
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Chapter 6: It's Playtime

" With the fire power of the Eternal, I command you to bow "

Jace shouted in excitement as the Drios children gathered themselves with the Ministers offsprings to play, He is the funny and the playful one but Jade is playful but still want to train with his father.

" Jace, Jace...Tell us the story of the Kozawa? " Son of the Drio of the Senju Clan asked and Jace nodded, They were all at the back of the Castle playing, Jace climbed on a rock and pointed into the sky.

" Twenty years ago, My father fought a sorcerer named Kozawa, He was pretty strong but my father activated one of his deadliest and rarest technique and he stabbed Kozawa in the heart and brought him to his knees " Jace stated and everyone clapped.

" What about you princess Layla? Tell us a story " O'connor the son of the Opra Clan Drio asked in excitement, All eyes were fixed on Layla who suddenly became nervous.

" Jace, If I may ask..Where is Jade? " Layla asked, many highly ranked warriors sons liked her and she preferred Drio the most, Everywhere is boring without seeing him and she needs to tell the story with Jade present.

" Well, He went to see my dad " Jace answered, Layla stood up from where she is sitting and he left to look for Jace, Everyone watched her leave then resumed to their playful habit and fun especially with Jace around.

The kids that were present were O'connor of the Opra Clan, Regina daughter of the Utero Clan Drio, Amaya Amastu, Slade Senju, Criella and Briella Nakraki and they love playing together with Layla.

" What's up with her? " O'connor asked referring to Layla.

" Well I guess she is fond of Jade, Remember that he is the coolest and kind of the strongest here, That's all that I can think of " Amaya answered, Jace stared at her and he smiled, He loves her smiles.

" Well while she is after my twiny, Why don't we play a game? " Slade asked and their faces brightened up,

" What games should we play Slade? I am becoming tired of the stories and building of a castle, Let it be a wonderful and cool game " Briella said and Slade nodded, He stood up from the ground and he dusted his butt.

" Let's play hide and seek, Whoever the seeker catches will become the seeker " Slade said and everyone jumped up in excitement, Everyone ran into hiding while Jace counted the number thirty before seeking.

🥰🥰🥰 Meanwhile 🥰🥰🥰

Princess Layla who has been searching for Jade, Her face brightened up immediately she caught Jade sitting beside his father on the plain field which is also known as a training ground, They both sat on the ground with crossed legs and they were meditating.

Layla giggled as she slowly approached them without making noise, James sensed her and he smiled, He wants Jade to do the job of calling out her name, That's if he manages to sense her presence then he will know Jade is progressing.

Layla halted immediately she reached them, She sat on the ground, crossed her legs and closed her eyes with smiles on her face, Jade sniffed the air after noticing the unnatural scent in the air and that caused him to open his eyes.

" Layla? What are you doing here? " Jade asked in shock, Layla immediately bursted into an overwhelming laughter and she fell on the ground laughing, Jade scratched his hair with smiles plastered on his face.

" Dad!!! "

" You knew she was coming and you didn't even give me a hint "Jade jokingly quarrelled, James opened his eyes and he smiled, His eyes moved to the smiling Jade and then to the laughing Layla.

" Well that will be one of your training son, The ability to sense ones presence when they are close by, There a lot of things that you need to know son, Too many things and I will make Craig teach you everything you need to know " James said.

" Greetings Drio James, I am very sorry to interrupt the meditation but I want to borrow Jade " Princess Layla said and that made him to giggle deeply, He knew something is going on between them but who is he to interrupt.

" No need to apologise Layla, He is all yours, But don't return late son " James said and Jade nodded happily, Layla caught hold of Jade and she dragged him with her as she continued running and running.

" By this age, Craig has already mastered the teleportation technique, Jade couldn't even sense a super human being, Well I have a long way to go....I need to equip this lads " James said to himself and he rised up to his feet, He dusted his trouser and when he turned back, He paused immediately he sighted Drio Votex of the Senju Clan.

" Drio Votex! What are you doing here? " James asked in a surprise tone.

" I have been inspecting the neighborhood since and I sighted you and your son Jade meditating, He and Craig seems to be the serious ones "Votex answered and James smiled, Votex is surely correct with his prediction.

" Well all my sons are serious with their training but Jace and Craig Really like showcasing it to the world " James said with a warm smile, Drio Votex reciprocated the smile with his deep warm smile.

" You know James, I grew up studying your chaos and I am surprised that you are slowly becoming a changed person, What's the secret? " Votex asked, They started walking towards the castle entrance together.

" Well nothing really changed me, I am becoming merciful to the people who don't really enraged me, But that doesn't mean that I am not the same Destroyer I used to be...I am still as ruthless as ever " James said as a reminder.

" Well it's an honor to talk with you James, to see an Immortal being " Drio Votex said and he entered into the Castle, James is about entering when he sensed the familiar dark energy watching him.

He scanned everywhere and everything with his eyes but he couldn't detect where the energy his coming from, His eyes glowed bluish and he entered into the Castle without letting anyone detect his auras.

" Whoever you are, Whatever you are...I will find you " James assured himself.

Just then Zaibon emerged out of the wall with smiles on his face, He followed the scent of Jade and Jace to see them playing with the Drios offsprings, He can't afford to risk it, His Control dark magic can work on the other Drios children but not Layla.

Not only the Drios and the Clans that are cursed with powers, The Emperors family have their special deity that they are worshipping and no one knows what deity it is, But many knows that it is powerful one.

Zaibon watched from afar, His eyes were fixed on Jade who held Layla's hands, He could feel himself vomiting after seeing them holding hands, Their Deities doesn't match and their feelings can't work.

" So useless, Love is a worthless and useless part of Existence " Zaibon said to himself. he once loved a girl but she was killed by the Vragons Army, burned to death with the other children and that makes him dark.

Yes, He is the son of the MaliKian Drio!


" Awwww..It's not fair " O'connor said as Jace caught him and rushed into hiding, He slowly moved around, calling their names out to know where they are, Zaibon watched closely from afar.

O'connor continued searching until he got so close to where Jade and Jace were hiding, Immediately he got close to them and wanted to touch them, Zaibon snapped his fingers and time stopped immediately.

If he couldn't risk appearing and taking their powers and then wipe their memories, He knows the technique of stopping time, He appeared before Jade and Jace with smiles on his face, He stretched forth his hands and the Orb appeared.

" Ocre telle volia lel gonaka...I command thy powers into this Orb at once" Zaibon ordered and the Orb glowed purple, His eyes glowed which made the boys to levitate, He opened his eyes in shock immediately he couldn't detect a single power in the twins.

" What? How is it blank? " Zaibon asked in shock.

" Jade, Jace, O'connor...Where are you all? " Zaibon heard a voice calling, He turned to see Layla slowly approaching them, His eyes stopped glowing and The twins slowly landed on the ground immediately.

" I will be back twins, I promise " Zaibon said and with that, He disappeared and everything returned back to normal, Time started to flow as usual..!


Zaibon appeared in the deep parts of a jungle, He held tight unto the Orb, He is shocked by the empty body, He could sense the powers of the Twins but their body is empty, He doesn't just Understand what is going on.

" How is this Dark magic possible? They have powerful auras but no single power existing in their body, I need to inform the Dark One right now " Zaibon muttered and with that, He vanished into thin air.

He is still Unknown!