
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Chapter 43: Semi Invasion

It didn't take too long before the Empire noticed the dark hideous Creatures descending down from the sky, The Villagers that were seeing the monsters trembled in fear while the Shirlian Defense soldiers came together.

Dressed in green, They all released into the sky arrows with flames on the edge, Few arrows pierced into the skin of the Monsters as they descended with their full might, The Villagers has began to panic.

" Release " The Captain in charge of the Defense Team ordered and the soldiers released another great deal of arrows into the sky, They watched closely as the bugs shell were blocking the arrows from piercing into their skins.

" Send a word to the Six Ultimate Clans, Send a word to Emperor Karsas...We are under attack " The Commander ordered.

The Defense Team Commander brought out his sword from its shealth as he positioned himself to fight, He watched as the dark bugs flew towards his Direction with full force and they flew into the trap.

Hundreds of the hideous bugs were set on fire immediately they crossed the line, The Commander launched his sword's attack at the monsters with his Comrades following from behind as their lives depended on it.

🏰🏰🏰 Emperor's Palace🏰🏰🏰

Emperor Karsas rushed out of the Castle with his battle outfit on, He noticed it after hearing those incantations from Rika's lips, Karsas mounted on his horse with his soldiers following him from behind and they rode into the battlefield.

Emperor Karsas is an A+ ranking Superior Warlord, A ruthless one at that!

Hundreds of soldiers followed from behind as they all followed the Horse of their Emperor, The Special Captains of the Armed force joined the parade with their swords in their hands for battle, The Swordsmen of the East!

" Swordsmen of the East, Do you by any chance Understand what this creatures attacking us from the sky is? " Emperor Karsas asked after the Swordsmen joined his parade as they approached the battle zone.

" I don't know what they are My Lord, But we are going to fight for this Empire " One of the Swordsmen answered and Emperor Karsas nodded, Some Ministers and Lords joined in other to show that they aren't cowards.

Immediately they got close to the battle zone, Emperor Karsas eyes glowed green as he sampled his opponents before engaging them in battle, Karsas suddenly smiled then brought out his sword.

" I see, This are just mere diversion created by the ones who set The Seven Demons of Terror free, They want to keep us busy " Emperor Karsas said to himself, He muttered some words and his horse Transformed into a giant eagle.

" Emperor Karsas..!!!! " One of the Swordsmen called out as they watched the bird flew up.

" Don't worry I will be Attacking from the sky, Join hands with the Defense Force and attack from Below " Emperor Karsas ordered as he slowly went higher into the deep sky, The giant eagle charged at the Monsters with speed.

" It's been long since I have ever fought like this, This will be fun " Karsas said as he stood on the bird, The Giant Eagle and the Dark bugs clashed in the sky, Karsas sword sliced bugs into pieces with his sharp sword.

Meanwhile the Swordsmen of The West joined the battle with their infruiating weapons, They were vigorously attacking the monsters from below and they were making sure that none of those monsters attacked the villagers.

" We need to evacuate this Villagers, Lord Emperor has launched his own attack so we will do this without receiving his own orders " One of the Swordsmen stated and the soldiers nodded their heads in agreement.

" Begin the Evacuation, Defense Squad...Begin the Evacuation of the Villagers right now " The Swordsman ordered.

" FLAMING BALL RINGAN, ULTIMATE FLAMING RAINS " Emperor Karsas roared after weaving the hand sign, Fire balls rained down from the sky with full force, Many Dark bugs were being burnt into crisp.

The Defense Force started the Evacuation as more soldiers trooped in for battle, Lords brought in their soldiers and so as the Ministers, They were all showcasing bravery to the world so that they won't be hated as cowards.

While many villagers watched the outstanding feats of Karsas, He puffed out fire from his mouth which burnt seventy percent of the Bugs, Karsas sliced the Monsters into pieces until they were all fallen.

Emperor Karsas pieced the last bug and burnt it to ashes, He watched as the soldiers became calm after witnessing what just happened, The Giant Eagle slowly came down from the sky and it Transformed back into a Horse.

The Soldiers celebrated Emperor Karsas for his massive role play in the battle, No one has ever thought of thinking his position as the Emperor because they are too scared to die, Emperor Karsas is as gruesome as James.


Immediately Emperor Karsas and his warriors arrived at the Palace, The Elders were already waiting for his return and the Six Ultimate Drios entered into the Palace gates few minutes after the Emperor has returned.

They arrived at the battlefield only to see huge dead hideous bugs lying down on the ground!



" Now I know why even the Twelve Empires fears to challenge the Shirlian Empire, It's because of Emperor Karsas...He is pretty strong and as a strong A+Superior Warlord, I am not a match for him " Rika said to himself.

And he is not far from the truth, He is only seeking for death if he dares to challenge or oppose Karsas, Karsas is a forty years old warrior who maintains his face and makes himself look much younger...He is still in his prime!

" Well I have had enough fun, It's time to go " Rika said, He disappeared from the mountain top and Appeared in the Palace of His great grand father Zaibon, He will make sure his father is killed by him.

Rika advanced into the building after been greeted by the guards, He entered into the palace and walked straight to the Throne room were he found his Master sitting down on his throne with wine cup in his hand.

" Rika, How did it go? " Zaibon asked.

" Well it kind of went well, But Emperor Karsas intefered and personally attacked by bugs himself, I couldn't challenge him because I am no match for him as of right now " Rika answered and Zaibon smiled.

" Humph, Those monsters were just the easy diversion that will cause the Empire to follow their attention on planning, There are no such thing as planning when it comes to the Seven Demons of Terror...we shall be victorious " Zaibon stated.

" My father is back, He is back from the dreaded valley and He is currently in the Amastu Ninja Clan " Rika spoke out and Zaibon suddenly frowned,

" You can do away with him anytime but as long as it doesn't affect the plan, You can Destroy that bastards life for all I care...The Six Ultimate Clans are just my puppets that I will against the Vragons then I will anihilated them completely " Zaibon said.

" Hmmmmm "

" But Rika, Aren't you too old to still be holding the grudges of over twelve years ago, Cona my grand son is a fool and we both know that, His jealousy and hunger for your powers made him to see you as a toy and a weapon " Zaibon said.

" I have accepted my fate and I know that I am a weapon of warfare, And I am going to show him how right he is to call me a weapon...I will make him suffer " Rika said and that caused Zaibon to smirk.

" Do as you wish but don't let it stand in the way of our plans, And still consider the Demons powers that I am offering you, Cona won't even stand a chance against you if you have those powers " Zaibon said

" I will have those powers soon but not now, I need to show that Ruthless father of mine how it feels to Torment me for five good months " Rika said and he disappeared from the throne and the palace in total.

He appeared back on the mountain top which he could see the Amastu Ninja Clan from the top, Rika muttered some words and a mirror appeared before him, He could see snakes he Transformed into men slowly approaching the house of Cona.

" Don't worry father, I am not underestimating you...They are just the tools to know your true strength, Then I will crush you myself father...I promise you that " Rika said, Then snakes began to crawl out of his skin.

" Take care of the Watchmen, Now " Rika ordered, And he watched the snakes leave for the Amastu Ninja gates, Then the snake eyes appeared once again!

" Let's just call this a Semi Invasion, The Real Invasion is after the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, I can't wait to watch this worthless lives beg me to spare them, My Great grand father and I will surely prevail " Rika said and he laughed evily.

Let the chaos, Begin!