

HI guys, this is my first time writing a story. so hopefully any small mistakes or such may overlooked. AND English is not my first language, so there can be grammertical mistakes, pls bear with them. SYNOPSIS: IVON, a famous Young sciencetist, of earth ended up being dead after creating a successful cure that prevent mankind form it's destruction. BUT is this the end of this genius young man, who Sacrificed his life for saving billions ? OR there will be more? TO FIND OUT let's follow IVEN to his END OR MAYBE THE NEW BEGINNING?? DISCLAIMER: Other than OC non of the characters or world and power setting were mine. they belong to original authors. Cover picture is not mine

The_Legend_5911 · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs


At planet VEGETA, which is the home and main kingdom of vicious saiyan race, in main hospital a female saiyan given birth to twins with slightly greater power level then normal, who are sent to the baby care ward, where saiyan baby placed in a artificial nourishment tube, which provide them with intial process of body strengthing so they can take out there full potential during later years. As warrior race saiyans strictly follows the rule of jungle, where strong stands over weak. As such every saiyan have to fight to stand above others or they can only follow the strong as a leader.


First 3 years passed for both of the babies namely KAKKOROTTO and SUN, toady they are going to sent at the planet named EARTH so the able to destroy or enslaved the liveforms of that planet. It's an normal procedure for each baby, as at the day of full moon saiyans change in a mindless beast from which is extremely powerful and that from is the real reason for which saiyans able to overpowered so many species of there universe.

Two space pod has been departured form estimated time from the space station, yet after few hours of there departure a huge explosion occure in planet VEGETA and destroy in completely living only very few saiyans who are out for the missions alive. This also ended the terror of saiyan race throughout the universe.

The shockwave created due to destruction of a planet passed very far reaching two space pods of the saiyan babies, who still unconscious due to being in a frozen state for long space travel, get hit and one of the pods changed its path and entered in space-time crack that appeard strangely appears from nowhere.


Is this the end of this newborns life? or there is some different fate waiting for him? can get out of the crack safely? if so then where? if so then when? if so then what will he become?

Find out on next chapters!!!

Stay tune guys and share your thoughts on what do you think is going to happen on the comments below!