
Jerry's Vengeance

Jerry the main character is one of the top 5 commanders of the Taluk Empire, a lion empire. One day a news is received which is of great grief , what will happen next, internal power vacuum, war or something more interesting?

Ashfaq777 · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Call of importance

There were once three friends namely John, James and jerry. John was a bear, James was a tiger and Jerry was a panther. They were best friends and always hung out with each other.

One day, they were near a pond drinking water and slacking off. It looked like today too had nothing interesting to offer them who love adventures. They looked listless and were dosing around. When suddenly

"I hear someone" said James who had a sharp hearing sense.

"who might it be ? is it the foolish humans who are here to hunt" asked Jerry

"I don't think so, Maybe it is an animal, their footsteps are irregular and fast , may be they are in a hurry" said James calmly not alarmed by the situation.

"Well whoever it might be , maybe it will give us what we need" John said with a dismay'd expression indicating a slightest opportunity for adventure or something fun to do.

The footsteps grew louder and louder

The footsteps didn't sound that that of a big animal.

"Maybe its trickster " told James with suspicion . "And maybe he is heading towards us" he added

"Well if it is Trickster , then no worries but..."

Before Jerry could finish his sentence suddenly a small tiger, resembling that of a beaver appeared from the bushes.

He was your normal beaver but the difference was that he wore a dress and that too of high quality. He had a Gandhi watch that he hung in his coat.

The beaver Trickster panted heavily as he ran all the way from the palace.

"Well what did we expect it is indeed Trickster" said John

"Well what brings you here here Trickster , have you a message from his majesty " asked Jerry

Trickster looked up , his expressions indicating that the news he was about to tell wasn't going to be good and pleasing.

"Well... Well..." he panted

"It is ok Trickster take your time but don't tell me it is an emergency?" asked Jerry with hesitation

" Well it is, Indeed a matter of great importance and The king summons you three and I - The king's esteemed messenger has come to deliver the message " said Trickster with a troubled face but with pride

Trickster was an important person, he had a lot of influence and of course was close to the king. Why would he lie about such a thing. It mush be important thought Jerry

" Well I think it is an emergency guys , I think we should hurry" said John

" I think it would be the moral decision , but I think the king got himself in trouble again heeding to those bunch of hot-aired , self centred ministers " said James with a nonchalant reply and with a calm face. It was in such a way that he didn't care about the situation

"Well I think we must hurry too. Maybe his excellence needs our help. And as we are the great three we must step in as the closest persons to the king" said Jerry

After persuading James, they went on from the pond following Trickster

After an hour, they reached the king jack's palace. He was a lion. It was nicely decorated and elegantly built .

Well it was to be expected as Jack was a great king who defeated the 11 tribes all on his own command.

After admiring the beauty of the place not for the first time , they entered the palace and went on walking until they reached besides a room's door which was the emergency decision's council.

Jerry now clearly knew the situation was at dire because this room in front of them was used 10 years ago when Jack ascended the throne and convened it to take on the other 11 tribes once it for all.

Well guys always give suggestions and point out the mistakes . It will be greatly appreciated .

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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