
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Chapter 31: It's Dark

Jade and Jace could be seen practicing their RINGANS, Jade has managed to master some tricks while using the Mangekou RINGAN which is Fire and the Delano RINGAN which is Earth, But Jace hasn't mastered anyone yet

" Hey Jace, Why don't we make a deal? " Jade asked,

" Huh? What is it this time Jade? " Jace asked, He understands the way his brother works, There is something that he needs and he will like Jace to do or tell him that thing, But he doesn't really have the time for this things.

" Well I was thinking maybe we can both agree on something, I can see that you are struggling to Master the Nature Element's RINGAN and I can help you on that, But you will have to do something for me " Jade said with smiles on his face.

" What is it that you want? I really want to master this RINGAN? " Jace asked, He is happy that there is someone that will be able to train him the Arts of RINGAN, He can only control Nature Element that's all.

" I was amused by that spell that you use to create that huge flaming Giant with sword, I will like you to teach me that technique " Jade said and that made all the joy that Jace had to vanish immediately.

" There is no way that I will be teaching you that Jade, How would that be my signature move if I teach you the move and besides it's no technique, I just made it " Jace said,

" What do you really meant by you just made that up? " Jade asked with confusion written on his face, He doesn't understand how someone can just decide to create a giant like that with just a mere stupid spell.

" I mean it, There I was one day sitting on a rock at the River Bank when I started to control the waters, I saw my mother when she was training brother Craig one day, She used one type of magic spell and I decided to create my own "

" Mother called it the Ability of Creation " Jace said.

" The Ability of Creation? I don't get it brother? " Jade asked.

" It is an Ability to create a move of your own, That move became my signature move because I created it on my own, You and I are capable of creating our personal RINGAN, Even father created many of his own RINGANS " Jace answered.

" Wow, That's great Jace...Thank you, I am going to create my own way of fighting and Techniques, I don't need your stupid Magic spell anymore " Jade said and he ran out of the training field with smiles plastered on his face.

" It's not a stupid Magic spell, It's called the Tysunomi Of Nature " Jace yelled in anger, He sighed deeply as he faced the sea, Jace joined his arm, Weaving a hand sign as he took a deep breath with his eyes closed.

" YUSI SHIN FUGO HI JUS FURU ZURU HUNO YUSI SHIN YI SHA KOR...UNLEASH!!! " Jace roared and the ground began to shake vigorously, The Sea waves became intense as a giant being emerged out of the sea.

" It worked again, Wow this is gonna be great, When Emily sees this...She will love me more than she likes Jade, Everyone will love me more " Jace said to himself with smiles on his face, He withdrawed his hands and the Giant water being disolved back into water.

" Now, Let me try this with Earth, YUSI SHIN FUGO HI JUS FURU ZURU HUNO YUSI SHIN YI SHA KOR...EARTH BE UNLEASHED!!! " Jace roared once again, A Giant being emerged out of the Quaked ground which caused Jace to leap with joy.

🌟🌟🌟 Meanwhile 🌟🌟🌟

Jade is spotted at the back of the Castle, He stared at the sky with folded arms which showed that he is in deep thinking, After two minutes of thinking... Jade's face beamed with smiles and he connected his hands together weaving a hand sign.

" I hope this works as planned " Jade said to himself.

" Two Paths of Sin, SUMMONING RINGAN... TENKAICHI CLONES!!! " Jade screamed out, He multiplied into hundreds of himself, He then merged all the Clones into one and he merged the one single clone into himself which granted him so much power.

" DEMON FLAMES!! " Jade screamed out, He roared black flames from his mouth and the Black Flames burned down almost everything that crossed it's path, Jade smiled after realizing what he just did now.

He made to run back into when he bumped into Craig on his way to escape the mess he just made, He began to shake in fear after seeing the sternful look on his Elder Brother's face, His brother is always antagonizing them.

" I am sorry brother...I shouldn't have " Jade didn't complete his statement as Craig shut him up immediately, He walked over to get a clearer view of what his brother had just done and he smiled.

" There is no need for apologizing because this is wonderful, What is the Name of this RINGAN you just used now? " Craig asked with smiles on his face, Jade heaved in relief because he has never seen his brother this happily surprised.

" I don't really know but I guess I will name it the Two Paths of Sin, It's a new technique I just invented and I didn't even know that it will work " Jade answered.

" Why are you acting so scared and all that? If you are still resenting me for what I did to you and your brother I am sorry but it is nothing but trained instructed by Father and besides he tortured me that way back then " Craig said.

" Ok, well I was quite jealous of Jace that's why I decided to create something extraordinary and I did so " Jade said, Craig eyes glowed and everything returned back to normal, The flames went off and the Everything returned at it was before.

" There are many skills that you still need to learn brother, I am not a master because I don't know many skills, I still have alot to learn and you will get to that stage soon brother " Craig sad and he walked away.

He smiled and he happily ran back into the Castle, He is greeted by the guards and servants which he did happily respond, He continued running and Obstructing many things until he got stopped by his Mother.

" Jade? Where have you been? And where is Jace? " Rhea asked all the questions in one word.

" Well I have been training all along and Jace is only training, This is the best day of my life Mom, I know that I will be the strongest person ever, No I meant I will be the strongest Conqueror ever for I am a Conqueror "


Zaibon appeared in the dark realm with smiles on his face, He looked up to see the Eyes of the Dark One staring down at him, Zaibon muttered some words and the Five Ancient beings appeared from a Portal.

" Greetings Great ones, It's good to see you all once again " Zaibon voiced out, The Ancient beings saw the happiness written on Zaibon's face and they began to wonder what is really going on with him.

" Why hath thou summoned us Zaibon? " The Leader of the Ancient beings spoke out.

" I summoned you all here to inform you that the plan is about to commence, I have located the Cave, found the spell that I will use to break the seal and I have successfully managed to manipulate the mind of the Ultimate Drios against James " Zaibon said.

" Then what are you waiting for Zaibon? It's only a matter of time before the Almighty realize what we have been planning all along, You need to begin the Destruction right away " The Dark One stated.

" But..but..but what about the Emperor? " Zaibon asked.

" Karsas is always loyal to James and will always be, He can't be easily defeated because of his wife's gift, We will have to make the Ultimate Drios Destroy Vragon without his notice or else things won't go as planned " The Dark One answered.

" His daughter and her friends are heading for the Harishama Village and they won't be back for quite awhile, Karsas attention is on the present situation now " Zaibon stated and the Ancient beings glared at eachother.

" Our goal is to bring down the Vragon Clan, to bring down James and have him killed, The Seven Demons of Terror are just pawns in our games and they will weaken Karsas then you will force him to sleep "

" We will not let him ruin our plans " The Dark One said and Zaibon nodded.

" What about your armies Zaibon? Are they ready for the second plan? " The Leader asked and Zaibon nodded, The scepter appeared on his hand and he caused a mirror to appear immediately and he showed them the gathering of his army.

" I am hiring more assasins for this plan, The Destruction of the Shirlian Empire will commence after we are done with the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The Vragons are the pillar of the Empire and when they fall "

" The Empire falls "

" Oh James has become the shadow of his former self, A once ruthless and chaotic warrior who is an Immortal is now a mortal and weak being, I will make him pay for what he did to me, He will suffer as I have suffered " The Dark One stated with gnashed teeths.

" Very well then Dark One, I shall begin the plan, The Demons of Terror will be released "