
Jinv The Vtuber System

-This novel is a fanfic novel. In terms of place, background, characters and everything is made by me and has nothing to do with reality- -Platforms, characters, and things that exist in the real world are all not mine, remember that I'm only making fanfics, not making original works- Short story : Yejin who was crossing was suddenly hit by a luxuriously decorated truck. When only a week came to Parallel he was fired from work and not paid by his boss, Yejin didn't know where else to look but suddenly he met a woman and talked a little, she gave him the same job as Vtuber. When he wanted to audition, he got a System which turned out to be a week late for him. On his journey to become a Vtuber, he meets his moon goddess, Zombie, the peacock goddess, and others. _______ | I'm still a beginner in writing and please if there are shortcomings, please comment suggestions and criticisms! | Don't give a review first, when it reaches 20 chapters please give a review. - Have a nice day!

Aztecs9 · Thành thị
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17 Chs

Instant death

"Hey Moona! Whose is this?" Jin asked with a smile looking at the many rare minerals in the long chests

"That's a tax from Holo ID residents, every month they pay a stack of diamonds." Replied Moon.

"Ohh, then what will you do with this money if you have accumulated a lot?" Jin asked while looking at the many diamond and gold blocks stacked in an abstract shape in the middle.

"Donated to outside vtubers who stop by this server." Moon answered.

"Ohh, by the way I just joined too, So where's my share?" Jin asked.

"Why you? You're not an outside vtuber."

"Wouldn't it be good if I held it and gave it to the next outside vtuber?"

"Ah, i see. This..." Moona believed it and took a stack in the chest and handed it to Jin.

"Thank you, Moona. Can you make me a pickaxe?"

"You're welcome, doesn't the dichest have a pickaxe?" Nabila pointed at the long chest in the corner of the wall.

"I saw the bar was red, it would be bad if I only used it for a few minutes and it would go away immediately." Yejin answered.

Moona finally understood, "Okay, wait a minute, okay?"


After saying that Moona came out and made him a full enchant pickaxe.

Meanwhile, Jin took a long chested diamond pickaxe and then mined abstract diamond and gold blocks. He also randomly destroyed it so that no one would suspect.

"Bastard, I didn't expect him to be so smart!"

"Damn it, I'm laughing!"

"I really didn't expect this, but it's so lol!"

The viewers laughed at Jin's behavior in secretly stealing rare minerals, when he had spent three minutes he heard the sound of footsteps getting closer, that meant Moona had finished making it.

Jin's hearing became sharp because he ate the boosting Pill, so it was no wonder that players or objects that made noises twenty meters away would be heard.

Jin took all the diamond and gold blocks that were dropped but were full, he opened the chest where the diamond pickaxe was originally, he put the pickaxe back together with half the food inventory until the chest was full.


"Hey Jin! I'm back!" Moona shouted excitedly, she handed a diamond pickaxe full enchants to Jinv.

Jinv took it, "Thank you very much."

"Okay let's go out and see my house."

They both went downstairs, they happened to hear the sound of the door opening. When the door opens two players enter.

"Eh, Moona?" 2x.


On an island with a tall tower that almost reached the sky, two girls were working on building and perfecting the tower, one below was doing crafting and the one above was making lamps with redstone tools.

"Oliie, is there any food? I'm hungry and have nothing to eat." Reine said to Ollie who was on top of the tower.

"I have no food, I'm also half hungry." Ollie looked over his bar.

"Then I'll get some food at the town hall, you wait upstairs." Reine said to Ollie.

"Wait, I'm coming. I'd like to grab something as well." Ollie jumped from above and landed in the water, he got into the boat with Reine as the driver, they sailed until less than a minute they arrived ashore and entered the town hall.

Upon entering they were surprised by the two players who had just come down the stairs. Ollie saw the names of the two players, one Moona Hoshinova and the other Jinv.

"Uh, Moona?" 2x


"Eh, we just happened to meet here." Because Moona was not in their discord room, Moona typed and sent messages in the game chat.

"Hey Ollie and Reine!"

"Hey!! By the way who's behind you?" Ollie typed and sent it.

Before Moona typed, Ollie went to where Reine was as if in shock, "What's wrong?" Moona asked the situation.

"The food and diamonds that were deposited here are gone! Reine also said that the food was suddenly in the storage room's chest as if it had been exchanged where Reine's diamond pickaxe should have been!" Ollie typed and sent it.

"Try to enter my discord room first and explain the situation."

The locked discord room opened briefly letting Ollie and Reine in then after they entered Moona locked the room again. Moona also added Png Ollie and Reine to the screen, Jinv also didn't forget what he had to do, he also did the same thing with Moona.

"Why, please explain." Moona.

"The diamond that I left is missing in the dining room's chest, my food is also suddenly in the storage room." Reine answered.

"Diamond missing? Food also suddenly in the storage room?" Moona thought about how it could be like that.

"Moona, you finished the second floor didn't you?" Reine asked.

"Yeah, I'm taking Jinv around looking at all the halls of the city hall." Moona answered.

When the words came out Ollie and Reine immediately understood, glanced and watched Jinv. Moona who saw them staring at Jinv felt like Jinv was the suspect.

"The diamond is from me to him because I left the diamond to him." Moona tries to convince them.

"Are you willing to drop everything in your inventory?" Reine asked while glancing at Jinv.

Jinv nodded and took out one by one, half food and half diamond and five full stacks of gold. Jinv took out everything in his inventory.

Moona who wanted to defend Jinv was stunned on the spot when Jinv took out a lot of rare minerals. Where did Jinv get it all from?

Ah, she just remembered that since the first time Jinv didn't follow her because he was picking up the chested things, when he asked her to go around he turned out to be distracting.

She also just remembered when he was told to make a pickaxe, it turned out to be all a diversion to steal! She didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Moona senpai brought the god of thieves. I am speechless." Ollie just didn't know what else to say. Only this time he saw the honest Sus.

"Gosh, it's full." Reine took the diamond drop and her inventory was instantly full but there was still some left on the floor that she couldn't pick up because her inventory was full.

"Jinv!!" Moona got angry and glanced at Jinv.

"Why? Didn't I drop everything in my inventory?"

"I'm not talking about that, but I'm talking about why you stole?!"

"When the moon I was used to stealing, moreover steal your underwear." Jin answered.

"You!" She didn't know what to say to this man, she was always teasing her and making absurd excuses.


While Reine and Ollie were surprised that the voice was Jinv's voice and only recognized Jinv's voice. Reine felt her voice was so good that it was pleasant to hear.

"Eh, are you Jinv? You play Minecraft?" Reine asked.

"He just started playing and I'm livestreaming with him." Moon answered.

"Eh, Moona senpai! Are you streaming?"

"Yeah, I'm live with Jin, don't you turn on my youtube notifications?" After Moona said that Ollie immediately opened the monitored youtube next door.

"Sorry, Ollie didn't know because Ollie was building something with Reine earlier."

"Oh, build what?"


"What tower?"


"Can we join?"

"Of course! more is faster."

After saying that Ollie and Reine gathered the things they needed first and headed back to the shore, where their boat was.

"Eh? Just one boat?" Moon furrowed her brows.

"This is the wood you made yourself!" Reine dropped a stack of wood.

"Okay, I'll make it first." Moona made crafting tables and made an oak boat, after finishing making, Jinv invited her to sit in the back.

"Jinv moved to my boat, Reine moved to Moona's boat." Ollie said to Jinv who was still standing.

"Uh, why?"

"Jinv is very heavy and you won't be able to row fast enough."

"Does not make sense!" Moon furrowed her brows.

"Okay, let's chat the game together, Jinv will get on the winner's boat."

"Okay that's fair."

The two of them started counting down and chatted the rock-paper-scissors game.

"Scissors." Moona

"Paper." Ollie.

Moona cheered, "Yeeaaa... I'm the winner!"

In the end Jinv gets on Moona's boat, Reine gets on Ollie's boat and wonders if Ollie doesn't like her.

"I did not mean it." Ollie blushed.


After arriving at the lighthouse island Jinv felt that this wasn't good enough, Jinv asked the girls for block materials. Then Jinv got seven stacks of ingredients and he changed the bottom to be better.

After finishing the bottom he climbed up the tower, Jinv met up with Ollie and Reine at the top. He looked around, but there was only the ocean.

Jinv climbs to the top of the tower, destroys blocks and rebuilds them with different blocks, Jinv feels he has had enough and he wants to go down, but when he jumps and wants to land in the water he is hit by the ground which is only one cm from the water.

In the end he died silly.

"Haha, counterattack from god for stealing!"

"instant death."

"Ollie saw him coming down, I thought he was going to land in the water but it turned out to be on the ground, haha." Ollie saw clearly that Jinv wanted to get off but instead landed on the ground.

The viewers who watched Jinv's red screen laughed, the three girls below also approached the traces of his death and laughed.

"That was just me practicing whether the gravity in this game is working properly or not, please don't get me wrong." Jinv dodged, he pressed the gray button in the middle and he appeared at the town hall alone.

They laughed again as Jinv made excuses, "You guys wake up and I'll go around on my own." Yejin said to them.

"Do you want me to accompany you again? I'll catch up with you by boat." Moona said to Jinv.

"No, I'm going for a walk alone." Jinv exited the town hall and walked around.

"Okay, be careful."

After Moona said that Jinv rushed to someone else's house, he opened the safe box and there was nothing special, just some food. Jinv immediately went to another place, but when he saw the nice house he saw someone else building.

He walked over to the person and walked quietly so as not to be heard, he sneaked up behind him and hit her.

The player who was hit looked to see who hit her but when she saw Steve's skin he jumped in surprise.


