
Jobless Reincarnation of The Magic God

((Spoiler Warning! for Mushoku Tensei Anime Enjoyers)) After many years of suffering, Future Rudeus Greyrat gets reincarnated into the other world again. This time he gets reincarnated as a High Elf Noble Family in the world of Danmachi.

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40 Chs

Dream to Reality

(Oberon POV)


Armored King Years 424: Rudeus just came back from performing a Water Magic King rank called 'Lightening' which he was able to do flawlessly without any trouble thanks to his knowledge of science and magic. Instead of feeling satisfied with his achievement, what Rudeus felt was fear when he saw the devastation his magic was capable of.

'Maybe I should be sealed from using that magic.'


Just as he sat in silence, Sylphy, his wife, woke up because her husband was not by her side while she was sleeping.

"I am sorry, Sylphy. I couldn't sleep."

Sylphy was wearing a white night dress that I bought for her. Looking at Rudeus's worried face, Sylphy knew Rudeus had something on his mind. Then she took a seat beside her husband and laid her head on my shoulder while holding Rudeus's right arm.

"Is something bothering you?"

"Hmm, nothing that could make you worried... I just worried a bit about how much power I had. You could see yourself, right, Sylphy? how much destruction I bring with just one magic spell."

Sylphy just giggled; it was something that I didn't expect from her reaction to hearing my worry.

"There is nothing wrong with having such power, Rudy because your family and friends understand all that power is for the sake of protecting us. So, there is nothing wrong with becoming the strongest version of yourself for the sake of protecting someone you care about."

Sylphy then put her right arm into my cheek, and our eyes met, and she continued.

"This world we are living in is full of monsters and people who are worse than a monster, Rudy. They could anytime appear and cause suffering in this world. We are both aware of what kind of disaster will happen if we are not prepared."

Then I felt the itch on my missing left arm and started to understand what her wife meant.

"Even if the world fears you and calls you a monster because of fear, Roxy, me, and your family will stay by your sides until the end."

Then Sylphy gives her husband a gentle kiss. At the same time, Rudeus realizes he is dreaming.

"I am sorry for only protecting your heart, my dear Alberich."

"Al- "

At the same time, I heard that name again, I couldn't move my body, and my voice felt like it was being sealed. I only have my consciousness. Before I lost consciousness completely, I tried to steal a last glance at my wife once again. To my shock, it was not Sylphy anymore; it was a different woman with long, beautiful gold hair, and if I was mistaken, there was a beautiful green butterfly-like wing on her back.

"Many people's fates depend on you, so keep on fighting, my dear love, Albe- No... my dear love Oberon."

-Current Time-

Just as I open my eyes from a brief dream, I somehow still feel the warmth of the kiss in his dream, but when he tries to remember the girl again, he only remembers Sylphy's face. As I woke up from my sleep, I saw Riveria on the side of me holding my right arm while she was sleeping with a peaceful face.

Seeing that, I tried to leave my bed and tried not to wake her up. When I was sure she was not awake, I carried her to my bed and tried not to wake her up.

'She's so light.'

I can't help but giggle at seeing Riveria's sleepy face. It was almost like she was a child while she was sleeping.

'If I remember her age gap was seventy between me, it was pretty far. Well, in reality, my age far surpasses her.'

("Master, I am glad you are finally awake.")

("Yes, I had a good dream. It makes me feel more refreshing than ever.")

("I am glad to hear that... Master had been sleeping for more than two days, and the sun will rise in about three hours.")

("I see, thank you, Orstrid. I will start to train to stretch my body. Please stay here; I don't want Riveria to start panicking when I am gone.")

("As your command, Master.")

I wore my training clothes with a gravity bracelet. Then I tried to leave the room as silently as possible without any noise that could wake Riveria by using sound barrier magic. Just as I leave my room, there is one guard, probably assigned by the goddess Loki, to guard my room.


"Shhh, Riveria was asleep. Please keep your voice down and thank you for guarding my room."

"Ah, um."

"Good, I will head to the training ground; if you need me, I will be there."

When I walked alone in the hall of the Twilight Manor, I did meet some Familia members. Just as I arrived at the open field in the middle of the manor, I started chanting a sound barrier to not let any loud sound out because it was too early in the morning.

As always, I start by setting my gravity bracelet to five-time gravity. After that, I stretch my body and then run in a circle a hundred times. I could feel from my training that the heavy gravity started to become lighter, and my movement felt less restrained.

'Leveling up indeed has a significant effect on my body. Maybe I should up the difficulty.'

After the gruelling training, Oberon laid back on the grass to rest his body before continuing to practice his sword technique. Just before he continued, Oberon spotted a little girl looking at him.


She then sprinted toward me and entered the sound barrier, and she jumped and embraced me tightly while her small body was shaking.

"I am sorry."

I patted her head gently to calm her down. She must be worried because, for more than a day, I had not seen her or trained with her, and when she finally saw me, I was in a bad state.

"How about we train together? It will make Ais feel better."


I tried to teach her how to swing a sword, like what my father Paul taught me when I was a child. He was not a good teacher, but he created the foundation for me to learn most of the sword techniques, and when I was taught by Ghislaine, I could keep up with her. Ais had more talent for holding a sword; she probably had the same talent as Eris did when she was still a child. With great guidance, she could probably reach the same level as Eris does at her young age.

'Hm, I still cannot yet find which sword technique is suitable for her.'

At first, I thought she was well fitted with the Sword God technique, but sometimes she showed a passive character that was well fitted with the Water God technique, and for the North God technique, I think Riveria will not be pleased if I teach her how to trick and deceive people in fights.

'She was still too young to learn about Tuouki. Well, I at least showed her some technique.'

Then I created an earth-made doll at the same height as I did for practice.

"Ais-chan Watch it closely, okay?"

She nodded enthusiastically. From what I learned, seeing someone using their sword technique is the best way to learn quickly, but I think getting hit by one is doing more to master their technique from my experience of a close-to-death encounter with Eris.


'It feels like cutting butter with a hot knife. I wonder what it feels like to level up to level 3.'

After I swung my sword in a split second, the doll split into two. Ais, who normally had a stoic expression, changed drastically seeing how I managed to cut something that hard with a dull sword made of earth magic, and there was one thing that crossed her mind.

"Please teach me how Oberon-san!"

"Kukuku, sure, Ais-chan, but when Ais reaches six years old, Oberon-san will teach you how. Now let me see your hand. I will heal the bruise."

When I inspected her palm hand, there were bruises; one was new and the other was from the day before, but with my healing magic, there were no bruises left on her palm.

'Maybe I found a good disciple. Well, she was the daughter of the hero after all.'

"I will teach you a magic that will be useful for you in the future... Hmm, let's start with water magic; it is useful when Ais-chan can't find any water."

'Since Ais was half-spirit, she had already been born with the ability to cast magic, and with Riveria as her tutor, for a basic understanding of magic, she should...'

"Water ball"

'See, it does not take long for her to be able to cast basic magic.'

While Ais practiced other magic elements, I tried to find which element of magic she would well, suit her. For me, water magic and earth magic, based on what I saw wind magic look like, will be her expertise. It had been half an hour, and it looked like Ais had reached her limit; even so, she was still above average in my eyes in her magic capacity.

'She had more mana than Sylphy when she was still a child... Did a demi-spirit have more mana capacity compared to a half-elf? Maybe I should ask Riveria.'

"We should take a rest. How about I cook you something delicious?"

'There should be an ingredient in the storage room.'


"Let's go before River... ah."

After I canceled the sound barrier, I picked Ais and put her on my shoulder, then turned back. I saw Orstrid with her apologetic expression, and beside her was Riveria with a stoic expression, but I knew she was not happy. She then walked closer toward us and pinched my cheek.

"Itatata, I am sorry, Riveria-san. When I look at Riveria-san peacefully in sleep, Itatata!"

Her pinch somehow became more painful. Her actions were only stopped when herring Ais's stomach growl continued by mine as well.

"I think all of that training cost us, hahaha."

"*sigh* There are still plenty of things you had to explain later, but... I will let them all slide this time."

While we were heading toward the cafeteria, Riveria explained that goddess Loki yesterday was partaking in the meeting of the gods called Denatus, and after that, Loki should give me a second name.

"When you wake up, she will reveal the name to you herself."

"For that, I can't wait to know. Hmm, it looks like everyone was still sleeping. It looks like Ais was more energetic compared to them."

"Thank you, Oberon. Ais behaved less recklessly than before Oberon. Have you had any experience dealing with children before?"

"Well, I did help children in Wishe Forest. Thanks to my healing magic, mothers and fathers ask me for help when their children are sick. Now my mother takes my place instead."

"Did Oberon-san miss Father and Mother?"

"Of course, Ais I always think about them. I believe you felt the same, right?"

"Um, I miss Mother and Father, but lately Ais do not feel so sad anymore... Thank you, Oberon-san, Riveria-san."

Hearing what Ais told me, Riveria couldn't help but smile. Riveria then patted her head gently.



"Oh, Lola good morning can I borrow the kitchen for a moment?"

"Eh, um sure."

"Ais-chan please wait on that chair."


When I look at the ingredients that Lola and others bring it looks like I could make my mother Elven potato and meat stew, and most likely is the best choice because the sun has almost risen, and others should have woken up shortly. Riveria did lend me a hand and she did have experience as a cooker.

"Loki-sama did give you four days off and forbid you to go to the dungeon."

"I should thank her for that. I need to catch my breath after that night."

"Thanks to you many people were saved that night and Mia-san was grateful she did tell me that when she re-opens again you will be her first customer."

"I can't wait for that. Mia-san's cooking skill was probably second in comparison to that of her mother. I did ask my mother to teach me how to cook, and she did teach me how to cook a good meal, but when I asked her for the recipes, she always left a secret ingredient. Sadly, she refused, but my mother did tell me that soon or later I would find it." 

 "I see, Viska said that fufufu, I think it not an easy task for you Oberon."

As Oberon started to put all the ingredients into the big batches there is a crowd of people started to gather because of the delicious smell that engulfed the cafeteria air and among them, there was a goddess who walked like a drunk person.

"Eh, Loki-sama."


Just as Lola shouted Loki's name, I felt someone hug me in the back at the same the smell of alcohol stung my nose.

"*sigh* Loki-sama you are wrecked with alcohol smell."

"Hehe he *hick*… Oberon."

I just released a heavy breath and let her do as she wished then Captain went to meet me as well. Then I asked Orstrid to chant Detox magic to Loki to calm her down a bit, but when the alcohol on her vein and mind was gone, she was still clunked on my back like a baby monkey hugging her mother.

'Now she pressed her chest I could feel anything just full flat… not like Sylphy had a bit in there, but Loki just outright flat.'


"Yes, Riveria-san."

"You, are not thinking what I thought right?"

Oberon sweated a bit after hearing Riveria's question.

"N-no, not at all. Haha, it was a bit here, maybe from the steam."

"Um, Oberon was lying Riveria… I am sorry that your goddess did not have an appealing chest. Oh, maybe your weird healing kind of magic can fix that can you?"

'There is no such magic!'

"Hahaha, nice joke Loki-sama. *ahem* look the meal is almost ready! Riveria-san and the others can take their seat and Lola, and Orstrid help me with the plate."

I could feel a painful stare from Riveria I just pretended not to notice her painful gaze toward me and then she released a heavy sigh and dragged Loki away from the kitchen. It took us more than half of minute to share all the stew with the Familia members, but it took them less than a minute to clean up the plate and ask for more thankfully two batches were available and yet it was empty in a matter of minutes.

'Well, I am glad everyone liked it, but it did not yet have the same taste as Mother's cooking did, I overuse the sugar?'

"Now everyone, we are here to celebrate Oberon and Orstrid who managed to reach level two. For Oberon, the name that you will carry until you level up again should be 'The Radiant' It's an amazing name, right?"

'The Radiant… that name is a bit better than Quagmire, but'

"Radiant in Elven language is called 'Ljos' means Lighting or light I am not sure Ri-."

"It's okay Oberon. My father and I already trust you and I believe you will not bring shame to the name that goddess Loki gave to you."

"That was a heavy responsibility you gave to me goddess Loki, but I will do my best not to disappoint you."

" I know you will not disappoint me, Oberon. Now for Orstrid, it was a bit troublesome at first, but Freya did find a good name for you it was 'The Shield Maiden'."

'Maiden… How did Freya think of that name.'

"I will take it with pride Lady Loki."

"Good, now time to-."

"Hold a second Loki-sama there is the still thing we had to share with everyone."

Then Captain Finn stands at the table with everyone's eyes laid on him.

"Everyone I have an important announcement for Loki Familia members sadly Gareth and some other members are still in the dungeon, but they all already have their consent for my idea to make Oberon become one of our Executive…"

From the crowded reaction, it looks like they are not so surprised by their captain's decision instead the ones who are surprised are Oberon with a sudden decision.

"I believe his skill and deducting ability are already well shown for that night's incident I believe others agree how crucial Oberon's role was that night. We are aware of what will happen if Oberon was not quick to save Lola and others would probably not have sat here together and had meals with us."

From the look alone there is no one disagreed with the captain's decision because, in a brief time, Oberon managed to prove he was worthy to have such a title, but Finn could see that Oberon was confused by his sudden decision.

"I know it was so sudden Oberon, but I believe it was the best thing that we could do to protect you when you were alone. With the authority of Loki Familia executive any Familia that went to attack you for whatever reason will be direct war declaration to our Familia."

"I agree Captain, but I must ask why? being a member of Loki Familia I think it enough to deter our enemy."

"I understand what you meant Oberon, but with the role as an executive you had more authority that could help you with decisions that you must have some authority."

'Captain not wrong with the authority that I had as an executive there is a door that probably could open for me, but I believe it was not the only reason why.'

Oberon is well, aware that he can't refuse and disrespect Captain's decision in front of everyone.

'*sigh* this much pain, but let's see where this all going.'

"You already put your trust in us Oberon so we would do the same. Now everyone with no doe let's celebrate Oberon's and Orstrid's new Alias and new executive of our Familia!"


Because it was still a day it was forbidden to drink any alcohol for a good reason instead Lola prepared a batch of soft drinks made of fruit for everyone. Bara was in the cafeteria we had a conversation she told me that she had seen me train since the beginning because I needed to stretch my body before started sparring with her and started an actual training with Bara.

"So, be ready, okay? I will not spare your bone even if you are an executive of our Familia."

I laugh nervously and let the fate of my spine on Bara-san. Then other Familia members congratulated me for reaching level two and making a new record that will probably send a shock in Orario because of how fast it is me and Orstrid to reach level two.


"Ah, Alicia and everyone."

"Congratulations on being the executive! I believe everyone where agrees with Captain's decision."

"I am grateful for that. still, it was too quick for me because I have not met and understand everyone in Familia, but I know the current situation demands Captain to make that decision."

Oberon knew that Finn had a sharp mind and according to Riveria his ability to read the atmosphere and predict future situations even in the chaos of battle and turn the tough situation.

"Alicia everyone I will do my best to help everyone, and I hope you still treat me the same as before."

"Oberon-sama, please don't overwork yourself it makes Riveria-sama and us worried."

"If you think I am being reckless don't stop yourself from scolding me, Cynthia."

"I understand Oberon-sama I will make sure to do so."

After everyone went to do their daily work, I asked Captain to brief me on things that happened while I was sleeping, but Captain and goddess Loki asked me to take a day off and do my own thing. So, I decide to meet goddess Hephaestus and Iduun.

"Then goddess Loki, Captain I will head out a bit probably come back late. don't worry I have no plan to do anything stupid."

"Good to know that and if you want to meet Iduun she is right now at Una Familia base located not far from the stadium on the top north it was full of orphanage children so you will know when you arrive."

'An orphan oh, yeah I did remember Kara did mention that her goddess ran an orphan.'

Then Loki handed me a small bag when I checked what was inside it was money and there was a seal of Loki Familia on the letter.

"The money you managed to gather from last time's hunt was 10.4M Valis good job Oberon!, but I only can give you 1M Valis to buy anything you want and need and the seal I gave was a seal of our Familia when you give that to vendor it could be used as other exchange other than money use the seal wisely."

'I see it was like a credit card or something. That's pretty useful.'

"I understand Loki-sama."

Then I went to my room to take one present for goddess Iduun and once again bid farewell once again. Oberon tried to steal a bit of a glance toward Riveria again he couldn't help but feel a bit worried.

"Riveria are you sure don't want to go with him?"

"No, he needs some time alone I believe… it makes him enjoy his day more without me on his side."

"*sigh* if you say so, but I could see he was worried about you Riveria. Oberon may pretend not to notice it because he believes you can solve it yourself."

"I-… This is just a temporary thing Loki-sama in days it will be back to normal."

"If you say so."


Orario is now back to normal, where everyone is back to doing their normal daily activities, and there is a group of adventurers complete with their equipment and party heading toward the dungeon.

"Hey, is that him?"

"Yes, it must be him. He managed to reach level two at the matter of the day."

The crowd watching him, most of them adventurers from other Familia tried to steal a glance toward the high elf, who was right on the hot topic among adventurers.

("Master, why are we not using flying magic?")

("It indeed makes it quicker and safer, but I want to at least try to bait the Evilus that is stupid enough to try to attack us.")

("Master, did Loki-sama say it was Master's Day off?")

("I know. I just want to know they are still stupid enough to tail me around.")

Just as we walked on the busy road, I saw a woman with short azure hair talking with a girl with blue hair.

'Is that Shakti? ... Yes, it was indeed her.'

"Oy! Shakti."

"Like I said, hm? That voice... Oberon?"

When I looked closer, I could see them much more clearly, and my guest was right, but when I got closer to her, the girl with the blue hair somehow had the same look, especially her eyes.

"Good morning, Shakti, it's been a while."

"Yes, indeed, what is it, Ardee?"

"Is he the person that One-san talked about?"

Shakti sighed a bit.

"Oberon, let me introduce you to my little sister, Ardee Varma."

"Oberon-sama? Are you REALLY! Oberon-sama!?"

I was surprised at how cheerful she contrasted with her big sister, Shakti, who rarely showed the same expression as her little sister.

"My name is Oberon Aendryr Wishe, one of the executives of Loki Familia, and the girl beside me was my servant named Orstrid. Nice to meet you, Ardee."

Then Shakti's little sister started to giggle; she looked like she had met her idol for the first time. Seeing that, Shakti can't help but feel embarrassed about her little sister's behavior. I could only show an awkward smile toward her.

"Nice to meet you, Oberon-sama. I read the news about you and the story from my big sister. Is it true you defeated a two floor-boss? And kill level four criminals alone? And how can you level up to level two in a matter of days? An-"

Just before Ardee adds more questions, her sister starts to pull her ears to stop her from bombarding Oberon with more questions.

"Sister, that hurt!"

"You are asking too many questions."

"It's okay, Shakti. To answer all your questions, the answer is 'yes' I did defeat the floor boss, the Infant Dragon, and the Goliath; thanks to my magic, I managed to defeat those monsters, and for how I leveled up so quickly, let's say that I had a method using secret magic to train much harder to increase my stats far quicker than other adventurers possibly could."

"How? What kind of training?"

"Well, start the days with stretching and then push up, sit up a hundred times, and run for ten kilometers, and after taking a bit of rest, I continued with swinging a sword until your hands were tired. If possible, continue with sparing or practice your sword technique and magic. That is my training; you can make it less painful and increase it when you feel like it. Do that every day if you have a chance. Is that clear enough, Ardee?"


"Hard right? Painful right? That is why I want you to rethink another carer instead of being an adventurer, Ardee."

"That amazing… I will write it on my schedule."

'Ah, I see what Shakti and her little sister are arguing about.'

"I did warn you to start with a small number and then up the antic. Ardee, how old are you?"

"I just hit nine years old months ago. Hehe."

'I see, Shakti doesn't want her sister to be an adventurer.'

Sadly, Oberon understands that a word will not be enough to convince her little sister because Ardee's mind is already set on being like her big sister.

'There is only one way to help Shakti with this problem.'

Then I create a one-handed sword using earth magic. Then I set the weight to eight kilos.

"If you manage to swing this sword a hundred times in a matter of an hour, I believe your big sister will give a green light for your goal."

Just as I handed the sword, Ardee dropped it on the ground because of how heavy it was, and so Shakti tried to lift the blade herself; she could feel it was not a light sword for her little sister, at least.



"Hmph, it's... heavy, but I will try my best."

"If you manage to do that feat, I will teach you some of my sword techniques."

"That's a promise!"

"Hey, I do not agree with such an idea."

Then Oberon went close to Shakti's side and whispered.

"It's the best choice you had, Shakti. This approach worked for Ais compared to her. Ais was more problematic than her, and yet right now she was not doing something that could hurt her."

Shakti is still not sure about my approach, but when she heard that Ais started to calm down thanks to that approach, she agreed with my idea.

Ardee then started to get more excited and started to lift the sword again with both her small hands, but it was still too heavy for her, so she started to drag it without carrying the people staring at her behavior.

"I don't know if I should be thanking you or not."

"Just watch her progress closely, Shakti, and if she injured herself so badly, you could send me a message, and I can heal her myself."

"Why are you helping me and her at such length?"

"I hope she will be friends with Ais one day, and it was impossible to keep him safe in our embrace. She needs to be strong to stand alone, Shakti. As her sister, you could only guide them. You don't want your little sister to hate you because you are putting her in the cage, right?"

Hearing Oberon's words while watching her little sister Shakti, she can't help but agree with Oberon's words.

"For fifteen years old, you could say such wise words... I am sorry about my Familia not being able to prevent what just happened that night."

I did hear that Sera was caught off guard because she thought that the road was safe thanks to Ganesha Familia, but there was no patrol or help whatsoever because of that. Shakti, as Captain of Ganesha Familia, must feel ashamed of her failure.

"It has already happened; what you had to do was learn from it. Just keep this in mind: there is no casualty from our side, so there is nothing to be depressed about."


"Thanks to the last-night incident, I believe I met the head of God who led the Evilus group. I know it was a god, and I still remember his voice, but sadly, I can't see his face."


"Are you sure that God is the leader?"

"Yes, Shakti, or at least had high rank, because on his side there is a woman that caught my attention... I had a magic eye that could see a human aura. Now I could see that you had a grey aura, which meant you had the experience of taking people's lives, and for your sister, she had a pure white aura, which meant she was still an innocent soul..."

Shakti was aware of Oberon's magic eyes from Alicia right now; she knew how it worked, and hearing her sister have a pure aura made her more hesitant to let her sister become an adventurer because it was likely her sister would be forced to take someone's life.

"Then there is a dark one; they are absolute scum that I would kill in a spot, and yet I saw a woman who had a disgusting aura that made me want to puke because of how evil she was."

"That woman you mention was probably no… It must be her 'Valletta Grede'. I did hear a rumor that she killed newcomers and random merchants. Not only that, but she also liked to toy with them and torture them. One of Ganesha Familia did fall victim to her atrocity."

'Hm, Rainar-san did mention that name, so it was her the one I met that night.'

"I should have killed her that night, but Mia-san Inn was attacked, but next time I will make sure I kill her when our paths cross once again."

Shakti was a bit surprised that the word came from my mouth because she always thought that the elven race rarely thought of violence.

"Just don't do everything alone, Oberon; if you like, you can ask for my help any time because she was the only reason why I was uneasy about letting my little sister become an adventurer."

"Sure, Shaki I will."

'It's good to have more allies.'

"*pant*…*pant* Oberon-sama could you make another sword for my friend?"

"Sure, I will give it to your sister to carry it. Then Shakti I will take my leave. Take care Shakti, Ardee."