
Jeff's Journey

Jeff is just trying to live a boring and mediocre life, but sadly he was rudly interrupted by his mirror image giving him a backhand slap.

TheGreatPanda · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

The Maze Trials (2/4)

After all of the people under the flying podium got there asses up and going, the Cockroach - Man spoke with a booming voice:

"Welcome warriors, to our annual competition of the Cult of Wrath, if you haven`t heard of us jet then let me introduce you to the most feared organization in Hell!!!

Somewhere over me hysterical applause suddenly sounded and when I looked up and saw an unbelievable sight. Hundreds of thousands of humans, demi humans, demons and other never before seen races shouted and screamed in a crescending chorus of noise and hysteria. It was like a sight of my worlds soccer championships final round.

I almost had an heart attack because of my severe phobia of crowds and masses. I very much hated masses of people clustering on one spot. It was like having a thousand tons of invisible pressure smacking straight into your face. That`s why I never was and am a fan of going out, shopping and other activities that brought me out of my safe and secure home. Some might call me a nerd or a couch potato but I am proud of my lifestyle.

And this..... this monstrosity of a crowd was straight out of my worst nightmares. I quickly looked back at the cockroach to try to get this nightmarish picture out of my mind by trying to replace it with another less nightmarish one.

Meanwhile the cockroach - man or woman, (I can't really differentiate) spoke on:

"Now after introducing my organization let me introduce myself: I am Grock you commentator for this epic competition. Wel let me tell you a bit more about this years Trials brave warriors!!"

 After a short pause he continued: "You just need to find the EXIT of this Maze!"

And the out of nowhere the ground I was standing on started to rumble. Wait no the ground AROUND me started to rumble. Slowly but steadily meter thick walls started to come out of the ground, as if the earth itself was standing up.

And as the walls loomed over me I saw many other groups of people similar to mine franticly screaming or shouting. So there are other teams I mused.

After the walls went up 5 meters the started closing themselves in a dome structure. And the annoying voice of our commentator sounded again.

"Now that everything is up and ready let me tell you the rules: THERE ARE NONE!!!

Just find the EXIT and you will win your survival and a little extra, however if you fail to find the EXIT you can rot here forever "

And to underline this statement roaring laughter came from the audience seated far over us.

"I wish you luck and another Tipp: Try to keep us entertained or you will have an unfortunate ending" Another round of roaring laughter

Why is everyone a sadistic piece of shit? Well unimportant lets concentrate on my survival.

So I turned around to speak with my teammates only to find them running off already. "Wait for me!" I shouted and also started running.

As I caught up with them they just... completely ignored me! I tried every way to communicate: I talked, shouted and even tried to stop Shifty by tripping her. Only for me to end face first on the ground....FOR THE THIRD TIME!

Why are they so friggin strong I yelled in my mind and so I just gave up on communicating and ran along.

A few hours later

I was completely out of breath after running nonstop four hours, my legs were hurting from the constant twists and turns and I was sweating buckets. So I looked around in hope to find the other other three in similar condition and gloat them, ONLY to see them completely fine aside from sweating a bit!!!

What the hell, what is wrong with them? Then the old man glanced at me and suddenly stopped, for which I was incredibly thankful. How understanding of him.

We must have got far I assumed after running for 4 hours straight. Only to have my hopes crushed, by the old man as he said:

"We are back at where we were three hours back" he said, as he pointed at a small cross mark at the wall he had made without anyone noticing.

"I have carved a cross at every turn we made and this is definitely mine" the old man continued.


