
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Chapter 7: It's Strange

" Forgive me my Lord, but I can't find their powers "

Zaibon voiced out, He once again travelled into the dark jungle and entered into the Cave which leads to the realm to see his master, An Anonymous being who refuses to show his face to Zaibon or anybody.

" What? "

" That's not possible Zaibon, I can sense those little children's powers even from here, They have powers, What are you saying? " The Dark Voice said in shock, He might not show his face but his voice shows that he is shocked.

" I can sense their powers too my Lord but the Orb or anything I use can't absorb their powers, It shows me that the Twins are powerless " Zaibon answered, Two pair of huge eyes appeared on the sky immediately.

" Hmmmmm, I know the only person that is capable of doing this things is Alumod and James, And I forgot to warn you that James has sensed your auras, He knows my Powers but he can't recognize it because I made him not to " The Dark voice said.

" What do you want me to do my Lord? " Zaibon asked.

" You were chosen to be the Dark Priest who wields the DarkHold, And you are a wizard, Figure out a way to break that spell before it is too late...You must Awaken the Seven Demons of Terror " The Dark voice ordered and James bowed.

" I forget to tell you something Master " Zaibon said.

" And what is that Zaibon? Speak!! " The Dark Voice ordered.

" When I snapped my fingers back then in the palace, I paused time and even James and his Highness the Emperor stopped as well but his daughter didn't, It's like she isn't connected to time " Zaibon said and the Dark Voice laughed out hysterically..

" Layla is a descendant of the ancient demi gods and you think she can be controlled easily, She and James are the only two that you need to be conscious, You must not be exposed at any cost " The Dark voice ordered and Zaibon nodded.

" Very well then my Lord, I will return to the Empire at once " Zaibon said and he exited the realm, He transformed into a crow and flew out of the jungle towards the Empire, He passed through mountains until he reached a particular mountain top.

He looked around in his bird form before leaving for the Empire, after he left, A woman dressed in an ancient superior attire appeared immediately, She watched as Zaibon flew into the Empire with hyper speed.

" Zaibon, this wizard is going to cause alot of problem in this Empire, I wonder who is capable of stopping the Dark Priest who wields the DarkHold of the Underworld " The lady said as she watched from the mountain top she stood on.

" Think very well, This is not the time to show yourself....Zaibon is yet to cause the biggest commotion of all time, When he does...I shall reveal myself " The Lady said before vanishing into thin air.

🌀🌀🌀Vragon Clan 🌀🌀🌀

Craig is spotted on the mountain top training hard with his sword, He caused rocks to levitate and he slashed them with his sword, displaying all kinds of martial arts with his eyes closed and his sword in his hand.

Craig jumped down from the mountain top and he unleashed a ray plasma ball which blasted the mountain in two, He punched the mountain which caused it to crack again, He caused his sword to glow and he is about to deliver a final strike which will destroy the mountain and he heard his mother's voice.

" Craig!! " Rhea called out immediately and Craig paused.

He saw Rhea's horse running towards him with ten warriors by her side, Craig sensed their presence and there is nothing to get surprise or ready for battle, His mother got down from the horse and advanced towards him.

" Mother, why are you here? " Craig asked and Rhea frowned.

" So you are telling me that I shouldn't visit my son anytime, besides it's time for dinner and all you do is just train and train, I know that you want to make your father proud by becoming a powerful warrior but sometimes eat " Rhea said.

" Mother, I am not hungry and there are five skills that father tasked me to Master, The act of creating a mind for my hands, It energies me to have the instinct of wielding a sword without using my brain " Craig said and Rhea smiled.

" You don't know how happy I am, I married the most strongest warrior in the Empire and I gave birth to a power hungry son who wants to follow his father's footsteps well you are the Regent now and you shall return at once" Rhea ordered.

" But mother..."

" Don't but mother me Craig, I love your instinct of wanting to train but you can't just devote your entire time to training, Get a life son, Find love and rule as the Regent...You know what the Elders will tell your father " Rhea said and Craig nodded.

" Ok mother and besides, I am kindof hungry already " Craig said, Rhea happily mounted on her horse while he is already in the sky flying towards his father's palace, Craig perfected the art of flying with ease.

Any mortal can fly, be it powerless or powerful...It just depends on the kind of meditation and practice they wields but all mortal can fly, Rhea smiled as she watched her son fly, She can fly but she prefers to be realistic.

🔥🔥🔥The Empire🔥🔥🔥

The Emperor called all the Seven Drios and their families to dinner at the royal feast, They will dine and wine with the Emperor and his children on the same Gigantic table, Only the Drios of the Seven Ultimate Clans and Ministers can dine with the Emperor and still live.

The Drios started entering the royal hall of feasting slowly, One after the other...They sat on their royal tags on the Dinner table and chairs, Drios and their offsprings will seat together to avoid any form of war.

Immediately they settled on their chairs, The maids and menservants brought in the foods to the dinner table, Rice, Ramen, Chicken soup, turkeys and all the delicious foods the royalties eat every time.

Emperor Karsas and Layla emerged from their official door which no one can pass through, all the Drios stood up from their chairs until the Emperor sat down on his golden chair, The Emperor sat down on his chair and the Drios also did as well.

" Greetings Drios of the Seven Ultimate Clans, Isn't it wonderful that you sit amongst eachother and enjoy your delicious meal? " Emperor Karsas asked with smiles beaming on his face, He scanned the banquet until he figured out that a Drio is missing.

" And if I may ask Drios, Where is Drio James and his two sons? " Emperor Karsas asked, James appeared with his sons holding his hand, He swiftly let go of his sons to go to their chairs and seat down quickly.

" Sorry Drios for arriving late " James said.

" James, you didn't even apologize to the Emperor before sitting on your chair, How rude " Drio Obeton of the Opra Clan said and James growled, only Jade and Jace heard him growling in anger but the rest didn't.

" It's is true Drio Obeton, I am sorry your highness...I was busy bathing my sons for the banquet and I didn't know I was late " James said and the Emperor's frown changed into smiles once again.

" You don't need to apologise to me James, You are a freaking legend and I am even surprised that you are becoming respectful, I remembered you being bossy to my father when you were his teacher and I was right years old then " The Emperor said.

Immediately the Emperor took his first bite, The Drios started devouring the food before them, The tomato sauce and ramen followed by the rice and the rest of the food, The Emperor is spotted thinking all this while.

While Layla's eyes were fixed on Jade who could be seen devouring his food as well, Immediately Jade stared at her, She removed her eyes immediately and concentrated on her food unt Jade continued eating.

" You see Drios of the Ultimate Clans, I have being thinking of something all this while...Why don't I start a tournament, You know this is a time for enjoyment and celebration and I want us to have fun "

" What are you suggesting my Lord? " Drio Fugai of the Nakraki Clan asked immediately.

" I am beginning a tournament of power where the powerful warriors of the Empire will come together to fight and win prizes and besides you Drios will be participating in the tournament but will be in the Ultimate level "

" Whoever defeats his opponent until he reaches the ultimate level will fight the Drios of his choice, Anyone he picks shall he battles to win the prize " The Emperor said with smiles plastered on his face.

" And what if he loses? " James asked and all eyes were fixed on him.

" What if they decided to pick me to challenge and I whoop their ass without mercy, Will they be giving the grand prize? " James asked, He stared at the Emperor before focusing his attention on the food.

" You are on point James, The winner of the tournament will receive one thousand gold coins and if he defeats a Drio, He will be recorded as the strongest warrior in the Empire unt the next tournament and I hope they don't select you James " The Emperor said and everyone laughed.

" Because he will lose? " Drio Casa of the Utero Clan asked.

" No, because he will whoop their ass and no one will be recorded as the strongest and they won't be gifted any position in my Council " The Emperor said amidst his hysterical laughter and he choked on his food he is eating.