
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Chapter 32: Consulate Warlord

Chad arrived at the Gates of the Harishama Village, They were all sitting on their horses, After seeing and recognizing the new position of General Chad, The Watchmen guard the Village Gates opened up immediately.

" Greetings Chief general Chad, We have been expecting you " The Chief of the Watchmen guarding the Gates spoke up,

The Watchmen bowed before General Chad before bowing before Princess Layla, Chad climbed down from his horse and so did Layla, Emily and Curtis...They took their Kunai knifes and Ninja stars along for the training.

" I guess you are the Chief of the Watchmen? " Chad asked and the Chief nodded.

" Yes I am and if I may ask, Why are you people doing here? The Village Supreme Chief was surprised after he heard that you are coming General Chad? " The Watchmen Chief asked and Chad smiled.

" Well we are here to stay for awhile and master some of our training, including the usage of The RINGANS " Curtis voiced out and the Watchmen Chief stared at him with a confused look written on his face.

" And who are you? " The Watchmen Chief asked.

" My name is Curtis Yirioashi and I am a friend to the Princess of the Shirlian Empire, That means we are also a guest to your Village " Curtis answered with smiles on his face, The Watchmen Chief faced Chad who sighed.

" He is Curtis of the Yirioashi Village, The Village is Destroyed so Princess Layla had them as guest, The girl over there is Emily the sister to Curtis, And the three of them are my students " General Chad said.

" Oh, if they are your students that means they are our guest as well, We will do our best in pleasing you all " The Watchmen Chief said as they welcomed Chad and his students into the Village.

A Carriage was brought to them while their horses were taken to the branch to be treated with care, The Carriage took them straight to the Supreme Chief's palace and on their way to the Palace.

Princess Layla, Curtis and Emily were all in awe of seeing the things that they never think will ever exist, Different creatures that doesn't exist in the Real world, The Harishama Village is known to be the Village in between two worlds.

This world and a world that is yet to be known, The Harishama are just like guards that are guarding the Gates to the other world, And they are filled with knowledge and wisdom about the hidden and the RINGANS.

" Wow, Master Chad...This Village is so wonderful, Why isn't it that this Village is under attack or anything? Knowing this many things would make power hungry folks to attack this Village? " Curtis asked.

" Oh Curtis, Do you know the Vragon Clan? " Chad asked.

" Yeah I know the Clan, Isn't that the Clan that Jade and Jace are the princes of? I have heard that they are quite powerful and besides they are the ones who brought Yirioashi Village to the grounds " Curtis answered.

" The Vragon Clan and the Harishama Village are just alike, They are ruthless and Chaotic in Nature, The Harishama is the known source of defense of the Shirlian Empire and they are deadly " Chad said.

" Wow, so that means some people in this Village can rival Jade and Jace? " Curtis asked and Layla stared at him with a sternful look on her face, She is angry that Curtis mentioned Jade's name in that manner.

" What's with this look Layla? " Curtis asked.

" Didn't you notice? She is Furious that you compared her beautiful Jade to a being in this Village and she has every right to be Furious, I mean...How can anyone be as powerful as the beauty god Jade...He is so cute " Emily voiced out and Layla stared at her with the same angry look.

" Seems like two girls are in love with the same guy, Damn that Jade is so lucky " Curtis said to himself, Chad stared at the girls with smiles on his face...He has never known a guy that has two girls in love with him.

" Well Curtis, I doubt that...You see the Vragon Clan are the most terrific warriors in the world, They are cruel and horrible when it comes to handling traitors and intruders, Each warrior possesses a single Nature's Elements " Chad said.

" Wow, that's cool...So does Jade has one? " Layla asked.

" No, Jade has all the Nature's Elements because he is of the royalty, The Royalties possesses all the Nature's Elements and they can master it with RINGAN, I am sure that Jade and Jace already know how to Master it " Chad answered.

" But Sensei Chad, What about the older brother of Jade and Jace? I remembered that he saved Jace and Jade from my father's warriors back then which caused the Yirioashi Village Destruction and I could careless about it "

" Is he powerful? Master Chad " Emily asked.

" His name is Craig Vragon, And He is sixteen years of age but as a sixteen years old boy, He is more than Powerful, He is my superior when it comes to battle and if he had participated in the tournament...I would lose it with damages done to my body " Chad answered and the three students stared at him with shock.

" Wow, Is he that powerful? " Layla asked.

" He is a known ruthless Warlord, He got the title of a Warlord at the age of ten and he became a superior Warlord at the age of fourteen and I don't even know the rank that suits him now, He increases his strength more as he grows " Chad answered.

" I know that you are a Warlord Sensei Chad, I would like to ask you what is your rank? " Curtis asked, Being a Warlord has ranks...It is Minor, Consulate and Superior, Only greater warriors can get the Superior ranking.

" I am a Consulate Warlord but I will soon be a superior Warlord very soon, That's why I am also going to increase my strength and skills in this Harishama Village, We are going to take three or more years in this Village " Chad said.

" Wow I also want to become a Warlord, but is there another ranking that surpasses the Ranks of a Warlord? I meant is there any rank that is above the Warlord ranks? " Curtis asked once again and Chad nodded.

" Yes there is, But it is an impossible rank that only one being has ever achieved, His name is Alumod and the position is A Conqueror " Chad answered and they all opened their mouths in shock.

" Huh? A Conqueror? Isn't that the position Jade is targeting, Jade really has eyes for big things and he might get to that ranking, After all...He is a Vragon " Curtis said and the Carriage stopped, They heard incoming footsteps.

" What happened? " Chad asked.

" Sorry for the inconveniences General Chad but we are already here, We are already at the Palace of the Supreme Chief " The Carriage driver announced and they came down from the carriage afterwards.

General Chad smiled as the guards walked up to them and they bowed before Him then they bowed before Layla, She is the Princess after all.

" Welcome to the Supreme Chief's palace, General Chad " The Guards spoke out in unison as they had their knees on the ground, Two guards went and opened the Castle door for them and they did enter.

Immediately they entered into Castle, They met a man standing before them with smiles on his face, The man introduced himself as the Chief steward to the royal family and he ushered them into the Castle.

" So Chief steward, Where will we be staying? " Princess Layla asked and the Chief Steward halted and bowed before her, They all fear Emperor Karsas the great warrior who has Destroyed many beings.

" My princess, There is a beautiful hotel that is being built because of your presence, And the Supreme Chief invites you all to a beautiful and well standard banquet, In honor of your presence " The Chief Steward said.

" Well that's a good idea, I am very hungry and I want something befitting to eat " Princess Layla requested, They were taken to the living room of the beautiful castle and the Chief steward went out immediately they were relaxed.

" Master Chad, What will make us to be recognized by everyone in this Empire? It seems that they don't even know that we exist, Only Layla? " Emily asked and Chad laughed out loud.

" To be recognized by this Empire that means you will have to become a Warlord and Warlady, All warlords and Warlady are respected and treated are precious crystals but before you will get to that title "

" You will have to be outstanding and feared by atleast twenty five gangs, Just like I made name for Myself as a Destroyer, You can and will have to make name for yourself and you will be recorded as a Warlord and Warlady " Chad answered.

" And as your master is a Warlord, A Consulate for that matter...I will train you guys to the extent that you will become a great Warlord, A powerful one as of that matter and you will be tremendous and great "

" But..."

" But what, Master Chad? " Curtis asked.

" But you guys must become Killers, You must shed your enemies blood and that will make them to fear you guys, but that will be done in a good way...I am going to create a squad that will make it more perfect "