
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
44 Chs

Chapter 34: Snake Spirit

Bodies were dropping and bloods were staining the ground of the woods, They are not the bloods of the Vragon warriors but the bloods of their enemies, The more the enemies strike the more they are killed.

Craig rushed into the midst of the enemies with just two Kunai knifes, No one is able to detect his speed as he continued to slit the enemies throats with the Kunai knifes, The enemies dropped down dead after witnessing the speed.

" This is pathetic " Craig muttered.

He caught an incoming soldier of guard and he stabbed the soldier in the skull, Craig faced his warriors as they continued to kill without mercy, They were still suprise on how someone could detect their movements and send more men..

Meanwhile Jade who has been listening for father's discussion in the Throne room decided to sneak out and follow Craig and his special forces, He got to the battle ground to see bodies being dropped.

He hid behind a rock as he watched his Elder brother ruthlessly ripping out hearts, Craig acted like a Vicious animal who kills without compassion, with just two Kunai knifes...Craig dropped down sixty bodies in just a space of ten minutes.

Jade continued to watch until there were no more attackers, The Vragon warriors were all stained with bloods of their slaughtered victims, None were injured at the attacks because they are one Destructive forces.

Craig and His men whooshed off immediately they scanned the woods to see that there are no more attackers, Just then the woods became silent as it was before...Jade heaved in relief and he turned to return back when his eyes met with that of three soldiers.

" Who are you boy? " One of the soldiers asked as he slowly approached Jade.

" Why don't we kill this kid, I bet he is one of the brats of the Vragon Clan, His death will make them pay for what they did to our comrade " The second soldier suggested as he unsheathed his sword.

" That's a good idea, I will do the killing " The first soldier stated, He walked up to Jade and he brought out his sword to strike, He spat on the face of Jade with evil smiles plastered on his face.

" Sorry kid, You have to die " The First soldier said and he brought down his sword with full force, blood slashed on the rock, but instead of Jade to be the dead one...The first soldier fell down on his knees.

Jade thrusted out his forged sword of flames, The remaining two soldiers stared daggers at Jade, They launched their attacks at Jade to kill him but it is their bloods that stained the ground and their bodies dropped down dead.

" I am a Vragon, I can't be defeated so easily " Jade stated, His hands burned with flames but it never got burnt, Jade walked up to the dead bodies and he burned it immediately, He knows his father burns bodies too.

Meanwhile Craig who has been watching the battle between his younger brother Jade and the three soldiers made him to smile, They were all hiding in their Darkness of the trees...Craig spared those three and he ordered them to attack Jade to see Jade action.

" Master Craig, It looks like Jade is slowly becoming like you...He finally understands the act of surviving " One of the Warriors said and Craig dived down from the tree with the warriors following him from behind.

Immediately Craig landed his feet on the ground, Two ropes made of the ground bursted out of the ground to attack but Craig burned it off immediately, Craig walked out of the Darkness and Jade heaved in relief.

" Brother Craig, Thank goodness it's your " Jade said.

" What are you doing here Jade? I am on a mission for the Clan and we are to do this my way, There are dangers out there " Craig said and Jade walked up to him, Jade knew it is the true Craig because of his scent.

" I love the feeling I felt when I killed those guys, I need to become a warrior like you, I need to have great skills " Jade said,

Craig smiled as he could see the eagerness in the eyes of his younger brother, He would have intefered, killed the three soldiers and mocked Jade if Jade acted as a coward, but now he loves Jade even more.

" Ok Jade, you can come with us but do not let your guard down, We are going to a dangerous zone " Craig warned and that made Jade to jump up in excitement, They began to move with hyper Speed.

Jade can also use the hyper speed, All Vragon has the hyper speed abilities.

👺👺👺 Unknown 👺👺👺

" Hmmmm, I hope you are seeing what I am seeing...Rika? "

Zaibon asked while sitting on a Throne with Rika by his side, They were both alone in the Throne room with their eyes fixed on the Orb which displayed the actions of what happened between Craig and the soldiers.

" Of course I am seeing it, Zaibon...So is that the great Craig Vragon? " Rika asked and Zaibon nodded, Rika has now increased his strength but he is still almost a tie or above Chad in the strength of power but not skills.

" Yes, That is Craig and his special forces he originated, They are dreaded foes and I sacrificed some hundreds of my men to show you " Zaibon answered, The Orb vanished immediately and Rika smiled.

" Why are you smiling Rika? " Zaibon asked.

" I am smiling because it's been long since I have ever faced someone s intimidating as Craig Vragon, He is powerful no doubt but I am sure that if I should amped and increase my Powers, I would be a match with him " Rika stated.

" Of course I know that and that's why I suggested that I should make you one of the most powerful demons in history of Demoniology, Craig would be no match for your manner of powers " Zaibon said.

" Why don't you choose to have this demon powers yourself? Or am I going to be a test subject? " Rika asked, And Zaibon laughed out loud after seeing Rika's doubt look on his face..

" I could use it on myself but it won't work, It would not work because I am a Sorcerer and the Dark Priest who controls the DarkHold, This ritual is like no other...I will be manipulating the DarkHold and taking the great demons powers, Merging it into one and you will be the one to use that great powers " Zaibon said.

" And what about Immortality? " Rika asked.

" Immortality isn't any manner of technique or powers, It is an Ability to long life and Deathless manner, I haven't Understand a bit about Immortality yet so I won't be too focused on that for now " Zaibon answered.

" Then I will go and face Craig, I want to know if I am still an inferior to him or not, After all he is a Superior Warlord, His powers can't be matched... That's what the legend says " Rika said, He meant to leave when Zaibon stopped him.

" What? " Rika asked.

" Don't go, It's too early to show him your face, Craig is just like his Father, James, They are ruthless and incapable of showing mercy, They understand what they are doing, You might escape but the next time he fights you again "

" You will surely die! " Zaibon warned.

Rika smirked, He turned his back and Faced Zaibon who still relaxing his back on his Throne, Zaibon stood up from his throne and the Scepter appeared on his hand, Rika eyes glowed purple and his eyes changed to that of a snake.

" Don't worry yourself Rika, It won't be easy to take down someone such as you...You are not the weakling you once were and now you have become something much more terrifying, You are the Snake spirit " Zaibon stated.

" In two days time, I shall set the Demons of Terror free to attack the Shirlian Empire, Be quick to take their blood before they head for the Empire " Zaibon said and he created a portal, He made to enter the portal when Rika stopped him.

" Where are you going? " Rika asked.

" I am going to the Shirlian Empire, Are you forgetting that I am the Prime Minister to the same young Karsas, I am just a two hundred years old Revenge seeking man and you are my great grand son "

" Don't fail me, Rika! " Zaibon said and he dived into the portal which closed up immediately, Rika bent his head down and he unsheathed his sword from his back, He opened his mouth and a rattlesnake emerged out of it.

" I need you to locate the Valley of the Unknown, There is something that I need to kill " Rika ordered, The Snake went through a hole and it went as it is ordered, Rika fell on his knees and his snake eyes appeared once again.

" Don't worry father...I am coming to Kill you once this is done " Rika muttered and he slowly rised up to his feet, He has become a Snake Spirit!