
JJK: Cursed Chains

Being a Sorcerer is a shit job and considering we don't get paid for risking our lives every day, why the hell did I go to school for this nonsense. And that white-haired ho can go choke on a dry biscuit.

Otaku_Paradox · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

My name is Juuzo Senju, I am 16 soon to be 17, my classmates, and a certain white-haired ho and self-proclaimed (although it's true) strongest in the world call me Juu-chan to my continued annoyance. I am currently 5'10, I have brown skin red eyes, and black hair. I am wearing an all-black school uniform with the kanji for destroying evil written on the back of my shirt. A little something something I had added during the latter half of my first year. I'm a second-year at Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School.


Commonly referred to as Tokyo Jujutsu High, is the sister school of Kyoto Jujutsu High. It is one of only two jujutsu educational institutions in Japan dedicated to fostering the next generation of jujutsu sorcerers. Tokyo Jujutsu High serves not only as a training ground for the next generation of sorcerers but also as a headquarters for all alumni who have graduated to be full-fledged Jujutsu Sorcerers as well. All sorcerers play a role in mentoring jujutsu students, whether in a teacher's role or accompanying them on missions. Weaker sorcerers are assigned the roles of windows, someone who can see curses but is not considered a full-fledged sorcerer or managers to contribute as well. I was lucky to be born with an innate curse technique or so I was led to believe. But as a wise man once said"Ignorance is bliss" and would have been happy not knowing curse spirits exist because the bullshit they can do irritate me to no end. Granted my innate curse technique which I call curse chains can do some awesome things as well. I was in the corridors of a hospital that shut down a few years ago. Currently, I was fighting a cursed spirit that was wearing a nurse outfit and scalpels for fingers and was summoning and launching syringes full of I don't wanna know. Could be aids could be the cure for cancer? I am not letting it so much as touch my skill. As I dodged and weaved between the syringe projectiles, I closed the distance to use my curse tool The Blood Scythe - Jashin.


Curses are created when cursed energy leaks from (non-sorcerer) humans as a result of their harboring negative emotions. With bodies composed of cursed energy, cursed spirits cannot be harmed by conventional means. They can be hit by a physical attack but it will deal no damage regardless of how powerful it is. The general rule of jujutsu is that a curse must be exorcised using another curse. This mean curses can only be exorcised using cursed energy. Cursed energy thus gathers in one spot, building up like sediment until a cursed spirit takes form. Curse Tools are weapons and support items used by jujutsu sorcerers that are purposefully imbued with a curse. Different from cursed objects, cursed tools are weapons infused with cursed energy. Due to this, even non-sorcerers can use them to combat cursed spirits. Conventional weapons such as katanas can become semi-cursed tools over time if the user constantly imbues them with their cursed energy. However, weapons new to the user that are reinforced with cursed energy are not considered cursed tools. As with sorcerers and cursed spirits, cursed tools are categorized from grades one to four based on their power and potency. The higher the grade, the greater the advantage granted to the user in a jujutsu battle. Powerful cursed tools are extremely valuable. Their monetary worth can range from five hundred thousand to upwards of five hundred million yen. And I knew better than to ask Gojo-sensei where he got it from when he gifted it to me for passing my grade one examination upon entering my second year. Not to toot my own horn but I'm tied with that blonde ruffian Hakari as the best in our school, but he says that will change when he perfects his domain. But I like the fire that lights under my behind, which will push me to greater heights. Jashin has five curses on it. One prevents any wounds it inflicts from healing, another causes bleeding to accelerate, the third absorbs blood and curse energy to sharpen its blade, the fourth allows the weapon to heal itself using the blood and cursed energy and the last allows the scythe to generate blades on any part of its body. With all that, it's safe to say I love this thing. It took me a while to learn to use it in tandem with my innate curse technique. But as the saying goes"Practice makes perfect". Jashin was a scythe with a black body red veins running along the shaft and currently one red blade.

As I slashed open the belly of the cursed spirit causing blood to spurt out continuously because of Jashin's curse. The cursed spirit tried to jump back and gain some distance but black chains busted out the floor and walls and blocked its path. This was my innate curse technique I name curse chains. I can create, summon, shape, manipulate, and use any kind of chain of any size all long as I have enough cursed energy. Well, that's a simple explanation for it. The spirit realising it's cornered turned and faced me and scapels covered in some kind of chemical and syringes filled with strange compounds launched from its body at high speeds towards me. I quickly reacted and jumped back and a dozen spear chains erupted in front of me from those chains manifested more chains that began to spin in a propeller-like fashion, which allowed them to deflect and reflect the projectile either away from me or back at the cursed spirit. The curse hollowed in pain and I used the opportunity to once again close the distance. Jashin pulsed with anticipation as the curse was grade one and its negative curse energy-infused blood was quite delicious to it. I rotated my scythe from my right to my left hand over and over again each time delivering a slash to its body and draining it of more blood and cursed energy. The curse desperately tries to push me back by launching scalpels at me but when she notices that won't work she gives up defense entirely and rushes toward me, I dodge and twist my body around hers getting behind her in one swift motion. And with one quick motion bisected her with Jashin and before she hit the ground a barrage of gold spear-tipped change impaled her repeatedly reducing her to small fragments that then disappeared completely as the spirit had perished. The chains turned into motes of cursed energy and vanished and I placed Jashin in the holster on my back. 

"Hmm should I get a shinigami to carry my stuff" I wondered out loud. With a somewhat weary sigh(even though I'm not tired) I began to exit the hospital. At the entrance, I ran into in my personal opinion the most smug human being known to man. His name is Satoru Gojo. Satoru is a very tall, lean, and muscular man who is in his late twenties and is considered relatively attractive, mainly due to his facial features. He has snow-white hair and the Six Eyes, which are a vibrant blue color. Satoru normally covers his eyes with a black blindfold which props up his hair and gives it a spikier appearance. I rolled my eyes and walked past him."Aww don't be that way Juu-chan" he said while sporting his trademark smirk. I halted my steps, grabbed some change from my pockets, and launched them at his face, knowing full well what would happen. The coins stopped in front of his face, halted by an invisible barrier. This was infinity a technique he could use thanks to limitless the trademark ability of the Gojo family. At the base level, Limitless is an innate technique that is derived from the Gojo family. This technique grants its users nigh-absolute control over space through cursed energy manipulation at an atomic level, resulting in multiple subsequent results and techniques within the overall ability. With the manipulation of space as just the base level of the technique, Limitless has three standard and one "non-standard" form beyond this. the Infinity is commonly known as the ability to stop, although this is a common misconception as the true power of the Infinity is to slow things down. When something attempts to hit Satoru, the person or object in question instead hits the infinity between himself and them. Making the smug bastard untouchable. "Now now don't be so dramatic," he said as the coins lost their momentum and fell to the ground.

"You said one spirit maybe two. So tell me why I had to fight 14 cursed spirits. Of which the majority was grade one. So each shit and die you handsome bastard"

"It's fine you did it, didn't you? So what's the problem? Also, you're not ugly, and handsome is not an insult Juu-chan"

Knowing I couldn't argue with the smug bastard and feeling the veins pulsing in my forehead. I decided to give up." let's just go," I said with an exasperated sigh.

As we were heading to the car where Kiyotaka a relatively tall man with a slim figure with mid-length black hair that shapes his head and parts across the front of his forehead was waiting for us. He has small black eyes and normally wears glasses. He has curved black eyebrows and sunken cheeks that give him a resting bored expression across his face most of the time. Kiyotaka sports a normal manager's uniform, which includes a black suit and tie attire.

"So how did Jashin perform" inquired Satoru in a somewhat serious tone causing me to halt my steps"It's hungry, almost always. I can feel it pulsing on my back wanting to be fed before this job. It's fine now, that last grade was enough. Should be good for a few days" I answered

"Good, it accepts you. If it didn't it would have tried to drink from you" he says casually before resuming his walk to the car."Wait, wait wait a minute. You gave me a vampiric scythe with a tendency to drink from its user" I asked my expression aghast 

"Yup, but I knew you'd conquer its wild spirit and I was right," he said like that makes it alright

"I hate you"

"No, you don't"

"I can pretend to"

The car ride back to school was begrudgingly relaxing.