
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Chapter 29: Self Mode

James could be seen relaxing his back on his Throne with the Elders sitting on their sits of power which are below him, Craig on the other hand is standing beside his father, Watching everything and he is learning.

" Elders, This latest situation is becoming too alarming, I believe it's right to lock my two sons in the Time realm, Two years is nothing but two thousand years in the Time realm and If they can train for two thousand years " James said.

" They would be extremely powerful " Elder Yamota completed.

" And speaking about your son Drio James, How is their performance in the training, Are they stable warriors that we can rely on them in the nearest future or they aren't improving? " One of the Elders asked.

" They are improving, Jade has managed to master two of the Nature's Elements RINGAN and Jace has found another way to summon the Nature's Elements in the form of an outrageous giant who is in the total control of Jace "

" He calls it the The Conjured, And I can say that they are really elite warriors just like Craig here, He has trained for two thousand years in the Time realm and he is one of the most feared teenage warrior in history " James said and the Elders smiled.

" We are happy to hear this improving Drio James, We the Elders want the best for this Clan and your sons are the best to be ever recorded, We have so many enemies who will be eager to vanquish us from Existence " The Elders stated in Unison.

" I understand elders " James stated.

" I will like you ask you a question your Lordship, Have you told the twins about the forbidden Element, The Lightning? " Elder Yamato, The wisest and the eldest of all the Elders asked, He has been working with Drio James for the best eighty years.

" No, The Lightning Element is a disastrous and outrageous move, Unlike the others, The Element was cursed by the divine being of Darkness, The Dark One whom I defeated and killed long ago "

" The Lightning Element is said to be the most strongest and you all have witnessed it already, It darkens the heart of it's user and it's is so disastrous that I myself have refused to use that Element ever again " James answered.

" The Lightning Element is a forbidden Element in the Vragon Clan, Whoever dares to manifest this Skill will be burned to death before the Whole Villages of the Vragon, It can also be called the Chaos of the Vragons " Craig voiced out and James smiled.

" My heir has see to it that no one must use that Element ever again, I want my sons to master the Four Elements I told them, I need to see what they are really capable of doing " James said with smiles on his face.

" Why don't you see it by handing them over to the ruthless warrior called The Silencer, She is a pain expert and a Destruction specialist, She can teach them skills on how to use the sword " One of the Elders suggested.

" But..but "

" Father, Like I once told you...It's not about the usage of RINGANS and techniques, There will be a time were powers will be prohibited and they will need to use swords to fight for their lives, Let's hand them over to mom " Craig suggested.

" Fine, I will let the Silencer to train her children but that's going to be after they have perfected the six RINGANS that I have in mind, They must be strong " James said and all the Elders bowed in respect.

" If there is nothing left to say, I dismiss you all " James said.

The Elders nodded and they walked out of the Throne room with honor, They have been fighting for the cause of James for more than fifty years and they are now Old, He decided to make them his Elders because they are well trusted.

💥💥💥 Shirlian Empire 💥💥💥

🏰🏰🏰The Palace🏰🏰🏰

" Huh? Harishama, What for? " Emperor Karsas asked in Confusion, He is sitting down peacefully on his throne with his servants serving him food and the people were giving him the situation report.

" Emperor Karsas sire, The Harishama is filled with the knowledge of the Divine, That is the perfect place to train them and besides they owe me a favor, This might take long but when they return "

" They will be much more stronger " General Chad said with his head bowing before the Great Emperor Karsas, He understands Chad but he doesn't like the idea that he won't be seeing his daughter for a very long time.

" You know that I don't care about those goddamned Yirioashi kids, Layla likes them and I want them to be trained very well so that they can be Layla's protector and guards, Nothing must happen to my Layla " Emperor Karsas said.

" I promise you that sire and besides I have become a very distinctive warrior, I was a rogue Ninja who attacked my Sensei and murdered thousands and I understand every bit of warfare and I know how to protect her " Chad assured.

" Very well then you can go to the Harishama Village, I will give you a scroll to give the Chief, He will understand it and will let you in, As the General you will be well respected and treated with love and so as my daughter " Emperor Karsas said.

" What about Layla? " Chad asked.

" What about her? "

" Shouldn't she come and bade her father goodbye? She needs to see your face once more before we depart to the Harishama Village to train them, I need them to exploit their RINGAN abilities to the fullest " Chad said.

" No, I need her to be tough and strong...When she returns I want to see that the three of them are very powerful especially my daughter, She has my blood and that makes her stronger unlike the other two " Karsas said.

" My Emperor I am afraid to say this but they aren't ordinary, Emily is a Witch who doesn't really have an idea of her powers and Curtis has a Ninja Abilities including the Arts and Battle mode of a Ninja and Your daughter...I just don't understand how she became this strong " Chad said.

" I don't want to know about my daughter transformation, Just take good care of her and make her strong alright " Emperor Karsas said hurriedly, He watched Chad leave the Throne room and he started muttering some words.

His body started glowing rapidly, His eyes became blue and he slowly began to levitate up in the air, Karsas heard the door opened up and everything returned back to normal, The Four Ultimate commanders walked into the Throne room with a stern look.

" Greetings our great Emperor of the Shirlian Empire, We have bring you grave news to thy humble feet " One of the Ultimate commanders spoke out, The Ultimate commanders are all wearing mask that covers their mouths and noses but reveals their eyes.

" And what news may that be? " Emperor Karsas asked.

Just as how they are about to answer the question, Zaibon walked in with the Six Ultimate Drios coming into behind him, Immediately they entered fully into the Throne room...They all fell on their knees and bowed before The Emperor.

" Greetings Emperor Karsas " The Drios voiced out in unison.

" Greetings to you all, May I ask why you all are here? I remembered that I never summoned the Ultimate Drios here " Karsas demanded, He is already feeling uncomfortable while sitting on his Throne as he stared at the stern faces.

" I will speak, Great Emperor Karsas of the Great and Rich Shirlian Empire, An Empire known to harbor excellent and perfected warriors who will fight for the peace and harmony of the Land, I am sorry to say this but we are all in grave danger " Zaibon voiced.

" And what do you mean by we are all in grave danger? " Emperor Karsas asked.

" My Lord, Someone have found the sealed Cave of the Damned, Someone is trying to set the Seven Demons of Terror free to rampage and Destroy us all " Drio Obeton spoke out and Karsas opened his mouth in shock.

" What? I don't understand? "

" The Cave of the Damned is Were the Seven Demons of Terror were locked up and chained down for two thousand years, It was all a myth until when one successfully escaped by the help of someone Destructive and James had to lock it back " Emperor Obeton said.

" I understand that but what I don't understand is that the Cave of the Damned has been kept under the control of the Dreaded Vragons, No one can easily defeat them " Emperor Karsas said and Zaibon smiled.

" Perhaps as we are determined to find this being, I am still suspecting Drio James, He is one of the feared and bloodlusted warrior, He might be thinking of conqueror us as he form an alliance with us " Drio Votex said.

" I don't believe that and don't you guys accuse James or the Vragon, We don't know anything yet but first we must send spies to survey the entire area were the Cave of the Damned is, We can ambush this being and we will have him executed " Emperor Karsas ordered.

" I am sorry to say but My Lord, Rethink of James being responsible, He is an evil and chaotic man who cares not about anyone but himself, We need to kill him and bring an end to the Vragon Clan once and for all " Drio Konin said.

Emperor Karsas with anger lifted Konin and smashed him hard on the ground, Zaibon only watched with smiles on his face, He is slowly putting hatred in the hearts of the Ultimate Drios and soon the plan will be activated.

" The Mini Chaos is about to begin "