
The goddess of Hunt

(Oberon POV)

"Haa, finally, 18th floor!"

When we arrived on the 18th floor, the light started to get dimmer, and the sign of the day was already getting darker. It seems everyone is already tired of all the fights they encounter along the way.

"Artemis-sama, Argi. Just a bit more."

"I-I am, okay?"

Artemis seems to have almost reached her limit because, after the fight with the minotaur, we had to walk non-stop because there was a chance a powerful monster would appear again in large numbers that could endanger Artemis and others. When everyone could see the 18th floor, their eyes were wide open, seeing an oasis in the dungeon with threes and water flowing like a true ecosystem existing below the ground.

"Amazing, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is hard to believe it exists."

"Now, we should set up camp somewhere. I believe Artemis-sama and others don't want to sleep in town, right?"

It seems everyone is still captivated by the sight. Oberon can't blame that after all; he did feel the same when he arrived here the first time. Then we set up camp a hundred meters away from the town. While everyone was setting up the tent, I created a bath with earth magic for everyone to enjoy with warm water so everyone could relax.

"As always, your magic is so captivating, Oberon. Create a wall and a bath in an instant. *sigh* I am not sure it is still magic."

Oberon just chuckled and continued to build the bath using earth, water, and fire magic. It took me half an hour to finish a makeshift bath for everyone. At the same time, a day turns into a night from the look of the crystal light turning into the dimmer of a starlight in the sky.

"You all can clean yourself while I am preparing the meals."

"Hmm, you are not going to pip us, aren't you?"

Oberon just narrowed his eyes toward Sera, who, from the look, tried to tempt me for some reason. Seeing everyone's reaction, who started to gaze toward me, waiting for the answer, knowing that Artemis was here, there was no chance I could lie the way out of this.

"O-Oberon-sama will not do something like that! ... that true, right, Oberon-sama?"

I could hear a sign of doubt in Argi's voice.

"I can't deny that was tempting, but no need to worry; Orstrid will keep an eye on me while you clean yourself. If I did something weird, she would punch me in the face, as I ordered her to do so."

Then everyone gazes toward Artemis and replies with a nod, which means I told them the truth.

("Master, know that I will not do that.")

("But it seems Artemis-sama thinks I am not lying or…")

When I gazed toward the goddess, she only replied with a gentle smile.

'Is she just giving me a green light? No, it must be a trap.'

I just tried to concentrate on preparing the meals; everyone washed away that thought. Oberon could hear the girl moaning, which could make any man feel weak enough to accept the temptation. When Oberon tried to gaze toward the bath, Orstrid stood with a flat expression.

'Why did I feel if I got close, she would send me flying?'

"HMMM! So, warmth. I could feel the warmth in my bones. Thank you, Oberon!"

"Sera, keep your voice down."

'I am glad you like it, Sera.'

Sera's progress since the last time we met was amazing, I could say, especially her speed. In his opinion, Sera has already reached the same level as a saint, but she still behaves childishly.

'She's more like Erish, but a tamer version of her.'

Then Oberon looks at the mark on his palm; he doesn't know if it is just writing in an unknown language or if it is just a seal.


As he spoke those words, the sword started to appear again in front of him, floating. I tried to communicate in case it was some kind of spirit, but according to Orstrid, it was not a spirit, at least not a complete one, that could be considered a spirit.

"What are you?"

Just as I tried to question the sword, it started to disappear, turned into a light orb, and went back to my palm. There are still many things I don't understand about the spirit race. What I know is that we, the elves, have been bound with them since the day we existed as a race, but I did learn they did lend a hand to other races at the time when the gods still did not descend into the mortal world.

("Orstrid, I always wonder, is there something you hide from me?")

("I will never dream to do so, master. Before the master summoned me, I was only in bits and pieces scattered in the spirit realm and the mortal realm; because of that, I didn't have any recollection of any memory I had, but sometimes I did have some feeling that I thought that I had…")

("Like a déjà vu.")

("Yes, master, like the feeling of déjà vu.")

'déjà vu feeling could come from a memory that we forget that could come from a dream or from a memory that we lost, but it might have been only our brain that was fooling us.'

"All though I did have a dream that was hard even for me to remember or recall... *sigh* I just hope none appeared in my dream and told my future."

"What future?"

"Waah! Eh, Artemis-sama, please do not surprise me like that."

"Fufufu, I am sorry. I just can't help it. Need help with cutting that vegetable?"

"Thank you, Artemis-sama, but where are the others?"

"It seems they are sleeping in the bath. They look so tired, so I don't want to wake them."

Just as I continued pilling the potato, the atmosphere started to change and get awkwardly silent. I did try to steal a bit of a glance toward Artemis, who had beautiful long blue hair that had the same color as the sea and the blue sky itself, and her clothing reminded him of ancient Greek clothing.

"Many things have happened in this passing week for you, right?"

"Yes, many things have happened, but I think the same is true for both of us."

"Fufufu, it's true... I always thought that elves from the forest were a proud and arrogant race, but you look and treat me and my children like equals; it is almost like you are just a human."

"Is that so, Ha-haha…"

I just brushed off Artemis's suspicious gaze she had whenever she tried to dig for some information about me, and I did get warned by goddess Iduun that Artemis-sama was looking for the one shooting powerful magic a month ago.

"You had been saving my children and taking a risk of being punished for breaking a rule by the guild... Is there anything I could do to repay your kindness, Oberon?"

"Please, don't mind. Argi was a good girl; I know she needed a bit of push to come back to herself, and I know one can do better than the person as a mother."

"You did think that Argi thought of me as her own mother?"

"I believe she does because it explains why she willingly goes with us."

Artemis then gazed toward me, who was right beside her, and out of nowhere, her face got closer to my cheek, and I could feel her breath.

"*chup*… Thank you, Oberon. I will prepare others, and don't forget your promise."

As she left, Oberon was still motionless because it was the first time someone other than his mother had been kissing his cheek, and he still felt the sensation of her lips on his cheek.

("Master?... Master, the water is already boiling.")

("Eh, I am sorry.")

Orstrid, who rarely sighs, is just doing that because of her master, who has changed into a red tomato thanks to the goddess, who only looked at her with a kind smile.

"*sigh* Let me help, master. You will cut yourself."

After what happened, Orstrid was mostly the one who finished preparing the meal for us because I still trying to regain my mental state. I did try to avoid a direct gaze toward Artemis, and it seems Sera and others realize something is happening because of the awkward silence. Whenever Sera wants to start a conversation, it always ends shortly for some reason.

"Hey, Orstrid, did something happen?"

"I think you should ask master or lady Artemis Sera."

Orstrid, who rarely showed any expression on her face, suddenly heard Sera's tone, like she was irritated. When she tried to look into Oberon's eye, he tried to avert his gaze from Sera.

"This is suspicious... Artemis- Sama, did something happen while we were in the bath?"

"Fufufu. Nothing, Sera; he was just probably tired from the fighting."

"I see…"

Sera, who is not a god, knows that goddess Artemis was lying to hide something from her, but it may be something that Oberon wants kept secret after all; it's Oberon who always had something he tried to hide.

"T-than I will prepare the way home for Artemis-sama."

The teleport will head toward the underground mansion, so Oberon can talk with Artemis alone, as promised. Everyone started to bid farewell to the goddess Artemis while Oberon, with the help of Orstrid, took them five minutes to draw a complicated teleport magic circle.

"Artemis-sama, it's time."

"Then Argi and everyone, I will wait for you all on the surface."

"Thank you, Artemi-sama. I am sorry to force Oberon-sama for my sake."

"It's okay, Argi; besides, I had met a strong opponent, probably thanks to Artemis-sama's presence, and I think I owe you and your family an apology."

Argi and others look confused about what Oberon means because Oberon never meets Argi's family.

"I will explain later. Then, Artemis-sama, please take a step in the circle. I will probably go for an hour so you all can visit the top if you like. With Orstrid, I will send my servant to guard this place."

Artemis then does something that makes her children surprised and willingly grabs Oberon's right hand. Oberon could feel the goddess' small hand, which was not like a normal goddess; her hand was not smooth. The hand of a female archer is a testament to her skill and dedication. Her fingers are calloused from the constant friction of the bowstring. The thought was mutual; Artemis could feel the hand of a swordsman who had been.

"Now, lead the way, Oberon."


Then we come back again to the main hub, where all my teleport points are in my underground manor. When I arrive, I am welcomed by the head maid, Siv, with her gentle smile and two automatons on her side, welcoming us.

"Welcome home, Oberon-sama and Artemis-sama. I bid you warmth and welcome to Master Manor. My name is Siv, and I am one of the master servants. I serve as the head maid of Oberon-sama."

"So, you are Siv... Thank you for the food you prepared for us; it was really delicious."

Siv once again bowed gracefully toward the goddess Artemis.

"Thank you, Artemis-sama."

Artemis just smiles and inspects each woman wearing a maid outfit. Each one of them behaves like a true noble family maid, and Artemis knows that Oberon indeed came from a noble family.

"Thank you, Siv, and A7 and A5; you will be assigned to guard my party camp."

(("As your command master."))

"Hm, why did they not bring any weapons?"

"They both are living dolls that are made from material so that their punch alone is much more powerful than that of a low-rank adventurer, but in dangerous cases, they could up their lethality."

Oberon did make a feature where an automaton will overdrive their heart or core to increase their strength and magic power, but they will keep those states for less than twenty minutes. After that, the automaton either explodes or its core runs out and goes into internal slumber until Oberon fixes them. However, it is much cheaper to build a new one.

"Can I ask why you chose a female doll, not a male doll?"

Instead, Oberon answers Artemis's question, and his headmaid, Siv, starts to speak.

"Is it much more fitting for a maid to be female? Since Master created and summoned us, he never mistreated us, so Artemis-sama, please pardon my master if it is unpleasant."

Siv, with her calm and clear voice, manages to persuade Artemis, and in the end, her warm smile makes Artemis accept her reasoning.

"I understand. Then Oberon."

"Just walk close to me; we will be heading to a better place to talk."

As we open the secret door, I raise the security a bit in case someone tries to step into the teleport circle in the dungeon while sealing the true entrance. After walking through a long hall, we arrive at the main door of the manor, which is much more like a gate because of its size. They are welcomed by another maid to greet them.

"This safe house of mine needs many hands to keep it well maintained."

Even though the manor was underground, there was still a window, and when they walked along the long hall, there was a picture of three elves in paint. There was a woman who had the same hair color as Oberon, and there was a man who had the same red eyes as Oberon. In an instant, Artemis knew the middle of the picture was Oberon.

"Is that your parents?"

"Yes, I love both of them dearly."

"I would love one day to manage to meet your mother. I love to hear her story about you."

Since the day they met, Artemis has been curious about Oberon's childhood. For Artemis, Oberon was the opposite of Zeus, who had great power that made him arrogant and always tried to abuse it at any given chance; however, in Oberon's case, he never felt so.

"One day that will happen, and I could say that with absolute confidence, it takes less than a century for that to happen."

"How were you so sure, Oberon?"

"Because if Riveria and I failed to do so, my people, my family, and my races would have no future."

There is no lie in his words, only sorrow in his voice. Artemis is already aware of Oberon's goal and can understand why he behaves as he does, always caring and never looking down on others, not because he wants to look good but for the sake of fixing other people's perceptions of his race.

"I hope you are successful in your goal, Oberon, and from the look of it, over time there will be more people willing to help you, so never change who you are, okay?"

"Thank you."

After passing a long hall and a couple of stairs, we arrived at the back end of the manor. As Artemis got close to the end of the hall, she could see a blue light illuminating at the end of the tunnel. As they reached the end, she could more clearly see a big open space.


It was a lake with beautiful blue light emitted from the water itself, and as Artemis looked closer, the water was so clear that she could see the fish swimming. Not only that, the wall of the cave and the ceiling had crystals that illuminated a blue light that shone throughout the entire cave, but in the middle of the lake, there is a place that looks like a shrine that is connected by a bridge made of white marble that connects the small island with the manor.

"You know how to impress your guest, Oberon."

"That's my attention, Artemis-sama... Please take a seat."

The hospitality that Oberon gives is indeed something that she has never experienced before. As Artemis took her seat, Siv, who had already prepared a warm tea, and a couple prepared dessert for the goddess.

"Thank you, Siv... *slurp*"

At that moment, Artemis felt for the first time the taste of the tea; she knew it was expensive or that it came from Oberon's homeland and was not sold in outside markets.

"This place is amazing, Oberon, but I hope it was above ground so green grass, trees, and a flower could grow."

"I am planning to do so, Artemis-sama. With the dungeon crystal, I could probably create natural sunlight that lets any plant live underground. Artemis-sama could see the right lush forest and green grass; it was really like an Oasis in the dungeon."

"I see... *slurp*"

Oberon knew the goddess in front of him was still trying to grasp many things she had encountered.

("Master, there is news coming from Rakia. Kuro and Yami can confirm that, for certain, Rakia will attack from the north-west.")

Hearing that a possible invasion was inevitable, Oberon couldn't help but bite his lips in frustration. The kingdom called Rakia had been pushed back many times, yet they still tried to attack, knowing the god called Eris was probably the main reason why Rakia always raged a war.

While Oberon is thinking about his new step to prevent a war again, the goddess Artemis sees the change in Oberon's emotions.

"Is something happening?"

"… Artemis-sama, I am sorry, but there is something I would like you to answer. What does Artemis-sama know about the god Ares?"

Hearing the name Ares Artemis, her eyes flinched because she was not expecting to hear such a name from Oberon.

"Zeus, Hermes, and Ares were nothing but trouble; they are the embodiment of everything I hate about men. Zeus is just like you, but on the contrary, he had power, wealth, and status, yet every given chance he always tried to abuse it."

'He sounds like a person like my past self.'

Indeed, look at his past; he did do an unspeakable thing to other people below him. Rudeus's rampage is either trying to protect himself or doing it out of selfish desire. It may be because the reason Ereshkigal chose this vessel for me was to help with my sexual urge that was still there, but it was more controllable; it may have to do with him as an elf.

"Hermes was an absolute pervert like Zeus was…"

Artemis then gazed toward Oberon, who sat in front of her and had the look of someone who was nervous.

"Don't tell me you like to peep, Oberon."

"N-no, not at all. I have never peeped in the bath since the day I was born in this world, Artemis-sama. My mother will kill me if she finds out."

With the added words 'This world', it should be counted as truth, and it seems Artemi's green eyes are still narrowed toward Oberon, seeing any kind of lie in his words. Then she started giggling a bit.

"Fufufu, finally you are back again. I know that since the start, there have been many things occupying your thoughts. It was like your body was here, but your soul was not. The time you were asleep, I did visit you, to my amazement. Just in a brief time, you managed to surround yourself with people who genuinely care about you."

Orstrid did share her memory about the time when he was asleep. Many people did visit him; it made all his hard work feel like it paid off because of the many new allies he was able to gather, especially a god who was the most important.

"There is nothing wrong with accepting the hand of their people. So don't keep it all to yourself; if you do, you will end up like Atlas alone, carrying everything on his shoulder."

The words alone were indeed something that rang over Oberon every soul. There is nothing more he fears than being alone with no one by his side and betraying or abandoning him. Just remember a bit of those feelings; it opens a wound that will probably remain for the rest of his life.

"Thank you for reminding Artemi-sama. I will try to relay more to others."

"Good, now I tell you everything I know about Ares, and yes, I am well aware of the reason why you ask because I know as we speak he probably tried to attack your homeland once again, but from what I know, the Elven kingdom was mostly able to repeal them. Why do you think this time it is different?"

"They are gaining the help of the Empire."

Artemis went silent for a moment while closing her eyes like she was trying to recall her memory.

"Ares was a god of war; his very reason for existence was to wage war against either another god or another mortal kingdom, but he only listened to one God, and that was Zeus. From what I did know, he only listened to people who were strong or above him."

"But there is something weird; somehow he did listen to one goddess."

"It's the first time I heard it. Who are you talking about, Oberon? Is it Hera?"

"No, her name was Phobos, goddess Phobos."


When she spoke that name, there was disbelief in her voice, like questioning the appearance of that name.

"Phobos, she was not someone that you would expect to have any authority toward Ares, but somehow, she does. She was the goddess of fear. At first, you would think that she was feared by God, but that's not the case; it's the opposite. She is always scared of anything and anyone."

"I am sorry, it may be rude to say this word, Artemis-sama; is she that we can call a coward?"

"As far as I know, I can confirm it. I am sorry, but you must understand that my knowledge about her was from Hestia because she is the only goddess that could approach her."

'Her name again, that goddess called Hestia, really had a good relationship with many goddesses that I know, but why did Loki tell me that she was not a good goddess? Loki did mention a cow goddess.'

"I know you are already planning on something, Oberon. The only advice is don't try to reason with him; he could only understand a couple of words with his current brain."

'That harsh word to use Artemis-sama, but to think about it, gods Ares and Eris, who I know had almost similar ways of thinking,

With a wry smile, Oberon replied.

"I understand; thank you, Artemis-sama."

Seeing the cup empty, Siv then poured another tea toward the goddess. While Oberon tried to rethink his future approach, there were still things that nagged his mind about the reason Ares was willing to hear Phobos's word and not shrug it off.

'There is something that must be some kind of leverage that goddess Phobos has that makes a god like Ares willing to hear her... Hm, a weapon, debt…'

At the same time, Oberon is once again consumed by his thoughts. The goddess feels a bit angry, but she does learn from Loki that he is the type of person who can easily be consumed by his thoughts.

"Please forgive my master. He always liked that whenever he tried to plan on something."

"It's okay, Siv. Can I ask how long you served your master Oberon?"

"I have served master for three years ago with Hilda Artemis-sama; we already met her at the front door, welcoming us. who was assigned as master head maid of this manor, and next was Flora, who was trusted with continuing to store and research Oberon-sama's project. My apologies, Artemis-sama; she was still in her research room below the manor."

The Goddess of Hunt Artemis was shocked by the revelation that Oberon had been working tirelessly since he was still considered a child by others, and at the same time, she was wary about what drove him to such lengths. It is like a hunter prepared for his biggest hunting yet, but seeing how powerful he was already, he still felt not enough.

"Siv, did you know what drove him to do all of this?"

"It is simple, but it may be hard for other people to understand. All his hard work for the sake of protecting Oberon-sama's current and future family, friends, and the elven races."

Artemis could hear a hint of sadness in Siv's voice, knowing that her master had spent his time, probably since his childhood, thinking about the uncharted future for him and the elven people, including his family. Siv, who sees the goddess closely, sees a sorrowful gaze toward her master, knowing she cares dearly for him. Siv unconsciously connects his telepathy to her master and says a word with a gentle tone.

("Master, such a sinful man.")

That word alone struck like lightning directly in Oberon's brain, bringing him back from his daydream. When he laid his eyes toward his head maid, she only replied with a smile, but it was not the usual smile; it was almost like she was teasing her own master.

"*ahem* I am sorry Artemis-sama had to see my bad habits."

Artemis just shrugs off his apology with a warm smile.

"Now, you have the information you need for me. I hope you answered my question with only the truth—no twist, only the simple truth."

She kept her smile, but Oberon could feel the chill coming from those gazes when he uttered a word to tell her the truth. Oberon still doesn't know what kind of information Artemis wants from him because it has only been days since they have known each other.

'Well, she had no bad rumor in her name, and the goddess Artemis, I know from the myth, was always a good goddess.'

"I understand that I will answer Artemis-sama's question truthfully as best as I possibly can."

Then Artemis stood and left her chair and walked toward the fence that had the high just below her chest and looked toward the lake that glowed as blue as the sky. In truth, Oberon had been captivated by her beauty since the first time they both met. Because of that, he was worried about falling for her, but he did learn that Artemis was a goddess who had the vow to keep her purity, which meant no romantic stuff for her.

'But still, that kiss... it was so sudden it caught me off guard.'

Artemis then put both arms on her chest and started to mutter a word with a calm and clear voice, like a preacher starting to mutter the words of God.

"The arrow kisses the heaven sent by the hunter came from a distant star and sent away the god to heaven. The night brightened with the light of hope for the new dawn, casting the shadow toward the dept where it came…"

'Is it a poem? Don't tell me it's a prophecy.'

"The ruby-eyed hunter shoots down the goddess of hunt pride and vow. United with a fate under a moonlight blessing their bond of love to be internal and born from their love the star of hope Orion."


Oberon is well aware of those names and the love story of Orion, who is a mortal who manages to catch the heart of the goddess Artemis thanks to his prowess in hunting, but their love does not have a good ending because of a jealous god who wants Artemis love for themselves.

"The very reason I came to Gekai and Orario was to find the mortal who just a month ago killed a god with an arrow that could reach heaven itself... I will ask you this: Are you, my Orion?"