
Journalling in the MCU: Characters Can Read My Diary?

Crossing into the Marvel world, Zhou Cheng gains the ability to become stronger by writing a diary. However, Zhou Cheng doesn't realize that the diary he writes is not only visible to him. The entire world gradually starts to become strange. Tony: I am not Iron Man, stop calling me that! Captain America: Bucky, go turn yourself in, while there's still time! Thor: Father, you never told me I had a sister? Translated from: https://www.69shuba.com/book/52096.htm Future chapters at: https://www.patreon.com/FFAddict

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Chapter 22: I Shall Staned Atop the Universe!

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"Why didn't I realize this before?"

"The concept of iron armor, this is indeed a great field of study!"

"Even for me, it poses a certain challenge!"

"This is going to be fun!"

Tony Stark's face lit up with excitement.

His interest was fully piqued.

At this moment, Tony Stark made a decision; he, the great Tony, would delve into the research of iron armor!

Firstly, iron armor has a promising future indeed. Once commercialized, it could be explosively popular.

Secondly, it would help Tony Stark prepare for the approaching kidnap attempt, right?

After building his own iron armor, what would the Ten Rings gang amount to?

Of course, there's something even more important: getting revenge for his parents would now be more feasible!

[Hold on!]

[Narrow-minded! My vision hasn't expanded yet.]

[Focusing only on stocks, it feels like a waste of a golden opportunity.]

[After all, it's not often that one gets kidnapped.]

Tony Stark's face darkened again.

What does "not often kidnapped" mean?

Is that even appropriate to say?

[Selling a house fetches how much exactly? Even if it's stretched to the limits, how much could it really bring in?]

[There's only so much capital, no matter how much I hustle it won't create miracles.]

[Rather than fussing over stocks, why not get my hands on the blueprints for the iron armor?]

[That's where the real value lies. Wouldn't casually selling that be better than fiddling with stocks?]

It's confirmed!

Tony Stark's gaze sharpened instantly.

He had guessed right, the "Iron Man" really was about the iron battle suit!

So, Zhou Cheng really had the audacity to target his armor?

Tony Stark's eyes began to gleam with a sharp light.

Are you seriously considering that?

I will not let you succeed!

[However, it must be said, the original Mark armor is hideous, absolutely crude.]

[It can't be compared at all to the later Mark series.]

[Especially the final Mark 85, that's the epitome of cool. That's what you call a real battle suit, right?]

[Not only is it a looker, but it's also incredibly resilient, allowing even a schmuck like me to enter the ranks of the universe's top fighters.]

[Effortlessly handling the Black Order, and even going toe-to-toe with Thanos.]

Are you serious?

Hideous and crude?

The corners of Tony Stark's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Did Zhou Cheng always have to degrade him? Couldn't he stop for a second without feeling uncomfortable?


I made the first suit of armor with a sledgehammer in a cave; how good could it look?

Isn't powerful performance enough?

His original Mark armor did exactly that.

It helped him escape from that cave.

But, the Mark series...

Tony Stark raised his eyebrows again. Is this a name I gave to my own armor series?

Definitely his style.

Tony Stark didn't dwell on it.

He just noted that the Mark armor had been updated to the 85th version, huh?

It seemed the iron armor really thrived under his care.

Wait a minute!

As he read on, Tony Stark was slightly taken aback.The Elite Powerhouses of the Universe!

Will my future self be that awesome?

We are talking about the top powerhouses of the universe.


Not just Earth-level, but cosmic-level!

That's my boy, Tony!

The most dazzling guy in the entire universe.

"Indeed, I am the best!"

Tony Stark is exuberant and full of panache.

He says with a tone that suggests it was always meant to be, uttering a sentence dripping with arrogance.

But soon.

Tony Stark's expression becomes solemn once again.

Because several other important names have caught his eye.

The Black ORder?

Who are these people?

And what about this Thanos?

What is that?

Without a doubt, according to the context of the diary, all these individuals must be some of those cosmic powerhouses.

But exactly how powerful they are, their backgrounds, what grievances they have with him, and so on and so forth.

All other related information is something Tony Stark cannot deduce.

The only thing he knows is that in the future, he'll go toe to toe with these top powerhouses of the universe!

There will be battles!

Isn't this a bit too wild?

Tony Stark can't help but secretly criticize himself, does his parallel universe self live life on such a wild edge?

Going through the universe to start fights?

Isn't Earth big enough for you to have your fun?

But to be honest, taking a whirl through the universe seems like... quite a cool thing to do!

[Mark 85 and such might be a bit far-fetched, that's the ultimate suit of armor, the culmination of all his life's work.]

[I can't even begin to think about that.]

[Okay, besides the original Mark I, none of the other armors seem reachable either.]

[It's not like the data for those armors are like the original one, just thrown into a cave easy to snatch away.]

[I can't exactly go and steal from the big guy, can I?]

[Doing something so low and tasteless? That doesn't fit the protagonist's character!]

This guy still has some dignity!

Tony Stark smirks slightly, and his impression of Zhou Cheng is somewhat improved.

As a transmigrator, Zhou Cheng knows and understands the value of those armors better than Tony Stark himself.

From his tone, it seems that stealing from Tony is not difficult.

But faced with such a huge temptation, he did not show any greed.

That speaks volumes.


Doesn't this guy seem a bit too narcissistic?

Actually calling himself the protagonist?

While I, Tony Stark, am here, who else can be the protagonist?

Everyone else should step aside and be the supporting characters to me, the main protagonist!

Even if you're a transgressor!

[But this original armor... Okay, I don't even know where that cave actually is!]

[Darn it! Let me be frustrated for two minutes.]

[Do I have to go visit Obadiah Stane and grab the blueprints?]

What's going on?

Tony Stark's brows can't help but knit together.

How does Stane get involved in this too?

According to the diary.

The blueprints for the armor left behind in the cave when he was kidnapped eventually ended up in Stane's hands.

With Stane's status, it's understandable to Tony that he could get his hands on the blueprints.

The man certainly has the means and the power, and also has a motive.

That's not the issue.

The real issue is...