
Jim Phoenal

Jim Phoenal, who has recently became a adventurer. Everybody doesn't except him to change the world. The story is about a 15 year old boy and his journeys

Sparkz27 · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs

Chapter 12

Black Feint, a annoying criminal who murdered countless noble family without leaving a trace behind. The Order has trouble dealing with him. Ten years later after his first crime, his case was transfer from the Order to the Inquisitor. The Inquisitor was after him for a year. But couldn't catch him. And he was disappeared after that like vanished in the air.

After five years, a murder occurred like the murdered in 16 years back. Then small crimes began to occur. But the Inquisitor cannot catch him. It gave a big shame to the Inquisitor. The Inquisitor ordered a hunt order to kill the Black Feint. The price was 10 second gold or 100,000 Nars

The bounty hunter and Inquisitor are all over his head.



Eralin forest



Black Feint was traveling in the forest and suddenly a person blocked his way. Black Feint covered his face with a black mask. "Hey, a young one has come after me after a old one. What do l call young one?"

"You can call me Zerax and I will kill you today." He pulled his black sword from his back. Black Feint summoned his large scythe. Zerax enhanced his sword with strong twisting wind and attack Black Feint. Black Feint blocked his attack with the handle of his Scythe and pushed him back.

Zerax maintained his balance. "Dark Cross"

Black Feint attack him with a cross slash with his sycthe which was embedded with his dark elemental power.

Zerax pinned his sword on the ground and formed a wind sheild around him. The wind sheild protect him like a dome. The slash was intercepted causing an explosion.

Black attacked the wind sheild with his sycthe continuously. "Heey , Kidd stop the struggling. You can't win against me. Death shall await you. So stop you struggling. Hahahaha..."

Black Feint laughed.

Zerax concentrated his mana to the sword which channel the mana to the ground. The mana flow to the ground to outside of wind sheild. The mana flow outside began to concentrate and exploded.

Thus numerous explosion shocked the Black Feint. He smiled and said," You have some bones, kid."looking at wound at his right shoulder. Zerax withdraw his wind sheild and summon a big tornado and attacked Black Feint.

"Dammit, I think play time is over kid. " He swung his sycthe towards the tornado, the tornado vanished. He throw a black ball at Zerax and Zerax couldn't dodge it anyway.

Zerax fainted and Black Feint disappeared without a trace. Suddenly, the Inquisitor came following the Black Feint. He saw Zerax in his unconscious state. He check the boy's body and found some instability in his body.

"Damn, I was close to caught him."

He looked at the boy and said "what should I do with him, left alone he will die anyway. But to cure him, I will be wasting my time." He put his hand on the boy's stomach and circulated his mana.

There was a dark violent mana left in the body of Zerax due to the attack of Black Feint. The Inquisitor was manipulating his mana to circulate the foreign mana out of Zerax's body. It take about three hour to complete the process. The Inquisitor took Zerax to an town nearby and left him in a Medical Care and continue to chase the Black Feint.



Loton town



" Anyway you have destroyed our precious glass bucket." Marshal sighed. "Let's get to the second part of the training." Marshal guided Jim to a large underground room and Neon also accompanied them. The room was filled various equipment.

Marshal began to speak, "You can draw a very large amount of mana out of your body but can't use it very well though. " Marshal teaches Jim how to control and condense his mana. "There are basic steps in using mage techniques. First one is condensation of mana. Second one is use attribute. The third and last one is shaping the attribute using mana." Marshal began to explained. "First you condense the mana, it take some day to learn but keep practicing."

Jim draw his mana out of his body tries to compress it. The amount of mana he withdrew was large and it was hard for him to compress the mana first. After thirty tries, he succeeded in compressing his large mana. Marshal and Neon was quiet surprised how fast he learn to condense a mana. After condensing the mana, Marshall asked Jim to use his attribute. When Jim use his attribute, the mana become to burn. Mana is like a fuel where a person uses it to use his elemental powers. The person having water attribute can use water type technique.

Jim has fire attribute and as his base affinity. So when Jim uses his attribute, the condensed mana converted to flame. Marshal speak, "You learn very fast. Take this." She gave him a google. Jim asked, "What's this?"

"It is a mana detection google. It help to detect the flow of non condensed mana. You can see condensed one but not a non condensed one." Neon replied. Jim wear the google. When he wear the google he didn't see any differences.

"Okay, Now, I will demonstrate how to use mana to shape an attribute." Marshal formed a ball of water in her hand and use her mana to shape it to the formed of a spear. Jim watches the process.

First Marshal coated the water ball with uncondensed mana and changed it shape to a spear. "It is simple to make it to spear. Now you try."

Jim tried but it is difficult than he thought. He covered the flame with mana. But it was difficult for him to shape it a spear. Jim tried it several and finally he became exhausted. Marshal asked him to stop. " You can stop it now. I have a tip for we you practise it next use to form a shape of a ball because the flame can became more stable and I think it easy for you to control it. You have exhaust yourself greatly. So rest well, I have some work in the guild." Marshal left for the guild. Jim rested in their Manson for a while.

It almost evening Jim left Neon's home and started to walk to his home. When Jim reaches his home,  he was in a surprised.






Zero entered a inn and rent a room for ten days. He went to his room and put his lagguage on the table. A sword and bag. He was a bit tired, so he slept for a while. After resting for a while, he went to take a bath.

Zero was thinking about something, it was the sword that was bothering him. Even though the sword was covered in a black clothe. He can't carry it for a long time. He needs to modify, it because the sword represents the Order. If a knight saw him carrying the sword, he will get caught by them anyway.

And he can't throw the sword also because every knight's sword has a identification mark for each knight and it can only altered by a dwarf or temple's blacksmith. He need to reach a placed called Kingdom of Nidavellir to find a dwarf workman there. But to reach that place he need the help of Dark Glyph.

And he needs to go to Kingdom of Nidavellir to meet someone also.