
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Chapter 5: My Terrible Deeds

🕘🕘🕘Two Hundred years Ago 🕘🕘🕘

♒♒♒The Malikian Clan♒♒♒

The soldiers of the Clan gathered themselves on the walls of their Clan with their weapons, The battle cries of the Vragon Army became more intense as they drew closer to the wall of their Clan.

" The Vragons are coming, Don't let them in...Kill them all " The General ordered as he unsheathed his sword, The ground shook due to the incoming team of horses with their horsemen coming from all angles.

" Get ready soldiers, Show no mercy!! " Drio James voiced while he rode his horse towards the great wall, His eyes glowed and a powerful shockwave blasted the wall down , The Wall fell down with it's warriors.

" Shit! " The General exclaimed by the sight of what just happened, Some of the MaliKian warriors slowly rose up to their feets due to their injuries while some were scattered into pieces due to the Wall's Destruction.

James unleashed another massive amount of shockwave which demantled his opponent team, James dived down from his running horse with smiles on his face, He unsheathed his sword from his back as he slowly advanced towards the Clan.

" Like I said, Show no mercy " James ordered and he leapt into the sky, He landed inside the Clan and he chopped off three warriors heads immediately, He ducked a sword attack aiming for his head and he stabbed the warrior in the heart.

James grabbed a warrior and twisted his neck immediately, He tossed the warrior into his soldiers and blasted them all with his fire attack, He caught the blade meant to strike his neck and he froze the soldier up immediately.

" This can never get old " James muttered as he destroyed the frozen soldier into pieces, He stamped his feet on the ground and that caused the earth to shake vigorously, The earth opened up and it swalled fifty soldiers before it closed.

James stared at the sky to see incoming fire arrows raining down from the sky and that made him smile, He slashed a soldier in the chest and stabbed another soldier in the heart, He could killing soldiers all alone until the arrows came down.

James created a forcefield which covered him alone while the MaliKian warriors perished without mercy, He sighted his army smashing their way into the Clan during the broken walls James blasted.

Hundreds of Soldiers fell down dead as the Vragon warriors entered into the scene, Heads rolled and hearts were been carved out ruthlessly, James watched the Destruction and he smiled, the forcefield vanished immediately.

James made a spear levitate and he directed at an incoming warrior, He tossed the dead warrior without even wasting his energy, Watching as his soldiers destroyed the MaliKian warriors...He snapped his fingers and his horse ran towards him.

" Good boy " James muttered while rubbing the horse, He mounted his horse immediately and he killed two soldiers by just choking with his Invincible force, James rode his horse towards the direction where he won't fight but just watch the battle.

The battle became intense and it took The Vragon warriors two hours before they could defeat the entire defensive soldiers and they took some captives including the General, The Vragon soldiers slowly approached their Drio which is James.

" My Lord, we have successfully slaughtered the defense warriors of this Clan and we have some captives, What do you want us to do next? " One of the Commanders asked.

" Well you see I am quite hungry commander, And as for the villagers and the remaining soldiers, Round them up and bring them to the Palace of their Drio...Then I will judge them but first, I am hungry " James answered.

" Get his lordship the most delicious food in this Clan, Kill anyone who tries to stop you " The Commander ordered and James nodded, He got down from his horse and the warriors bowed before him immediately.

" You know something commander, I once asked the Drio of this Clan to get me the most fantastic women to dine and sleep with, I asked him to give me his daughter and he refused, So this Destruction is what he brought upon himself " James stated.

" Your words are the greatest your lordship " The Commander said with beads of sweats falling down from his face as he fell on his knees, It took the soldiers sent to bring the food five minutes before they brought foods with them.

" Hmmmm, yummy...It's getting tastier already " James said as he licked his lips, He snapped his fingers and a chair appeared which he relaxed his back on, The food is served and James ate to his satisfaction.

" And what are you all still doing here? Go kill those bastards " James ordered and the warriors rised up to their feet in excitement, They entered into the villages, killing the old men's and old women while the young were taken captives.

The children were taken as well but any child that tried to free himself or herself are burned to death, the houses in the villages were set on fire with children and old women in it, The screams of the dying became intense.

" That's it, the soul crushing screams of the tortured, I really love this meal " James said to himself, The Vragon warriors were taking my innocent people hostages as they were been dragged towards the palace.

On getting to the Palace, The MaliKian warriors that went to the palace tried fighting but they were just to miserable, Every Vragon warrior has powers and that what makes them deadly and powerful.

The MaliKian warriors fell on the feets of the Vragons, many were slain while few bowed before the mighty Vragons, After taking control of the Palace, The Commander and the warriors dragged out the Drio and his family.

" Drio of the MaliKian Clan, We are the Vragon warriors and you are about to meet your judge soon, He is kind of busy digesting your foods and he will soon arrive shortly " The Commander announced to the Drio.

After James is done eating, He blasted the plates away before mounting his horse, He rode his horse into the palace and the Vragon warriors bowed before him, Drio James came down from his horse with smiles plastered on his face.

" Drio of The MaliKian Clan, It's an honor to see you once again, I promised to visit you right? " James asked, He approached the Drio and his family with smiles on his face, He loves witnessing people cry.

" Why are you doing this to my Clan James? I never did anything wrong to you, I just rejected your proposal " The Drio said and James giggled,

" Well it's a little bit personal but not too personal, I received an order to execute your clan by sunrise and I am doing it too early because it is a little bit personal to me, You rejected my proposal and that what's made me mad " James said.

" Now you will watch me judge your people " James whispered.

" People of MaliKian, It's an honor to behold your faces but I must begin your judgement, don't blame me but blame your Drio for what is about to happen to you all " James announced to the captives and he faced his commander.

" Bring forth the little children "James ordered and the commander nodded.

The warriors dragged out the crying children, Everyone was crying as the children were ruthlessly dragged out without mercy, They were moved to one direction and They were tied to eachother.

" Light them up " James ordered, The warriors deepest the children into diesel and they set them on fire, the screams of the children filled the air as they burned to ashes, The parents were crying helplessly.

" Awwww..this is so much fun " James stated as he watched the children burn to ashes, He faced the Drios family and he winked at the Drios first daughter, he ordered his soldiers to take her away.

" No don't, please don't take her away from us...I am begging you " The Drio's wife pleaded but it fell on deaf ears, James pulled out a dagger from his clothes and he stabbed the Drio's wife in the skull.

" Take the beautiful women and most hardworking men as slaves and they must not be more than four hundred, the rest...burn them to ashes and as for the Drio...I will be executing them before the Emperor " James ordered and he walked out of the palace.

Screams and wails followed after his departure, men and women shed tears as they all burned to the grounds, The MaliKian warriors were beheaded one after the other until they seize to exist and after the execution.

James caused an earthquake to devour the Kingdom and everything in it whole, The lucky women that weren't killed were dragged by the soldiers to the slave trade to make some good money.

" My Lord, why did you choose to burn the children but spared some men and women? " The commander asked and James smiled.

" You see commander, children will always find a way to return and they when they do, They will execute their Revenge and I don't really have that time for that, The Emperor ordered their execution and I did just that "James answered.

" And besides I don't have Children, Why should I care "
