
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Chapter 36: The Awakening

Zaibon and Rika appeared in the Realm of the Dark One, Rika is beyond shock to see the world filled with Emptiness and Darkness but the auras he felt in the Realm shows that there is a powerful being in this realm.

" Zaibon, What is this world and why is this world so dark and empty? " Rika asked.

" This is the World known as the Entrance of Darkness, It is the gateway which leads to Dark Realms even Beyond, The Dark One now serves as the gate keeper to this world until his body has been revived " Zaibon answered.

" Wow, This is awesome...So how did the Dark One died? Did he die in war or was he ambushed by something more darker than he is? " Rika asked with curiosity written on his face, Zaibon faced him and he smiled.

" Bridle your tongue Rika, Should I remind you that the Dark One is one with this realm, He hears and watches everything that happens in this world and besides Drio James Vragon is the one who killed the Dark One in war " Zaibon said.

Suddenly they halted after sensing dark fogs, Rika looked up to see two huge red eyes staring down at him from the sky, He became scared afterwards!

" WHO ARE YOU? " The Dark One asked, His voice caused the ground to shake vigorously, Rika fell and Zaibon still remains standing as always..

" Pardon the impromptu visit Great Dark One, His name is Rika Amastu and he is now my right hand man " Zaibon voiced out and the huge red eyes faced Zaibon this time around, The fear suddenly disappeared.

" Oh I see Zaibon, He is an Amastu right? I don't see why he should be trusted " The Dark One said and his eyes faced Rika this time around, Rika's legs trembled after seeing the huge red eyes staring down at him.

" There is no need to be concerned about anything, Dark One...Rika is of the Amastu Ninja Clan but he isn't an Amastu anymore, He bares all their RINGANS and he is a forbidden S Class Warlord " Zaibon stated.

" I can see that now, He has shed too many innocent bloods and that makes me happy, If he is that awesome in his criminal acts...He is welcome to join us " The Dark One stated and Rika heaved in relief..

" Thank goodness..." Zaibon sighed.

" Why don't the S ranking Warlord and a Criminal Mastermind talk to me, I feel like he is trembling every time to voice out " The Dark One said as he focused his eyes on Rika who became calm.

" Knowing that you exists and Master Zaibon isn't talking rubbish makes me uncomfortable, I never believed in divinity and seeing one now makes this things to be more exciting and cool "Rika voiced out.

" Ah, Seems you have become calm after all, I would like you to show me what you are really capable of, I need to see what the Amastu are capable of " The Dark One demanded and Zaibon interuppted immediately.

" He will not be showing you any techniques and Forms, He might be saving it for Craig one day after the Vragon Destruction, but first...I need to see the Alphas of Darkness right away " Zaibon said.

" Very well then Zaibon, They are here " The Dark One said and he opened his red eyes once again, A portal appeared and the Alphas of Darkness walked right through the portal with a sternful look on their faces.

" Zaibon? Who is he? " One of the Alphas asked immediately after setting his eyes on Rika, No ordinary being has ever stepped foot in this world and If they did, They will surely die immediately without delay.

" As I have explained to the Dark One, His name is Rika Amastu and he is my Right hand man as of now, He is a skilled warrior and that's why I picked him " Zaibon answered, A powerful force pulled Rika to his knees.

" Ok then, Rika as his name implies...What Is his usefulness to our project? You can't just bring anybody to this world without a reason " The Leader of the Alphas asked and he appeared before Zaibon and Rika.

" He has too many prowess that will be useful for the project, He should have died when he stepped his foot in this Realm if he is weak but he isn't even feeling any pains " Zaibon said and the Leader smiled.

" I guess you are right, Zaibon, So tell me why you are here? " The Leader of the Alphas demanded, He doesn't really care about Rika but he only Care about the project to eradicate The Vragon Clan.

" I am here to tell you that tommorow, I will be setting the Demons of Terror free from their Captivity, The Empire will blame the Vragon Clan and that will lead to the annihilation of the Vragon Clan " Zaibon said and the Dark One chuckled, His voice cauzed the ground to vibrate vigorously.

" Ok then, Begin the project...You need to understand how important this project is, The Divinity have their eyes on James and he mustn't in anyway be attacked by one of us, It is too dangerous " The Dark One warned.

" It's tommorow, Tommorow the chaos will begin "


The Dead bodies of the attackers were burnt some hours later and the Kainor Force continued their journey after camping for two more hours... Twenty special warriors and Two royalties of power running towards an unending direction.

It took them an hour before they are finally out of the Jungle, Craig scanned the entire area to see that they are on a mountain top, Jade walked over to the end of the cliff and he looked down to see an army below.

" Brother, Look " Jade called out while pointing down,

The Kainor Force and Craig rushed to check what Jade had seen and they were all surprised to see an army of Black armoured warriors they once fought back then, He activated his superior vision and he saw the runes his father kept on the Cage door.

" There are over a thousand soldiers down there, It is suicidal to attack them in this our present state, We need a plan " One of the Kainor Force suggested and they all faced him with seriousness in their eyes.

" I know this is too risky because of you all but I have unlimited stamina and energy, I will go down there to do some digging " Craig said and before anyone could talk, He jumped down from the cliff and he grabbed a hole on the mountain.

" What should we do now, This is suicide? " Another warrior asked in shock,

" Why should you be scared for my brother, He is one of the most feared being and powerful in this world and you expect him to be easily killed in a battle like this " Jade said and the warriors became calm.

They rushed and hid so that they won't be seen, Meanwhile Craig finally lands his feet on the ground and he dusted his body, Craig pulled out his sword from his back and he stabbed a soldier in the skull.

He stole the soldiers cloth and he entered deep into the midst of the soldiers, He passed through many soldiers until he arrived at the entrance of the Cave, No one are allowed to go inside the Cave.

" Hey, What is going on here? " Craig asked one of the soldiers in the frontline.

" Tommorow is the day when the Dark Priest Zaibon and his comrade Rika will be returning to this Cave to set the Demons free.. Didn't you read the message that were passed down to you? " Rick nodded.

" I have seen it but I just need clearer picture of the Cave to do this " Craig answered and his eyes glowed, An unknown symbol appeared on his right eye and the ground began to shake vigorously..

" EIGHT TEGRAM SEALING SYMBOL...UNLEASH!! " Craig said and he released a massive amount of energy force at the Cave's entrance but suddenly a Mysterious force blasted the Sealing spell away.

" What just happened? " Craig asked himself as he started engaging the Soldiers with a death match, He didn't even use his sword at all...All he just did is to skillfully snap the soldiers neck with ease.

Craig suddenly then drew out his Kunai knife and he stabbed three men in the skull with just a single throw, He supersped snapping necks of the Soldiers and their numbers started reducing and reducing.

The Kainor Force dived down from their hiding spot with their swords in their hands, They engaged in a fierce battle and this time they are the only ones winning the battle then suddenly a mystical fog appeared.

" What just happened? " One of the Kainor Force asked as he slowly fell on his knees, Craig watched from the fogs and he could see Two men standing at the entrance of the Cave and they aren't ordinary.

Craig ran out of the fogs and he landed a brute punch to the chin of Rika, Zaibon managed to escape the kick attack but the leg brushed him which caused him a mark on his face, Rika directed two ninja stars at Craig and Craig blew it away immediately.

" Stop right there, Craig Vragon " Zaibon voiced out and Craig paused after hearing his name, He turned and faced Zaibon and he frowned.

" And who are you? " Craig asked.

" You are as naive as your father, craig..My name is Zaibon and my partner's name is Rika Amastu, and we are here to warn you to back of...Our plan must be manifested " Zaibon said and Craig smirked.

" Pathetic, You are talking like you are capable of stopping me "