
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Chapter 28: Zaibon's Plan

They already concluded the training session for the day, Craig has beaten his brothers to a bloody pulp and James healed his sons after the Battle, Craig's powers is out of their level and he has become much more stronger.

" Father, We should be getting home now " Craig said and James nodded.

He closed his eyes, When he opened his eyes they were standing at the Entrance of the Castle, Jade and Jace were still lying down weakly on the ground, Their seventh year birthday is around the corner and they are this stronger.

It will take a normal village warrior thirty years for them to be able to reach the strength of Jade, Thirty years hard training none stop, Some people are just lucky that they are blessed with this mighty abilities.

Jade and Jace rised up to their feet and they followed their Father and Elder brother into the Castle, Ignoring the greetings of the Maids and Servants, Jade and Jace ran to hug their mother who is standing before them.

" Here are my two boys, Warriors of Valor " Rhea said with pride as she welcomed her little children hug and he lifted them up immediately, Though she might not be as powerful as her sons are but she has skills when handling swords and dagger.

And besides she has several RINGANS form of her own!

" Welcome my beautiful husband, How is the training today? " Rhea asked and James smiled, Craig followed them from behind, He didn't listen to what his parents were saying because he is thinking of something else.

He remembered when Jace was summoning the Nature's Elements Beasts, He is wondering how Jace came up with those spells, Is it that he learnt it or he created it by himself and besides he knows nothing about that move at all.

" Those brothers of mine are becoming something else, They are reaching greater heights just like I did and I am proud of them, Besides they are not a threat to my throne " Craig said to himself as he bend his head down.

He looked up to see his brothers and his parents staring at him with confusion written on their faces.

" Craig? Is something wrong? " James asked, Craig scratched his head and he smiled, He doesn't want them to think that he is jealous or anything, His mother is a beautiful investigator during her time.

She was a member of the Black Ninja Corps, They are well known assasins that are always sent to kill or wage war, They are also known for covering up their tracks, No witness is left out and their bodies will be cremated.

Although she doesn't have that special and advanced RINGAN except for the Elements RINGAN that James trained her and she perfected, She was the one who trained James in the ways of fighting with weapons.

She is known as the Silencer!

" Nothing Father, I am just thinking something personal " Craig answered, They all entered into the Living room and they relaxed their back on the couch which they sat on, The maids brought in their foods and they were dismissed.

Just as they are all eating, Three warriors walked in and bowed before the Drio's Family, James stared at them and he knew why they had come, They are the Messengers of the Throne, The Elders are calling.

" Tell them that I will come and see them in just five minutes " James voiced out before the Messengers could talk, They nodded and walked out of the room immediately without delay, Delay can means Death.

Ten minutes later, After they are all through with eating, Jade and Jace fell asleep and Rhea took them to their bedroom, James and Craig magestically entered into the Throne room to see the Elders standing as they await the Drio.

Immediately Drio James walked in, All the Elders bowed immediately and he walked over to his throne and relaxed his butt on the throne, The Elders sat down on their sits after the Drio is on the Throne.

" Why hath thou summoned me? " Drio James asked.

" We summoned you here because we have two information that we need inform you about, Elder Yamota answered and James sighed.

" And what may that useful or disturbing Information be? I just returned from training and I am quite tired " James demanded, Craig stood by his side with smiles on his face...He is happy that he is the successor.

" The Black Ninja Corps have finally agreed to sign a peace treaty with you and the Clan, And their Lord demands that he sees his daughter once again " Elder Alonso said and that made James to smile, He is finally signing a peace treaty with the Black Ninja Corps.

" That's a good news Elders, The Silencer, my wife has always and will always be on our side, Signing a peace treaty with the Black Ninja Corps is a great achievement for us, We will all go to their Home to sign and be entertained " James said with smiles on his face.

" My Lord, There is the second information that we will need to tell you and it might not be good to your ears " Elder Yamota said and James nodded,

" Tell me then " James ordered.

" We received words from the hidden Vragon warriors that were sent to patrol all that we kept hidden from the world, The Scout team came back with a disturbing Information that a man from the Shirlian Empire has found the Cave " Elder Yamota said.

" What Cave, Yamota? " Drio James asked.

" We are sorry but it is the Cave that we have all been hiding for years, The Cave of Terror and the man who found the Cave is Said to be a powerful wizard, This is really Dangerous your Lordship " Elder Yamota stated.

" I sensed it, This Can't be happening now " James said, Craig stated at his father in shock and he could see his father's face which is covered with sweats, His father has never told him about any Cave of Terror.

" Father, What is the Cave of Terror? You have never told me about this before? " Craig asked and James faced him, James became calm after seeing the face of his First son Craig, He knows that Craig is always loyal.

" Son, The Cave of Terror is where I, Sorry I meant Alumod locked the Seven Demons of Terror a long time ago, Four Hundred years after the Sealing, A Dark Sorcerer rised and he managed to set one of the Demon's of Terror out and I sealed it back " James answered.

" Whoever that found that Cave has a plan to set it free, I tripled the seal that it nearly absorbed all my energy, It won't be easy to break the seal "James said with smiles on his face.

" Unless the man is the New Dark Priest and he has Dark Beings protecting at all costs " A female voice could be heard, The Priestess appeared immediately and the Elders bowed before her immediately.

" What do you mean by that Priestess? " James asked.

" You asked me to do my research about the New dark Priest that I mentioned and now I have done my research, The person who is given the role as the New Dark Priest of the DarkHold is no one other than you long time friend two hundred years ago " The Priestess answered.

" What are you talking about? " James asked.

" Zaibon is the New Dark Priest, He was chosen because of his rage and hatred towards you, I know he is the Dark Priest but you need to understand that he is not going to be an easy target to kill "

" He has a strong force protecting him at all costs and I just can't figure who and what is protecting him, They might be powerful and unpredictable demons or even gods that I don't know of " The Priestess said.

" And do you know what he has planned out? " James asked.

" No I don't and that's the most frightening of them all, I can't go close to him so that he or they that is guiding him won't notice it, His presence in the Empire as the Prime Minister is what you should be scared of, There is something disastrous he is planning now " The Priestess said and she disappeared immediately.

" What should we do now, Father? " Craig asked.

" We will be heading to the Black Ninja Corps to seal the peace treaty once and for all, I will find a way to put Zaibon to the ground, He is really a nuisance " James said and they all bowed before him immediately.


Few metres away from the Vragon Clan, Zaibon could be seen standing before three injured Ninjas who are on their knees with Bloods gushing out of their stomach, His Black Vipers warriors covered the ground and trees.

" Wow, An invitation for a peace treaty right? Seems the Black Ninja Corps are ready to make friends with the Vragons after all, This will be the perfect time to unleash my evil plans " Zaibon said to himself.

" You won't get away with this!!! " One of the injured warriors said as he continued to bleed, He snapped his finger and the injured warrior's head busted into pieces at once, The invitation turned it ashes after it burned.

" This peaceful party might just be the only way to poison James without his knowledge, The poison will weaken his system and the barrier that protects the Vragons will surely be ripped apart " Zaibon said.

" I guess I will be making use of you two for now, When I am done then I will kill you fools " Zaibon stated, The injured warriors stared at his eyes and they were mind control immediately after seeing the unearthly glow.

" This will be so much fun, While the Vragons shall be handling the poison....I will be planning on setting the Demons of Terror free and the Chaos shall begin "