
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Chapter 3: The Trip

🌅🌅🌅The Next Day🌅🌅🌅

The maids and the servants were taking all the Drio's traveling luggages to one direction, The warriors selected to follow and protect the Drio are all set, Three hundred warriors were selected for the job.

The happy chuckling sounds of The twins spread out as they both emerged out of the Castle, They were greeted by the maids and servants, Drio James and His wife Rhea followed from behind and so as Craig.

" Honey, you know it's to sudden...I don't want you to go " Rhea said and that made James to laugh out loud, Jade and Jace rushed into the carriage while Craig watched and smiled, He loves seeing his brothers Happy.

" Darling, the Emperor summoned the Drios of the Seven Ultimate Clans and our Clan is the first one remember, At least let me respect the Emperor even though I am much more older than he is " James said and Rhea laughed out this time.

" And besides my love, Craig is here as my regent to govern the affairs of my Clan when I am away, Jade and Jace would love to go back to the Empire " James whispered and Rhea nodded, She might not be happy but the happiness of her son's is her happiness.

" How many days are you going to dwell in the Empire? " Rhea asked.

" I am not certain but it will reach like a week, following the ceremony of his royal Highness the Emperor and his family, You can follow me to the Empire if you want " James said and Rhea declined.

She is having a conflict with the Empress and her sister...!

" Very well then, We will be going to the Empire now " Drio James announced and he pecked his wife on the cheek before advancing towards the carriage, He stared at the luggages they brought for the trip and they vanished immediately.

" Wow papa, how did you do it? " Jade asked and James smiled.

" Very soon son, you will understand the techniques I used in making things disappear, but right now..Let's get going to the Empire, I am sure you all want to taste the Empire's rice right? " James asked and the twins jumped up in excitement.

James is about entering the Carriage when a voice called him in his head, He turned back to see the Priestess standing before him, She stamped her staff on the ground and the reality changed, He appeared on a mountain top.

" Great Priestess of Nature, Why hath thou come before me this sudden? " Drio James humbly asked, The Priestess is the only one to be older than him, She is six hundred years old while he is four hundred years old.

" The gods have given me the answers you seek all this while, You said your immortality was taking during the battle against that demon but that is false, Your immortality wasn't taken but transferred to one of your son's " The Priestess voiced out.

" But...but...but..how? " James asked in Confusion.

" Your sons are blessed by the gods but the unexpected shall before this Clan after four thousand years and there is nothing you can do about it, One of your sons shall have your immortality and the rest has their great destinies " The Priestess said.

" What about me? " James asked.

" Your fate is not yet decided by the gods, but when it is decided, I shall tell you...And remember this, Two of your sons shall work in the ways of Absolute Darkness and one shall be a light, They are Unstoppable force " The Priestess answered.

" But...but..but...."

The Priestess didn't even wait for him to talk, She tapped the staff on the ground and everything went back to normal, She paused time to communicate with James and now She has released the time to flow.

" What is going on? " James asked himself in shock, He looked at the twins who laughed out happily and he faced Craig who is waving at him, He does not know what will sincerely make his sons Evil.

" Common Dad, Are we going already? " Jace asked and James returned back to normal, A guard opened the Carriage door and he dived into it, Sitting at the center of his sons, They relaxed their heads on his legs.

" How many hours do we have before we arrive at the Empire dad? " Jace asked.

" No need to worry son, Just sleep and when you are awake, We will be in the Empire, It will take some hours before we can get to the Empire, Remember that we are far from the Empire so that we can be protected " James answered and the twins nodded.

The journey is just begun, Three hundred horsemen followed the carriage from behind with their weapons to fight, While James is trying to sense any funny energy from afar, The Warriors were on the lookout throughout the journey.

👺👺👺 Unknown 👺👺👺

Deep inside a dark ancient jungle filled with dark magics and ancient monsters, A dark cave could be seen deep inside the Jungle as it emitted dark auras from the inside, The Dark Cave is filled with Warriors dressed in dark cloaks.

Candles surrounding the cave flickered as the Runes glowed on the walls of the Cave, a crow landed at the entrance of the Cave and it transformed into a man, A man dressed in black armour and he had dark eye balls.

He muttered some ancient words which caused the seal which covers the Cave entrance to vanish and he entered into the Cave immediately, All the warriors that sighted him bowed before him as he passed them.

On getting to the end of the Cave, His armour transformed into a dark cloak which emitted dark auras, He touched the wall and a powerful force pulled him into another Realm which seems to be filled with Darkness as well.

" Zaibon, What news do you bring before me? " A dark voice spoke out, the auras thickened and the Mysterious figure whose name is Zaibon fell on his knees immediately, He looked up into the Sky.

" The Artifacts I sent some warriors to get is still in the Vragon Clan vicinity and the warriors I sent are already dead, Killed by The Drio's son " Zaibon answered.

" Hmmmmm, I suspected that already Zaibon, You see you can use your means to get into the Vragon Clan but coming out is impossible, James protection spell is too Destructive for your kind Zaibon " The ancient voice spoke out once again.

" What shall I do my Lord? " Zaibon asked.

" Nothing, do nothing and just watched Zaibon, James is smart and tricky at the same time but Without his immortality, He can be defeated now and that's what I am going to do " The Dark voice stated with an unearthly laughter which caused the world to shake.

" And my Lord, I have another news " Zaibon said.

" What is it? Spit it out Zaibon " The Dark voice demanded.

" James will be taking his sons, the twins to the Empire after receiving the Invitation of the Emperor and the remaining Six Ultimate Clans, We can strike Vragon while he is away " Zaibon said only to receive a scoff.

" You still don't get it do you? As long as James is still alive...Vragon Clan cannot be Destroyed, You are a Minister in the Empire, become his friend and then steal his sons powers in this orb that I am giving you " The Dark voice said and an orb appeared on Zaibon's palm.

" I will tell you the next thing to do after accomplishing this mission, And remember...Try and become a close friend of his, You know how powerful he is when he is angry...."

" Do not fail me " The Dark voice stated and Zaibon appeared back inside the Cave, He stared at the Orb and he made it to disappear immediately, Zaibon eyes glowed and he transformed into a crow and he flew out of the Cave immediately.

🏨🏨🏨Inside the Empire🏨🏨🏨

The crow flew straight into the Empire without being noticed, It scanned the whole area until it's eyes sighted an empty and dark area, The crow flew into the empty and dark area and it transformed into Zaibon.

Zaibon walked out of the dark area into the Light, He looked around the villages to see traders and people Moving around happily, He smirked after realizing that everything will soon turn to dust one day.

Immediately his eyes caught hold of one horse, He snapped his fingers and he enchantex the hors to become his and he mounted the horse immediately, He is a noble Minister to the Emperor and he is highly respected.

It took Zaibon thirty minutes before he reached his mansion and he removed the enchantment on the horse and he entered into the Mansion after receiving the greetings of the guards, Zaibon smiled immediately he entered his house.

His eyes glowed and he caused the Orb to appear back on his hands, He moved his glowing hand and the Orb slowly leviated as it glowed.

" Rez prevex terio carl....Show me Drio James and his sons " Zaibon chanted and the Orb showed him the face of the sleeping twins and the meditating James and that caused him to smile.

" Don't worry James, your sons powers will soon become mine and I will personally kill you with my Dagger, I will end your household and burn your Clan to the ground...I will make sure you suffer!! " Zaibon stated with gnashed teeths.