
Jewel: The Gem Princess

Once upon a time, there was a Kingdom where all people lived happily. No problems. No harm. No war. The Queen gave birth to her first baby girl named Jewel. The people were overwhelmed. But sadly, the Queen was gone after giving birth to her child. Until then, the King's twin sister attacked their Kingdom. They've killed a lot of people and destroyed everything. In the end, the King's Kingdom still won. But someone took the Princess. Jewel: The Gem Princess By: clln_eris_ • Written in English • Might have grammatical errors

clln_eris_ · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Chapter 10: Vampire

Venice's POV

Ouch. That hurts. He kissed Elisse on the forehead. Do you know how painful that is? I should be the one he kissed!

"Good night, beautiful."

It hurts. I tried to keep silent when I was about to cry. Why it should be Elisse? I'm being dramatic. But I was really affected.

I love Prince Harold. I really love him from the very start.

But it's a mistake to love him. It's a mistake to love a Ruby.

Well, it wasn't like this before. It all happened because my Dad loved Harold's Mom. But, Harold's mother didn't choose Dad. Then my Dad got angry. He said that from that day on, the vampires and the Ruby family would be at war.

So I do not want to let others know that I am a vampire. Especially to Prince Harold because he will kill me.

Only Elisse and Suzy know that I am a vampire. Even the Headmistress of our school did not know that I was a vampire. I was the only one who enrolled myself here at the academy and introduced myself as a normal girl.

People are afraid of us. They see us as a threat to the humanity. They think we're only killing people. But we are not like that.

We are kind. Except for the dark creatures of our own kind.

I got up and looked out the window. I closed my eyes and feel the breeze.

What if I'll visit the Vampire Kingdom? That's right. I might even lessen my sadness.

I transformed into a bat and flew to our place.


I have arrived at our Kingdom. Nothing changed. Still quiet and cold. But I'm used to it.

"Welcome back, Princess Venice." A soldier said when I entered the castle.

Dad was sitting on his throne holding a wine glass full of blood.

"Why are you here, darling? Is there a problem at your school?" Dad asked me.

"We just finished our Acquaintance Party last night. I just want to come back here." I said. This is who I am. Often I do not say the real reason.

It's also fun here in the Vampire Kingdom. It's not as fun as in the Gemstone Kingdom. When will the vampires and the Ruby family get along?

"I heard that King Oliver's daughter was attending the same school as yours?" Dad asked.

"Yes. She is." I answered.

"It would be nice then." Dad said and he take a sip on his wine glass.

"All right. I'm going to my room." I said. I left and went to my room.

As I walked into my room, I was only thinking about Harold. Just by thinking of him, I'm only hurting myself even more.

I entered my room. As soon as I entered, my room was full of dust. I lay down on my bed. I missed my room.

I want to stay here so I don't get hurt.

"Harold, do I still have a chance or did Elisse already took the place inside your heart?" I asked in the air. I look stupid.

My tears just flowed. Am I gonna like this forever? Sucks.

Then, there's someone knocking on my door.

"Come in." I said.

A maid of ours entered.

"King Dracula wants you to go to the Royal Hall immediately." She says.

"Why? I just talked to him a while ago." I said.

"You have something to talk about. With the Amethyst family." He says.

"All right— Amethyst family?!" I suddenly got up of my bed.

She nodded. "Yes, Princess."

She left and closed the door.

What in the world?! Why are they here? I'm probably gonna see their son's face again!

I left my room and went straight to the Royal Hall.

When I enter...

"I miss you, my Princess." He says. This jerk is really annoying!

"Is that how you greet a Princess at your Kingdom?" I asked.

He just smiled at me. I clenched my palms.

"Let's talk in the Dining Hall." Dad said.

We went to the Dining Hall. I sat in the chair next to Dad.

"So, will you agree, King Dracula?" Queen Anais asked Dad. She is the Queen of Amethyst Kingdom.

"We should ask Venice first since Prince Jayles already agreed." King Benedict said.

What are they talking about?

They all looked at me.

"Why?" I asked them.

"We planned an arranged marriage for you and Prince Jayles." Dad said.







"Do you agree?" Queen Anais asked me.

I want to say no! But the word won't come out from my mouth.

Why him? Why it should be Prince Jayles? He's so annoying! I hate him! I don't want to be with him!

"She already agreed with that. Silence means yes." Prince Jayles teased me.

I looked at him as if I was consuming his blood on his body until he die.

"I will not allow it." I said.

"But Venice, you need a fiance." Dad said.

"I do not want to marry this Prince." I said to them.


"I said I don't want to!" I shouted and I ran away.

I left the castle and went to our garden. It's not too sunny so think it's okay for me stay outdoor for a while.

I sat on the ground.

I don't want to. I do not want to agree with that arrangement because Harold is the one I love. But Harold, Elisse is the one he loves.

I cried again. Damn!

Suddenly, it rained. Heaven knows what I feel.

Then, I felt the rain isn't pouring on me anymore. Someone is covering me.

I looked up. I saw him holding an umbrella.

"Go away." I said.

"I won't." He says.

He sat down next to me. Why is he here anyway?

"It's fine if you won't agree. For now." He says.

"I really won't allow it. So don't hope for it anymore. Don't hope for me." I said.

"When did I ever hope for you?" He asked.

Of course. I was the one who hoped for him then. But that was over! Past is past.

"You were the one hoping for me years ago." He says.

"Shut up. I might bite you there." I told him.

"Go on. I won't stop you." He smiled. I would have bitten him but he suddenly pushed me so I fell down.

"Bite me." He says. He is on top of me.

I stared at him. I suddenly remembered our past. Our togetherness. How I developed my feelings for him then.

I immediately pushed him. I heard him laugh. He is really crazy.

The rain has also stopped and I felt like I was burning.

Geez! The sun.

Prince Jayles immediately covered me with the umbrella.

"Thanks." I said.

"Let's go back. You might even turn into ashes there." He says.

We went back to the castle. My arm was burned.

"Dad will scold me." I said. Here we are outside the door of the Dining Hall.

He looked at my arm.

"When will it heal?" He asked.

"I think it will take 7 hours." I said.

"Tsk. Let's go." He said and suddenly he pulled me. We went out of the castle again.

"Wait, let me hold the umbrella. I'm burning." I said.

"Let me." He says.

He supported me along the way. We went to a clinic here.

"Princess Venice, what happened?" The vampire doctor asked.

"Her arm was burnt. Please heal her immediately." Said Prince Jayles.

"All right. Let me see your arm, Princess." The doctor said.

He made me sit down and examined my arm.

"It's not too bad." The doctor said. He took a bottle from the shelf. He pour out the slimy liquid and spread it all over my burned skin.

My skin was healed.

"Thank you." I said.

"That's nothing, dear Princess." He says.

Prince Jayles and I left and returned to the castle. When we got there, Prince Jayles' parents and Dad were waiting.

"Let's go home, Jayles." Said Queen Anais. Prince Jayles looked at me and smiled.

"See you next time. Bye." He said and he got into the carriage.

"Bye." I said while smiling at him.