
Jake Knight's snippets and Ideas

My imaginations is. burning With desire for a specific stories, there is not enough in web novel to let me let it go So I put it all in one story. each story will be in a new volume.

Jake_Knight · Khác
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12 Chs


"Well that's that." I mutter, as my soul floated endlessly through a black void.

"Indeed, that is that," A voice boomed, causing me to glance in attempt to find the voice but unfortunately, I had no avail, causing me to become confused.

"Uh, where are you?"

"Everywhere!" the voice boomed, "I am the one sole creator of the infinite multiverse, you may call me, Murphy."

"Huh," I didn't know what to make with this, "are you the same Murphy that likes to mess with people?"

"No I am not!" the voice, replied now recognized as Murphy, "That's merely pathetic beings who don't accept there folly, so instead of trying to correct it, they blame everything on me!"

Does the exclaimation point screw things up? He is actually very calm, even if he is loud enough to burn out my eardrums, if that was even possible in my current state.

"I interesting, so I take it this is a reincarnation? what will you have me do? give me wishes?"


"How about a choice of world's? because I will gladly want to be sent to the world of Dragonball, so I can marry android 21."



I guess that wishes thing is too much, still I can't help but ask.

"Can you at least, tell me what world I will be going?" I asked

"That is up for you to decide!" Murphy responded before he elaborated, it is up for you to find out what world your going to!"

My dissapointmemt, is unimagnable.

"Very well," I sighed, "the suspense is killing me, just take me to the other world, thanks for the opportunity."

You are a very good one I wish more people were like you!" Murphy boomed, "I wish you luck on your journey!"

I nodded and I eventually found myself blacking out.