
Raijin and Liam

Next to a small lake on the Canada-Alaska border, two figures stood in front of each other. One was a seven foot tall extremely muscular man with red hair and eyes, the other was a six and half foot teenager with a bulky body. The major difference between the two was the fact that the teenage boy was covered in an extremely thick golden flame that looked like the sun and huge arks of golden lightning flickered around him.

Even stranger was that whenever the golden lightning moved or the flame moved, it was moving to a beat. A song echoed throughout the entire area and the golden aura seemed to follow it.

This was of course Liam and Raijin, and Giornos theme playing in the background. For anyone wondering why Raijin is playing music even after his grandfathers death, its instinct. As was stated earlier, Raijin was born with an extra region in his brain that was similar to a parrots that allowed him to copy and recreate different sounds. Along with his incredible musical talent and his love for music itself, he had taught this region of his brain what his favorite songs were. This extra brain region had learned that this song helps him concentrate when in a crisis and raises his chances of overcoming it. So when all the new hamon ran through his body and through that part of his brain, the brain told the hamon to play the song.

(This is my logic, although its pretty faulted, this is based off of animes so I'm allowed to bullshit my way through whatever I want. Also, this is a Dr. Stone fanfic so I figured its necessary to explain things like this, even if the logic is flawed.)

"What are you talking about boy? Do you really think that you are capable of taking me down even after what just happened to the old man? Keep dreaming. I am the most powerful being in the universe, I can even be called perfect! Even if you did receive a huge power boost, it is nothing compared to me." Liam said as he stood in a dramatic pose and smiled savagely.

"Doesn't matter, I'm the protagonist, all I have to do is get beaten up for a little while then my plot armor will kick in and Ill kick your ass." He said with a calm voice filled with hatred and a gaze so cold that it could kill small animals.

He started walking forward with hamon flickering all over his body and a transparent coating covering him. He then said angrily "Liam"

"Ho, You're approaching me? Instead of running away you're coming right to me? After killing you're grandfather right in front of you and displaying my power, you take such a foolish action?" Liam said while sticking his arms out.

"I cant beat the shit out of you without getting closer." Raijin replied, but inside his head he was thinking something completely different. 'I cant believe that he just said that, has he seen the anime, or is this just a coincidence? It could be the genie or fate screwing with me. Whatever the case, my mood has improved a little from that interaction.'

"Oh ho! Then come as close as you like." Liam finished the meme and walked forward as well.

Raijin took another step but vanished the next second. He reappeared in front of Liam and before he could react Raijin punched him in the face with enough force to send him flying. He hit a rock and broke his fall, less then a second later he stood up and looked at Raijin astonished.

"How can you move at such a speed, are you really human?" He asked with a voice of disbelief.

Raijin simply chuckled a little and dashed at him again. Liam was ready this time though. He easily dodged it, although he was hit last time, that was because he was underestimating his opponent, however this time he used his real speed.

He jumped and flipped a few times before landing in a pose once more and dashing forward at incredible speed. He then punched Raijin in the chest hard enough to make him lose all of his breath, and all of his hamon disappeared as well. He then kicked him in the ribs, and just as Raijin was about to go flying, Liam grabbed him again and kneed him hard enough in the stomach for Raijin to vomit blood. Not from anger like with wuxia novels, it was more like the more like internal organ damage.

Liam didn't show any mercy at any point either. He quickly grabbed Raijin by the hair and continuously punched him in the face. By the time it was over, Raijin's face was beaten so badly that he was almost unrecognizable. And the terrifying part about this was that it all happened in the span of just a few seconds, so Raijin didn't have time to recover his hamon.

Raijin was then thrown upward into the sky. Liam had thrown him so hard that he went past the clouds, he would have been destroyed by the atmosphere if it weren't for hamon and his limit breaking body. As he fell back down, he felt his life flash before his eyes. No matter how powerful he was now, with the speed that Liam had turned the battle around before it had even started shook him.

He was expecting to put up more of a fight for at least a few more exchanges, however he was only able to get one good hit in and then Liam completely destroyed him. It was as if he could have killed all three of them the second he saw them, but didn't so that he could toy with them. He could have easily flattened them before they knew what was happening, however didn't so that he could test his own power and have some fun. He had been playing around this whole time.

This infuriated Raijin, they had been fighting for their lives and even lost Daichi, yet Liam wasn't even really trying. Raijin couldn't take it anymore and the golden sparks reappeared. They weren't any larger then before nor had they changed in quality, however now they were infused with rage, grief, humiliation and sorrow, so they gave off a different vibe.

As he fell, Raijin's eyes narrowed, he straightened himself up and concentrated. His hamon started to flicker with more intensity as it condensed into a thin layer around his body, with an occasional bolt escaping it.


Meanwhile back on the ground, Liam was smiling at the sky.

"It seems I had overestimated this entire family, they were all weaker then I expected. That girl seems pretty good at fighting though, maybe I should turn her into a zombie, even if she was extremely rude earlier. For now I should stop her from killing my entire army, making her part of it can come la-" He would have finished, if it weren't for the huge meteor like impact that just happened in front of him.

When the smoke from it cleared, he could see a blood covered Raijin floating a few feet above the ground and surrounded by a dangerously powerful hamon skin. Occasionally a golden lightning bolt would ark out and curve around him.

"How the hell are you ok, you should have burnt up in the atmosphere?" Liam asked but received only a cold glare.

'Whatever, I need to kill him fast, before he grows any more or gives me any more surprises, I don't want him becoming a real threat.' He then lunged forward with the intent to freeze Raijin.

He stuck his hand out to grab his arm, but was stopped by some invisible rubbery substance.

Raijin smirked and yelled, "Frozen White Overdrive!"

He then punched out, but Liam was sent flying before the fist even connected.

This was another of Raijin's new moves. It is essentially a barrier of air around him in a solid state without actually becoming solid, like how water acted when he stopped it. It worked by sucking in and condensing the air in the surroundings, and to make sure that he can still breath, he breaths in the air closest to him at the same time as he pulls in more air to replace it. So it results in a powerful shield that can technically never be destroyed so long as he keeps breathing.

Raijin shot forward again and jumped on top of Liam. "Unlike grandfather, I do not feel any pity for you! I am going to kill you in the most panful way imaginable." He stated before he started to continuously punch Liam, just like what he did to Raijin.

Although Liam was faster and stronger, he wasn't able to push the air off of him, no matter how much he tried. He had no choice but to try something else. So he opened his eyes wide and looked straight at Raijin, a second later his eyes started to glow and an energy beam shot out of them.

Raijin however was prepared for it, as he remembered all of the powers vampire's had and dodged it, but just barely.

The dodge allowed Liam to break free and retreat a bit. He jumped back a few times before landing and got back into his stance.

"How the hell are you doing this? Daichi wasn't nearly as powerful as you yet he still fought first? That doesn't seem like a move he would make. How did you get this strong?"

"I did it through hard work, unlike you who relied on a magic mask to give you strength and abandon your humanity. I mean, I get it, humans aren't that great and are most of the time just plain assholes, but there is no need for you to turn yourself into a vampire, that was just dumb, now you cant even go into the sunlight. Yet you call yourself the perfect being." Raijin replied with a chuckle at the end.

"Damn you, I was going to kill you quickly, but I think I will go a little slower now." Liam finished and lunged forward, but this time with enough speed to break the sound barrier.

They started exchanging blows, with Raijin on the losing end, with his barrier being the only reason he isn't dead already. However the speed he was forced to constantly move at was quickly draining his stamina and eventually effecting his breathing.

After a few more punches, Raijin lost control of his breathing and his barrier failed. Liam took this opportunity and punched him as hard as he could in the stomach and sent him flying at high speed. Causing Raijin to hit a large boulder and create huge cracks in it.

A second later he was able to get up, however he was barely standing. Luckily for him, they hadn't been fighting that long. All of this had transpired in a very short amount of time, three minutes and forty-two seconds to be exact.


For anyone wondering why I'm ignoring the Dr. Stone aspect of this, that is because this is character building time right now. The Dr. Stone stuff will start in volume three after my characters are developed to a good point and the main conflict has been resolved. So you will have to be patient until then. Thanks for reading.