
Jesters Game

You wake up in a world where life is a game, and the only way to survive is to play. But this isn't your typical game, it's a death game, where the stakes are high, and the price of failure is your life. Kim Minho and countless others find themselves in this dystopian future, where they are forced to compete in brutal games that disfigure and debilitate them, all for the entertainment of an entity which calls itself The Jester. Every move you make could be your last, and there's no one to trust. Betrayal, scams, lies, and murder are commonplace in this twisted reality. The only goal is to stay alive, and every player is your enemy. As Kim Minho and the others navigate this treacherous world, they learn that the only way to win is to be ruthless, cunning, and willing to do whatever it takes. The games are relentless, and the violence is gruesome, leaving behind a trail of broken bodies and shattered spirits. In a world where life is just a game, and the prize is survival, the line between humanity and barbarism is blurred. And as the players struggle to survive, they are forced to ask themselves, is it worth it?

MuteXD · Kinh dị ma quái
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3 Chs

The Invitation

Chapter 1

February 26th 3014

Kim Minho's feet pounded against the pavement as he ran, his heart pounding in his chest. The metallic taste of blood and sweat flooded his mouth, making it difficult to breathe. But he couldn't stop. His thoughts swirled around his head like a vortex of doubt, betrayal, and regret. He couldn't let his teammates down, not after all they had been through together. Blood dripped down his face, mixing with the sweat that soaked his shirt. His muscles screamed in protest, but he pushed himself harder, fighting for every inch. Perhaps it was his salvation that he was fighting for, or perhaps it was simply his survival. Whatever it was, he knew he couldn't give up. Not now, not ever.

"Ahhhhhhh" Kim screamed silently.

His chest heaved with every breath, each one a struggle as though the hands of death were squeezing the air out of his lungs. The gaping wound on his shoulder was a torn, ragged mess, seeping blood and exposing the ivory-white gleam of bone underneath. It resembled a jagged mouth, silently screaming in agony. The pain had rendered his arm useless, all movement ceased as waves of agony coursed through him. The stench of rotting flesh filled his nostrils, invading his mind and crushing any hope that he might one day return to a normal life. The simultaneous tapping of his feet against the pavement acted like a time machine, transporting him back to when he had no worries, no pain, and when he could hold her once more.

September 12th 3013

Su-ji walked into Kim's living room, the smell of buttered popcorn wafting through the air. Kim was already sitting on the couch, a cozy blanket draped over his lap.

"Hey, babe. What do you want to watch?" Kim asked, patting the seat next to him.

"I don't know, surprise me," Su-ji said, snuggling up next to him. "But can we make it something scary? I'm in the mood for a good fright tonight."

Kim chuckled. "Of course, you know I love a good horror movie. Let me see what I have in my collection."

He rummaged through his DVD shelf and pulled out a few options. "How about 'The Ring' or 'Get Out'?"

Su-ji's eyes lit up. "Ooh, I haven't seen 'Get Out' yet. Let's watch that one."

Kim popped in the DVD and grabbed the remote. "Sounds good to me. Get ready to be scared out of your mind."

Kim wrapped his arm around Su-Ji's neck, savoring the intoxicating scent of her perfume that enveloped him in a warm embrace. He drew closer to her, mesmerized by her beauty and grace, and felt a rush of affection surge through him. The softness of her bathrobe against his skin was comforting and familiar, like coming home to a place of safety and tranquility. As he leaned in, his lips brushed against the nape of her neck, sending shivers down her spine. Kim closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, taking in the fragrance that felt like a love potion, awakening his senses and filling him with desire. Su-ji reciprocated and removed her bathrobe revealing her curvaceous bum and boobs. Kim unbuckled his trousers staring Su-ji in the eyes it was as if she was a goddess. Su-ji sat on his lap while blushing intensely.

"Are you ready?" Su-Ji whispered in a warm, seductive voice that sent shivers down Kim's spine.

"Yeah," he responded in a deeper, more masculine tone, matching the seductive tone of his lover.

As they gazed at each other, both feeling the nervous excitement of a first kiss, Su-Ji leaned in and their lips met. The sensation was mesmerizing. Her cherry-flavored lip balm coated his mouth, and as she parted her lips, Kim felt a rush of electricity surge through his body. As their tongues met in a passionate dance, it felt like time stood still for those few seconds. When they finally pulled away, Kim's eyes sparkled with love and wonder. He was stunned, unable to form any words as he sat there lost in thought about the next kiss. It was a moment he knew he would never forget.

Suddenly, a vigorous vibration shook the air, jolting both Kim and Su-ji from their conversation. Confusion clouded their thoughts as they reached for their phones, only to find a cryptic message sent by an anonymous sender. Despite their better judgment, they clicked on the message simultaneously, bracing for the worst. The screens froze and glitched, static hissing through the speakers. A sharp pain throbbed in Kim's head, as though a million needles were piercing his brain, and he winced in agony.

"HELP ME PLEASE!" He called for help but it seemed that he was screaming in his head

"SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!" pain ensued him followed by fear, insanity, and vivid visions

The message seemed to have unleashed a malevolent force, one that was determined to cause chaos and destruction. The sigil that appeared on Kim and Su-Ji's phones was a twisted and intricate symbol, etched in an otherworldly black. Its lines were spindly and grotesque, branching out in every direction like twisted roots seeking nourishment from the soil. The symbol seemed to writhe and pulse on the screen as if it was alive and hungry. Its power was so strong that it seemed to draw them in, like a moth to a flame. The implications of its appearance were ominous and foreboding, leaving them with a lingering feeling of unease.

Both Kim and Su-ji lay on the ground, gasping for air and struggling to comprehend what they had just witnessed. "What the hell was that?" Kim managed to choke out, his voice ragged and strained. Su-ji could only shake her head in disbelief, tears streaming down her face. "I don't know," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the ringing in their ears. "But we have to do something about it. We can't just let this go."

As the two struggled to get to their feet, their phones continued to emit the high-pitched frequency that had caused their agony. "We need to turn off our phones," Kim said, his voice urgent. "Maybe that will stop it." But as he reached for his phone, another vision flashed before his eyes - this time, it was Su-ji who was strangling him, her face twisted in madness.

"No, don't!" Su-ji cried out, grabbing his hand. "We don't know what's going on yet. We have to figure this out before we do anything else." Kim nodded in agreement, his face pale and sweaty. "Okay, okay," he said, his voice trembling. "But we have to do something. We can't just sit here and wait for it to happen again."

As they struggled to catch their breath, the sound of screeching tires and panicked screams grew louder and louder. Kim and Su-ji exchanged a terrified glance, knowing that they were running out of time. "We have to get out of here," Su-ji said, her voice urgent. "Now!" With that, the two stumbled to their feet and staggered towards the door, their phones still emitting the haunting frequency that had brought them to their knees.

Both Kim and Su-ji lay motionless on the ground, writhing in pain and agony. Their screams were muffled by the piercing frequency emanating from their phones. Suddenly, a series of vivid and gruesome visions flooded their minds again. They watched in horror as wriggling maggots devoured the remains of two women, one of whom was Su-ji herself. In another vision, a withered and crazed Kim choked the life out of her. The final vision was of an empty white room, ominous and foreboding. Just as suddenly as they began, the visions ceased. Kim and Su-ji lay there, struggling to stay conscious as the sound of screeching cars and panicked screams filled their ears. The world grew dim and hazy as a blinding light seared through their retinas. They knew they were on the brink of death when they heard a single, haunting ping from their phones. Then everything went black.