

HI guys, this is my first time writing a story. so hopefully any small mistakes or such may overlooked. AND English is not my first language, so there can be grammertical mistakes, pls bear with them. SYNOPSIS: IVON, a famous Young sciencetist, of earth ended up being dead after creating a successful cure that prevent mankind form it's destruction. BUT is this the end of this genius young man, who Sacrificed his life for saving billions ? OR there will be more? TO FIND OUT let's follow IVEN to his END OR MAYBE THE NEW BEGINNING?? DISCLAIMER: Other than OC non of the characters or world and power setting were mine. they belong to original authors. Cover picture is not mine

The_Legend_5911 · Tranh châm biếm
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SUN's looking around curiously as he taken to a large room filled with a royal bed and various beautiful furnitures . The maid placed him on the bed gentaly before changing his clothes to some warm wooly baby clothes, and help him drink some warm milk, which ended up showing his large Saiyan appreciate. But the surpriseing thing for him is that the maid doesn't even show any weird actions even after seeing his huge appreciate other than a little surprised face in the beginning, as if everything is normal.

Once he finished his milk, gate of the room open which took his attention and he saw another figure, who is very easy to remember form MCU verse FIRGGA, Mother of THOR, arguable the most clam and kind hearted person shown in Asgard.

"What a sharp chlid! he is certainly more intelligent then any other ordinary chlid I have seen. So, he is choosen to be The First Prince and my first child it seems.." FRIGGA thought as she made her way towards SUN, who also curiously looking at her, since she actually look like the actress played her role in the movies. Which is also the reason why he could recognise her at a glance.

FRIGGA came infornt of him and took him form the maid , while gentaly embracing in her hug and said, "Welcome my child, to your new home. Hopefully I can give you the love and teaching you deserve as my child. How about we have a tour to the garden?"

Then she left with SUN and took him to her garden, also talk time to time about Asgard and it's people , about how much glad she is to have her own child now and so on. Later after the tour, which let SUN see how beautiful Asgard is with long and high mountain , large rivers the seemingly endless , beautiful star fllied twilight sky things he never imagine to be able see in earth, all those beauty's of nature is what he experience in his first day of new life. This views also filled him with expectetion for future.

Just like that while 5hour passed when finally their short tour some to an end , FRIGGA left SUN to his bed for some rest. SUN also felt a little tried, but started to check the conditions of his cheats before taking rest .

First thing he looked is the MULTIVERSE CHAT GROUP, which seem to deactivate and only will become online during the time main events starts, which left him confused as when it's gonna happen. Is it during Captain America's creation or during Iron Man's armor creation or The First attack of New York? since he don't know when actually it gonna get online SUN left it for now as no matter when it's get online he needs time to increase his powers which is currently the main concern for him.

So he closed his eyes thought about library , when a sound ecoed in his mind, [ Ding! HEAVEN'S LIBRARY PATH is online. User can take 3 initial Technics for free. To get more Technics user need to have achivements. Number of achivements approved by the Library will give similar number of chances to the user to choose Technics for the library.]

Well, after reading the message SUN is cleared how to use it, also for the achivements it's says the Library approved, which means only when the library approve something as achivements it will count not all so he could only what and see which type of work will get approved.

For the first 3 Technics, which currently enough number for him , he choose -

1. SUPREME KI CULTIVATION FOR SAIYAN RACE, which is also a personalized version. It's the best way to cultivate Ki for Saiyans and personalised version gave give best Technics for according to his own body. Only drawback is time. It's will take him more time to reach Saiyan God mode, Since here he will refine God ki on his own which will make him a true God will increased lifespan, a half- immortal how can be only killed by someone more powerful then him, since his body will stop ageing.

For the 2nd one his choose...



I am gonna make my boy overpowered but to limited extend for intial phases. There will be stories of his struggle a little but not by much so don't expect to much struggle or anything like that

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