and in case of failure they just die or receive punishment" explained Sophia about the political scenario of Archanos .

"Hmm got it , so it seems its easy compared to others for humans with their cultivation to remain in the alliance , though I think there must me a catch here isn't it? it sounds a little too good " Noah asked in a suspicious tone to which Sophia replied "Well same things as always internal conflict"

"Sigh! I guessed that much , well I lost all interest in the conversation , now It seems I need to get summoned at a place of someone in power , so I can utilize his or her position" said Noah in a tone which seemed he already made up his mind .

"It's your decision where you want to land or not , though remember with the anomalies you have , you may get attention of some people who may just want to use you" Sophia said giving him a warning but to Noah who heard the last sentence suddenly started boiling with rage , he said while biting his lips trying to lessen his anger by pain.

"Thanks for the heads up , now what about the other one?" Noah asked as she had given him two suggestion

"The Ancient Ones?"

Note:- Only one chapter per day now as I have Exams ^-^

Creation is hard, cheer me up! Have a Good Day

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