
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Chapter 8: It's a Tournament

The news of the tournament spreads like wild fire, Warriors who were insanely craving for the title in the Emperor's force rushed to the registration post, They were so eager to engage themselves in a battle before the Drios.

The Emperor's and the Drios loves watching tournament to know who the strongest fighter in the Empire is, Though they might not be strong enough to beat a Drio of the Ultimate Clan but they must be too strong.

And besides this world is filled with Warriors,

Hidden potential that really needs a push to progress, Only James didn't seem excited about it and that's because he is busy tracking the familiar dark energy to it's source but it definitely a dead zone.

While sitting and dining on the Emperor's dinner table, Emperor Karsas stared at the Drios before staring at James who is concentrating, He knew James is tracking something and he must prevent that so that James can eat.

" James! James! " Emperor Karsas called out.

Immediately the attention of Everyone were fixed on Drio James, Jade and Jace looked up to see their father sweating with his eyes closed, Jade immediately touched his father's arm and that regain James consciousness.

" What happened? " James asked.

" You were in another trance, find who knows what and your son had to bring you back to your right sense with just a single touch " Emperor Karsas answered, He started fumming in anger before calming his nerves down.

" I don't see any reason to be mad at you James, So what do you have to say about the tournament? " Emperor Karsas asked and James scoffed at the question immediately, He only smirked.

" Huh? Why did you scoff? " Drio Obeton asked.

" All the warriors that will be entering into this competition are nothing but a bunch of desperate fools, They are weaklings who wants power and money, None of them will be an actual competition to us " Drio James stated.

" He is right your graciousness, the Empire's warriors are not but a waste who needs to be Destroyed, I agree to James on this, Don't you have an outstanding warrior? " Drio Konin asked and the Emperor smiled.

' Hmmmm, this Drios are getting too cocky already, I will be a fool not to show them my greatest warrior that I have ever faced, I bet they will be blown " Emperor Karsas said to himself while the Drios were gazing upon him.

" Very well then, You all shall witness my most powerful warrior in this Empire and while that is happening, Why don't you showoff your strength and power amongst eachother, Right now " The Emperor said.

" What? You want us to brawl while eating your magesty? " Drio Fugai asked, They stared at eachother in suprise while the Emperor grinned as he folded his arms with pride, only James didn't flinch.

" Of course not my Drios but in an hour time, I want you all to get prepared with your weapons and powers and especially you James, I want to testify what powers a four hundred years old being still wields " The Emperor ordered.

" Normally I have the power to reject this offer but I am in the mood to fight anyways, but shall there be killing? " Drio James said, all eyes were fixed on the Emperor Immediately James asked if there will be killing.

" No, no killing James...winner wins by knocking his rival out " Emperor Karsas said and James sighed, He didn't want it to be a death match because the Drios needs to guide their Clans and he smiled.

" Very well then, That's just enough for me "James said and he stood up from his chair, He stared at every Drio before exiting the hall and his sons followed from behind, Layla just watched as Jade left.

" Dad, Dad...Are you really gonna engage the Drios in a combat? " Jade asked and James halted and faced his fast approaching sons, He grabbed his sons hands and they started heading for his chambers.

" Of course Yes Jade, And it will surely be fun for you to watch as well, And that's because the Drios stands no chance against my type of power " James answered and he unlocked his chambers door and entered immediately.

Zaibon emerged out of the wall with the evil smirk plastered on his face, He slowly approached the dinning hall were the Emperor and his Drios are still eating, He opened the door and emerged into the hall.

" Greetings Great Emperor Karsas and greetings to you Six Drios of the Six Ultimate Clans " Zaibon said and the Drios nodded, as the right hand man to the Emperor, He is free to talk in the midst of the Drios.

" Why are you having the Drios competition my Lord? " Zaibon asked immediately.

" Huh? How did you know about this? We were eavesdropping at our conversation again? " Emperor Karsas and Minister Zaibon nodded immediately, He is the only man who doesn't fear the Emperor and that what made him the Emperor's right hand man.

" Why do you suggest that we must disengage from this competition Zaibon? " Drio Casa asked in Confusion.

" That's to prevent a Drio from cheating, I have a feeling that James will cheat because he has all his tricks, He is a dirty cheat " Zaibon said and all the Drios exclaimed in shock, He is trying to ruin James image and some Drios who have grudges against James are buying it.

" That's were you are wrong Zaibon, What you are doing is risky and if he hears it, He will kill you for the wrong accusations, I have watched James fight and he is not a cheater, The Competition will go on " Emperor Karsas said.

" But my Lord I think Zaibon is right? James do seems to be a cheat and I think he should be removed from the competition " Drio Votex suggested and the Emperor growled in anger before taking a deep breath.

" My decision is final, The Competition will hold and James will participate in it like every other Drio of the Ultimate Clans " Emperor Karsas said and he hit the table with his fist, And everyone went mute immediately.

" Ok then, you may go back to your chambers while the maids clear the table up and prepare the hall for the competition, I need to have a deep sleep " Emperor Karsas ordered and the Drios departed immediately from the hall, Zaibon is about leaving as well when the Emperor ordered him to stop.

" Zaibon, Why did you said such lies to the Drios? James can never cheat and that's because he never taught my father how to cheat " Emperor Karsas veered in anger, he angrily rised up to his feet and he approached Zaibon.

" Let that jealousy never happen again, Am I clear? " Emperor Karsas asked.

" Yes my Lord " Zaibon said.

" It's a good thing that James wasn't here to listen to your nonsense Zaibon, He will rip you apart without mercy and you will regret what you just said about him, Just Thank your stars and leave " Emperor Karsas ordered and Zaibon nodded.

" You are most gracious my lordship " Zaibon said and he departed from the hall, At least he managed to fuel the hatred some Drios have for James by declaring him a cheat, He still thanks his stars that James didn't listen to it.

He looked left and right to see if anyone his watching and he dived into the wall immediately, James sensed the familiar Auras and he opened the door of his chambers to see no one around and he closed the door back.

" I need to find out who this being is " James said to himself, He stretched forth his hands and an artifact appeared immediately, James muttered some words and he found himself on another world entirely.

He smiled immediately he recognized the world.

" James the Drio of the Vragon Clan and a great worshipper of the Nature, What brings you here to my realm? " A feminine voice spoke out, the Vragon Priestess emerged out of the dark cloudy sky with her staff.

" Great divine priestess, There is this strange and familiar dark energy that I am sensing in the Emperor's palace, What is that? " James asked and The Priestess chuckled immediately she heard his request.

" You don't remember do you? " The Priestess asked and James nodded negatively.

" It seems like the Chaos is becoming nearer than I expected James, Your greatest foe is back on his feets and he has figured out a way to seal your memories of him, The Emperor dwells with the Dark Priest of the DarkHold " The Priestess stated.

" What? I don't get you... What's the Dark Priest of the DarkHold? " James asked.

" He wiped that too? Well the DarkHold is the connection between the demon world and the ancient worlds, It's not just a connection but a real supply of Dark Energies and it selects a broken hearted being to be it's wielder "

" I don't know who he is but the Dark Priest has a grudge on you James, He is from the MaliKian Clan which you wiped out two hundred years ago " The Priestess stated and James couldn't believe his ears.

" How can I stop him? " James asked.

" Leave the Empire before he figures out a way to stop you, He is a ruthless bastard " The Priestess answered and she immediately tapped the staff on the floor, the reality changed and James returned back to his chambers.

" I don't understand what is going on "