
New life?

When i open my eyes i see light, a very bright light i hear voices in a wierd and distorted language. I try to blink but to no avail the light is still to bright and my eyes are not focusing in the right way. I wait for several minutes and still its Too bright the voices getting bigger and bigger until i hear atleast 7 - 9 diffent voices each sounding happier than the other. Where am I?

"we ase" is all i say seems like i can't talk but im not cold so i guess im in the hospital but that dosn't exsplain anything about the language. I can't move my legs and arms that well either, after some days its finally possible to see but not that well i can persive things right infront of my eyes but not more. After some thinking and some debating i come to the conclusion im a baby.

'why must this happen to me and why am i alive' thinking that i would just continue the days as they went i see something interesting a dog/wolf like creature looking at me. I looked terrifying simply terrifying

guess im not on earth with both the language and the pet i assume. still a newborn should just have a sight of 16-24 centimeter. and the dog seems to be around a meter away. This bodie seem to develop faster. After some time getting used to my new body i cry because that's what newborns do because they can't fend for themself. In my case im useless and will die in a matter of hours without supervison.

My what i should call mother said the same word over and over i don't know what but i guess ill need to learn it probably some random word like calm down. After im done 'feeding' i look around only to remember i was born not that long ago and can't see that far.

For now what i can guess is 2 weeks has gone by and ive learned my name Light... what a stupid name i much perfer my old name Benjamin that was much more sophisticated but im forced to keep it anyways. Now that im a little older i can see much clearer and it seems like im in a poor household. why? WHY ? whatever supreme power sent me here seems to like the poor.

When i try to walk out of the room to explore i always get put back. Atleast my parents are proper and dosn't let me run of and die in a corner. good good But... Let me have some private space okay after getting a better understanding of where i am i can first see that ive got, a dog or wolf? 3 sister and 2 brothers jesus calm down 6?! kids calm down, but with that information i can get a grasp on how things are. In the past a family tried to get alot of children so that even if one died they still had a heir that could continue the famliy.

This kind of action was common in the medival age so i guess that's where we are and i can't expect a toilet. When i tried to crawl im still weak as usual my body is still not used to move alot draining my stamina and making it harder to move. Time passes and it seems to become colder i can guess im about 1 month old and im craving for some PROPER human interaction not me babling and guessing the language.

Ive already learned the names of the family members my father is gustav and seems to be a farmer, my mother is name lilith, my broders are named otto and olav being 17 and 14 and my sisters are named elizabeth, emily and liza being 15, 12 and 6 years old.

There is also the dog/wolf still don't know what it is. but it seems like the connections between them is lose and they would abondon the other if it meant to survive. It seems like they avoid taking care of me even eating my food, i can't blame them life is though.

But being sourrunded by selfish people is going to be waring on my temper.

just some project im working on hope you liked it. feedback is good to get

random_mtcreators' thoughts