
Jayden King - Rise of The Reegan

A young charming yet mean student bullies a student to his death and suffers consequences he never imagined he would and triggers a curse now he has a destiny, the only path to redeem himself, and the only way to find peace is to follow the path.

Mayali1512 · Kỳ huyễn
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50 Chs

Blue Scales

Before they knew it, they were surrounded by hundreds of cannibals, with torn clothes on their bodies, but the strange part was that they had weapons, rusted axes, and swords covered with dried blood.

Emric rushed toward one of them and ran straight until he climbed on its chest grabbed its throat between his calf and thigh and twisted so hard that it broke the cannibal's neck.

When two others came, Emric was still on the ground, he rolled forward and slashed their legs with his swords.

When Swan turned back there was one running toward her, she ran to it and jumped on him when her javelin pierced through its chest, it was still stuck when she jumped while holding the other end of javelin while it was still stuck in the cannibal's body.

Jayden kept killing as many of them as he could, his arrows weren't ending, and neither were the cannibals, it looked as if they were multiplying.

"We are stuck in a never-ending fight!" Jayden yelled,

Swan was in the air while her legs wide open, she pulled the javelin her way and the other end grew longer than it was before she landed with her javelin hitting on the ground which made a large crack on the floor.

Many of those cannibals who were running toward them started falling underground along the big chunks of the ground.

While their leader asked them to fall back to save the rest of them, at least they were saved from the rest of those cannibals, some of them stuck on the right of that crack, while the others were stuck on the left, behind that thing which looked like jaws of a shark.

In the distance, they saw a Den "This is where we can find him!"

When they got inside it was shiny and brighter than the outer area. There were holes at the top, causing the sunlight to lighten up the Den.

They could hear snoring, and as they walked further and further they saw a man lying on the ground who was sleeping.

As soon as he turned side they saw an unbelievably beautiful man with black curly hair, sleeping like a baby.

Jayden stepped forward without realizing there was a rock just an inch away from his foot, he accidentally struck it and it rolled all the way until it hit a wall.

That tiny sound woke him up "Who's there!" He stood up.

"We are looking for Naag!" Jayden said while approaching him with light feet.

"State your business!" The man stood up and his skin from a few places turned upside down and scales started appearing on some places on his body, but not on the front, mostly on the back and shoulders.

Black scales but when they shine, only then you can see that they are actually blue, he stared at Swan from head to toe "Is she a princess?" He smiled.

"He doesn't look scary to me!" Jayden whispered.

"This is because you haven't seen me yet" Naag smiled.

"Okay, we are here for just one tiny thing? We just need two scales of you! I hope we didn't offend you?" Jayden asked.

"What? How is it not offensive? How'd you feel if I ask you to let me rip your skin from two places and act normal?" He was folding his arm.

They had a feeling as if he is not who Jinx warned them about, he wasn't even that tall.

"But! But…. But!" He started walking from left to right "If you leave princess here I will give you my scales" He folded his hands behind his back.

"You!!" Emric gritted his teeth reaching him with his sword.

He backflipped behind a wall and disappeared, the only thing that could be seen was his shadow getting smaller until it disappeared.

And within the next few seconds, a snake slithered out of the shadow, It was a long snake with snowy blue skin and scales sparkling like jewels on its body, but now the scales shifted from their places, there were only 10 scales on its body, 5 on left, 5 on the right.

It attacked Emric at first which he was able to dodge.

"Why are you doing this?" Jayden protested.

"Because no one attacks Naag in its own Den!" He hissed and got close to Jayden to attack.

Swan jumped toward him to attack but he was fast, he wrapped his tail around her squeezing her waist.

Emric threw his sword toward its chest, his target was successful.

He lost his grip over Swan she fell when it was still squirming with pain.

Jayden helped her get up and just when Emric was trying to reach her, they heard a slicing sound, when Swan and Jayden turned around, they saw a needle passing through Emric's stomach.

He collapsed on his knees, Swan screamed, while Jayden was feeling more heartache than her.

He growled so loud that made the entire Den tremble, his eyes were glowing green, when Naag looked into his eyes he backed off until there was nowhere else to go, Jayden who was walking toward him with anger in his eyes and his jaws stiffed, noticed something happening to snake.

He squirmed and started peeling off his skin and from that skin came out the same man who they met before he was turned into the snake, as soon as he turned back to normal He bent his knee before Jayden and lowered his head.

He grabbed its scales and plucked them, causing himself to bleed heavily "If I knew this is you, I'd never do that" He cried, offering his scales to Jayden.

"What?" Jayden couldn't understand what was happening to him.

Den was still trembling rocks started falling down from everywhere "Save yourself!" Emric was turning blue.

"Not today brother" Jayden reached him and carried him on his shoulders.

They rushed out as fast as they could.

Their eyes stopped on the place where Swan made a crack.

They were trying to jump that crack, two cannibals carried one and swung it back and forth and threw him across the crack, they started throwing others one by one.

Jayden reached his bow and quiver but he realized he dropped the quiver in the Den when he was trying to dodge the snake.

They were gathering in front of the crack to attack together, Jayden, Swan, and Emric were helplessly looking at each other.