
Jake In The Walking Dead

Surviving in the world of Walking Dead with 3 wishes , powerful mc and building here and there Walking Dead is the work of Frank Darabont and Gale Anne Hurd :) only changes and mc are made by me

MonkeyDAnish · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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12 Chs

Hell on Earth

Having trouble breathing I woke up with Dark fur on my face while I tried to remove Fenrir from on top of me. I remember the first few days I adopted Fenrir,Thor, Rex and Dawn. They were very worried and scared but were ready to bite but look at them now laying down there looking all defenseless except Fenrir of course. While putting some food down for Gluttony known as fenrir I turn on the tv to watch the news. 

As of a couple days the news has been mostly calm but I know today is the day when the first zombie was created by the virus, how it rapidly spread to thousands in the time frame of an hour. The tv turns on to a reporter talking about people starting to act weird. The camera shows behind the reporter a person twitching and turning on the ground as blood all over the ground. After a few seconds that person slowly stands up and attacks someone nearby, ripping their throats and biting down. As I see the scene I realize hell has begun. I gear up, get my gun, knife as well as the squad(Dogs) ready. 

As I make my way through the streets, it feels like I am in a scene from a horror show. The once bustling city is now a ghost town, with abandoned cars and buildings, and the occasional sound of gunfire. The smell of smoke and burning buildings fills the air, and the sight of a person pushing someone down to get away while that person is torn apart by zombies is a constant reminder you can only trust yourself. As I walk more down the streets, I come across people begging for help, injured and crying out in pain. I checked them for bites and found one bitten out of the 5 so I told them what would happen but they didn't believe me. Still I help them make a path to a building where they wanted to go into. 

Four zombies were slowly walking towards us. I took my knife out and kicked the first zombie down to the ground and stabbed my knife in its head then moved to the second zombie, grabbed his head from the back and put my knife through his head, the last two were taken down by the squad. Looking back I see the coins, water and bread the zombies drop moving closer to pick them up a notification pop up showing auto pickup on and off, of course I turned it on. After the last person got in I turned around to see the squad tearing the zombies apart. I make my way down the street with my squad following with bloody mouth and claws. 

As I turn a corner, I come face to face with a group of looters. They are armed and dangerous, and it is clear that they will not hesitate to use violence to get what they want. I don't care about them unless they attack me, I continue my way down the street helping if needed be. I have to navigate through piles of debris, broken glass, and fallen buildings with my squad. At one point, I have to cross a bridge that partially collapsed, and find a way around it. 

As I finally reach the hospital, I am exhausted and need to take a break before entering the hospital, but I am also relieved.