
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Chapter 41: Feeling the Darkness

" It's good to back to our half form once again " Runa voiced out as he examined his skin, The Dark One has managed to restore them to their half form because their powers which worked against them were drained almost to nothing.

The Seven Demons of Terror could be seen sitting on their different chairs while they are inside the Throne room of Zaibon, Zaibon and Rika watched the Seven Demons of Terror with disdainful look.

" Now that your powers are almost back, Why don't you continue your Destruction " Rika said.

" We know why we are back and we don't need someone to command us around, We will attack the Shirlian Empire when our full body is returned and then no one is capable of stopping us " Ocuna stated.

" Our hatred for the Empire has deepened during the time we were caged, Alumod has really tricked both the Vragon Clan and the Shirlian Empire...He is really an unpredictable man " Tuna said.

" Wait what? You are saying that Alumod the Conqueror, The Creator of the Vragon Clan is alive? " Zaibon asked, The Seven Demons of Terror nodded with smiles on their faces as their gulped down the bloods in their cups.

" He is alive and living amongst you all, We can't forget the face of the Worthless fellow who sealed us in the first place...We will make sure that we bring this Empire down without delay " Asuna said.

" It will take you guys one months before your full flesh and powers is returned, Why don't you tell us about the old days during your prime...Who and what is this Alumod that you are talking about? " Zaibon asked.

" He is just a puny young Immortal who got the name The Conqueror, He founded the Vragon Clan and he shared the powers of Nature's Elements into the Warriors which formed the Clans, We were forged to kill him " Zenuna answered.

" Then how can we defeat him? " Rika asked.

" That's the thing, You can't defeat him even if you get stronger, He is an Immortal being which cannot be defeated unless his immortality has been given to another person then he can be defeated " Runa said.

" Very well then, You demons should enjoy yourself for the meantime, There is something that I really need to do right now " Zaibon said, He walked out of the hall and Rika who noticed something isn't right followed from behind.

They are both outside the Palace when Zaibon halted, He turned and faced Rika who looked confused by Zaibon's strange attitude and character.

" What is going on Master Zaibon? Why are you acting strange? " Rika asked, Zaibon walked up to him, Placed his hand on Rika's shoulder's and they both vanished into a strange world filled with Darkness.

" I think I know what to do Rika, While the Demons of Terror are not in action for now..Why don't I terrorize the Empire with the Devourers " Zaibon said.

He bent down and touched the ground with his palm, Suddenly the ground in the world began to shake vigorously and dark infested bugs emerged from the large symbol that appeared on the ground after the impact.

" What are this creatures? " Rika asked as he felt the Darkness in the Bugs, Suddenly snakes started coming out of Rika's skin and they immediately merged with the dark bugs which formed hideous monsters.

" They are the Devourers, I created them for your snakes to merge with them, In the next two months..The Seven Demons of Terror won't be active in the next one month...Why don't I entertain the Empire with this Creatures " Zaibon said.

" Rika, you are the Snake Lord..You have the power over the minions, Why you show the Empire how powerful you are? " Zaibon asked and that caused Rika to smirk, Rika's changed into a snake eye.

" I will be honoured to have my fun, Grandfather " Rika said.

💥💥💥Vragon Clan 💥💥💥

James, Rhea and Craig and the Elders were all sitted in the Throne room after James summoned them to the palace in the middle of the night, Everyone in the palace were placed into slumber.

" What? Are you saying the truth? How can a little boy activate the Nukrai Eye this early? " One of the Elders asked in shock, Back in the days when they fought bravely by the side of James, They all had the Nukrai Eye.

It is a natural gift created when the Clan was born, Even though Alumod created the Clan and shared the Nature powers, The Nukrai Eye is a different power entirely on its own, It is a gift from the Almighty.

" I am as shock as you all are, Elders...Craig activated the Nukrai Eye when he clocked thirteen years old " Rhea said,

" Drio James, I will advise that the training of your two sons should begin right away, The War is coming and they aren't ready to witness it yet, They should spend two thousand years in the Time realm " Elder Yamota said.

" I have already made that decision immediately I saw the Nukrai Eye, Lady Rhea will be their training as from now on...I trust her that she will teach them all the basics that they need to know " James said.

" That's good news Drio James, I would love to ask what other powers as your son Jade activated in this early age? " Elder Alonso asked, Drio James relaxed his back on his throne and he nodded in a negative manner.

" The Nukrai Eye is the only one that I know of, Craig will lead his Kainor Force to meet Rhea's father and inform her about the departure, He needs to be aware about her disappearance " James said and the Elders nodded.

" And remember Elders, What is said here must not be revealed to the ears of your family and friends, Their lives will be on the line...Have I made myself clear? " James asked and the Elders nodded immediately.

" We have been your Comrade for fifty years Drio James, We understand the rules and we are always secured " The Elders said and James nodded, Immediately the Elders left...They went to the Children's room.

Lady Rhea carried her two sons on her shoulder, And James stared at Jade with smiles on his face, The Nukrai Eye isn't any type of power that can be activated at a very tender age, He is becoming too strong.

" Darling, I will be going to the Time World now, Take care of the Clan while I am away " Rhea said and she kissed James on the lips, She weaved a hand sign and a rainbow portal appeared immediately.

" See you in two years honey, Make them stronger " James said as he watched Rhea take her two sons into the Portal, The portal closed up immediately she has fully entered the realm and James smiled.

" Craig, before you leave for the Black Ninja Corps by sunrise, Why don't you summon the Clan's warriors before me, I need to know how strong they have become " James said and Craig nodded.

" I will do as you ask of me Father, I will summon the Warriors to the palace at once " Craig said and he disappeared from the Room, James cleaned the tears in his eyes and he then left for his Throne.

James suddenly stopped, He sensed a familiar presence in the Palace but not inside the Castle, James rushed to the Castle door and he opened it immediately, He scanned the entire palace to see if anyone is there.

Just then a strange being appeared before James, He had the Golden auras surrounding him and the Being smiled after seeing the calmness in James.

" What are you doing here? " James asked.

" I am sure that you are aware, The Seven Demons of Terror are free and a New Dark Priest has appeared...I have a message from father that I need to give you " The Strange being answered with smiles on his face.

" What does father wants with me this time around, Haven't I made myself clear that I am done with him and his whole divine habits, What message does he bring? " James asked in a scornful way.

" The Clan that you have created has been declared to fall, No matter what you do this Clan shall surely fall Brother...Your immortality has been transferred to one of your sons and also will your powers be transferred " The being said.

" Don't you think I know about that already, I know about everything and I don't intend on stopping the Apocalypse of the Clan, You and I know how father reacts to this manner of situations " James said.

" And there is one more information "

" What is this one more information? Tell me " James demanded, The Strange being stretched forth his hands and a golden scroll appeared immediately, James took the Scroll from the Being's palm and he opened it.

" The True Prophecy has been declared Brother, Father has a plan for a stubborn son such as you and very soon you shall Understand what this is all about, After you are the one who killed our brother and stole his Nature's powers "

" Aren't you Alumod the Conqueror? " The Strange Being asked and he then vanished from the Palace, James opened up the Scroll and he gasped in shock, He tightened his grip on the scroll and he burnt the scroll after all.

" This should not be happening " James cursed as he barged his way into the Castle, The Nukrai symbol appeared on his Left Eye and the guard he set his eyes on burnt with black flames and James became calm.

What do you think was written in the Scroll?