
When the girls go out but the boys are not mad at them

Liu p.o.v Jeff have you seen Hayley I asked him no I have not seen Hayley jeff said have you seen Summer jeff asked me no I have not seen Summer I said I have not seen Sky anywhere Hoodie said and I have not seen Lulu anywhere ben said..(when the girls got home) Liu p.o.v Welcome back Hayley I said Haii Liu she said where did you go I asked her me Summer sky and Lulu went out she said okay did you have fun I asked her yes we did she said..(with Jeff and Summer) Jeff p.o.v Hello Summer I said Haii Jeff she said where did you go I asked her I went out with Hayley Sky and Lulu she said and did you have fun I asked her yes we did she said that's good I said..( With Hoodie and Sky) Hoodie p.o.v Hello Sky I said Haii Hoodie she said where were you I asked her out with the girls she said okay I said..(with ben and Lulu) Ben p.o.v Hi Lulu I said hello Ben she said where did you go I asked her out with the girls she said okay I said..

(In the boys mind: Why couldn't they be like this when we went out do we get to be mad at them for one)

My p.o.v there is going to be one where the boys are mad at the girls..