
Chapter 1 - New Orleans

New Orleans. The place to be? Is that what they say?? How am I supposed to know, it's only been a month since we moved out here. My mom and I that is. I don't know why we had to move but my mom is acting strange and won't tell me anything. She's constantly checking up on me and making sure I take my pills. More like forcing me.

I thought that was Mrs. Walker's thing. She has been my personal doctor since birth. I really don't understand what happened to her. All these thoughts and unanswered questions are getting to me and my anxiety is at an all-time high sometimes I think I'm going to die.

I try to see the brighter side of things but I really can't. Mom is so overprotective and wouldn't let me go outside like the suns going to melt me away. Although I must say, I lowkey overheat in the sun. Must be due to my condition. That's the reason why my curtains are drawn. Always. Ah, the joys of growing up ill.

There has been no diagnosis for my condition yet, not that I have been to the hospital or anything. The only person who has an idea and has researched it was Mrs. Walker. She has been my neighbor since I was born, that is why I find it super weird that we moved and we haven't heard from her. She has helped me a lot with dealing with whatever this is. Especially her son.


Gosh, I miss that ugly faced silly boy. We've been best friends since like forever. He helps me deal with my anxiety and well. everything to be honest. My day one. Life's not the same without him. Y'all know what I mean?

We don't text anymore, like nothing at all. Things were getting better between us, I think. Does he even think about me at all better yet miss me? Of Course, he has to miss me or I swear I'm gonna kill him when next I see him. Which is probably going to be never but I do miss him.

That Avery Walker.

I didn't get to the insults I could rain on Avery when a knock on the door woke me from my daydream. Honestly, I'm glad it did because thinking about him makes me feel sad and angry and sad. It makes me want to cry.

"Ruby? Can I come in?", my mom called out. "I mean, I would go back down but you need to take your medication".

"Come in!", I couldn't care less, it's the same every three hours. Pills! Pills! Pills!

"I'm sorry sweetheart, you just have to take your p-"

"Pills", I know, I cut her off. She could do better at this acting thing. We both know she is as fed up with this as me so enough with the formalities.

"Yes dear. You know what to do. Two of the red pills, three of the white ones, and two of the green ones..". She half-smiles, "I'm sorry you have to live like this Ruby. I really am."

"It's not your fault you know. And I'm fine you don't have to do this, I can handle it on my own.", I gently squeeze her arm. "Okay enough with this and let's get this over and done with!".

She doesn't say anything and just takes my arm and ties it with a rubber band. Then she pats my arm to locate a vein. Then she inserts the syringe into a bulging vein and pushes the green formula, that Mrs. Walker, made into me which I'm surprised we haven't run out of yet. Must be a lot she made.

I swear this substance makes me feel some type of way, I can't explain it. I watch as my vein becomes green under my brown skin like it's a neon green color under blue light. Weird I know but it helps.

Before I know it I start to shake violently and my eyeballs roll back into the socket. My mom, who is pretty used to this by now, holds me in her arms until my body starts to relax and at this point, I'm very exhausted. Happens every time. My mom tucks me into bed and I pretend to be asleep so she can leave. As soon as I hear my door click I jump out of bed and run to the bathroom.

I always let my curiosity get the best out of me and it has led me to discover something strange. A while back after my regular drill, I had to go to the bathroom but when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror I realized something different about me. Significantly different.

My eye color had changed. Changed from emerald green to metallic bluish-grey color. I find it quite interesting. Scary even but then again what life without mysteries. Today is just the same. My eye color has changed. Not surprised. I have been thinking about it and I realize that my mom has bluish-grey eyes just like I have now and my Dad had dark brown eyes.

Yeah had, He died not long after I was born, I really don't know what happened but that's all mom tells me. I look a lot like him from the pictures I've seen. He seemed like a nice man.

Anyways, Green eyes, which I do not understand, or Grey eyes, who cares, it's not like anyone notices or something. Or do they? Also, I'm very tired and need some sleep. You would think that I'm tired of sleeping by now because that's all I've ever done since we moved to New Orleans.

New Orleans. What could go wrong? Or so I thought.